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A Trout Proposal Sample

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Trout need very specific thing in order to live. Trout need things like: light, coldness, oxygen, clean water, PH, food, protection, good bacteria and good microbes.
The trout eggs need darkness to service. The trout eggs need darkness to service. The trout need their water to be not too hot and not too cold or less they could die. 50-56 degrees F. The chiller needs to be on to give off cool air. If the chiller ever stops working as a backup put ice bottles in the water. All trout need 7-10 ppm of oxygen. If oxygen is too low the trout will soon start to become sluggish and could die. Therefore, oxygen needs to be added to the water. The oxygen will be needed to be added to the Air Pump to Air Stone dissolve in the water. The trout need

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