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Dementia And Old Age Analysis

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Essay- I believe that I was able to effectively use the theories of stigma, intersectionality, medicalisation, and social construction to critically analyse and explain the statistics for dementia and old age.
Essay- Had there been words to spare in my essay, I wish I could have been able to provide more detailed evidence for my explanations to strengthen my statements/ arguments.
Workbook- When the appropriate opportunity arose, I wrote about the relevant theories, and posed questions, as well as rebuttals, as to how they would affect a practice-based audience in a real life setting. In similar situations, I also provided my own insight as to what I think could be changed to improve the quality of, and access to health care.
Essay- In terms …show more content…
prevalence, mortality, diagnostic barriers, geographical impacts, gender differences etc.).
Essay- I think that I could have provided more data on residency (i.e. community vs. aged-care facility), and health care services.
Essay- Using the data I had collected, I was able to identify a multitude of population patterns and inequalities, and relate them to the social construction of old age.
Essay- I think the vulnerable group that I focussed on for the majority of my essay was older adults with dementia. However, as I discussed geographical isolation, I should have taken the opportunity to discuss people living with dementia in remote areas in more …show more content…
Workbook- I feel as though I was able to provide appropriate justification for, and show how critical social analysis can be valuable to a practice-based audience, by providing my own, as well as other examples of experiences wherein it could be/was used to improve the quality, access to, and delivery of care.
Workbook- I feel as though I could have provided more suggestions as to how the critical social analysis of health could be applied in a professional practice, and how these can be used to better address the inequalities and inequities experienced by vulnerable groups.
This semester I kept up to date with all of the assessment tasks, following a strict timeline that allowed me to spare time to edit my work and submit it to the Turnitin program prior to submission. Consequently, all my assessments were submitted either early or on time. Moreover, I watched all the lectures before attending my tutorials, and did my readings.
Whilst I did all my readings, towards the end of the semester, I found myself only having the time to read them after my tutorial. I wish I had the time to do them before the tutorial during this time, so that I had a broader set of knowledge to

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