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Why Immigrants Should Acquire Search

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Would an average U.S. citizen feel violated if they were searched without a warrant for their arrest or a requested search? Warrants should always be required before a search is performed. The government should not have the right to search someone without a warrant at all no questions asked. They should stick to what the Constitution strictly says. The fourth amendment should strongly be supported, because of privacy, warrant requirements, and the police searching a suspect’s phone without a warrant.
U.S. citizens should definitely be able to have privacy from the government, because Mitt Romney and Rick Perry competed to see who could search and find “illegals” more frequently.(Jonah Engle,2011) Linda Chavez, a conservative commentator who served in the Reagan White House, says,” I am hoping it will shake people up”.(Jonah Engle,2011) Romney and Perry think it is ok and fun to have a little competition about searching “illegals”, but it is not ok when they start to feel violated and then that will draw less votes especially from latinos. The vice president of immigration policy at the Center for American Progress said that the …show more content…
Probable cause will not be found where the only evidence of criminal activity is an officer’s “good information” or “belief”.(Donna Batten,2010) When a warrant designates that a person needs to be searched, it must include a description that provides enough detail so that the suspect’s identity can be applied with reasonable certainty.(Donna Batten,2010) Probable has to be established with a testimony made under oath by a police officer appearing before a magistrate.(Donna Batten,2010)The testimony can be both oral or written and not contain any false information or statements.(Donna Batten,2010) The magistrate must be neutral and detached before whom an officer applies for a warrant.(Donna

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