...different leadership styles. Daniel Goleman introduces emotional intelligence and he explains the fundamental elements that define emotional intelligence and make a good leader. Mitch McCrimmon examines thought leadership in the workplace and compares it to shared or positional leadership. Both styles of leadership are similar and yet much different. In order for an organization to be effective, it must utilize both styles of leadership. Today’s economic climate calls for companies to constantly think outside the box and be innovative and in order to do this, organizations need good leadership. What defines good leadership? Both Goleman and McCrimmon give examples of what comprises a true leader and what qualities should a good leader should posses. Leading from the Mind What is leadership? Leadership is defined as the ability to guide or direct a group of individuals. In order to guide or direct a group, one must be able to take charge and influence in an effective way. According to Daniel Goleman, leadership comes from a learned emotional intelligence. Goleman claims that in order to be a good leader, one must possess the quality of empathy. One must be able to emotionally understand others and use this understanding to exert influence. (Goleman, 1998) According to Mitch McCrimmon, anyone can be a leader. McCrimmon claims that leadership comes from ones ability to be innovative and convince others with work backed up by facts. McCrimmon has an idea that leadership happens...
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...A True Leader When we look outside in our business world we see managers, CEOs, executives at the top of their game. Businesses trying to innovate, new industries coming up, new work culture. Companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter which could not have been thought of fifteen years ago being at the top of the Forbes lists. It makes me think what is important to make it to the top, an idea, an innovation, a new way of thinking, giving people what they want or is it something more something to do with the people that come up with all this. Lots of people have ideas and ideas that might sell, lots of innovators out there coming up with new inventions and gadgets, how many of them make it to the top? We all have different thinking everybody is different, giving people what they want well I don’t really know if that is just the only thing required to succeed. Then what is it that is required to be at the top, for me it is a true leader. A leader that leads by example, someone who is aware about himself, his strengths and weaknesses, someone who has taken the lessons he got in his real life and put them to use, Someone who knows where he comes from and where he wants to go. There is no book that would teach a person to be a good leader, no study or research would give a definitive style (George B., 2011). So looking at it from the perspective that leadership is so vital for an organization and there is no definitive style of leadership, then what constitutes a true leader? Phil...
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...Among the many examples of leadership portrayed in this movie is Gerry Bertier, captain of the TC Williams football team. Gerry showed qualities of leadership by taking charge and following through with his responsibility. One of the ways he did this was by dropping Ray, his best friend, from the team due to the fact that Ray was not playing defensively on behalf of his Negro teammates, which resulted in the injury of one of them. Even though this decision threatened his friendship with Ray, Gerry still fulfilled his responsibility. Another quality of leadership Gerry shows is open-mindedness; he connected to all of his teammates—even the black ones. In fact, he became very good friends with Julius Campbell, one of Gerry’s black teammates. Despite the racism and tension in the air, Gerry made it his duty to be positive and lead the Titans to victory. “Remember the Titans” is not only a commemoration of the breaking of racial barriers in Virginia, but also of the true meaning of leadership. Julius Campbell and Gerry Bertier, as well as many other people in this movie, prove the viewers that leadership is about being a trendsetter, standing for what you believe in, and having a positive influence. Successful leaders look for opportunities, not obstacles. Bertier in many ways is the protagonist in this movie however he probably wouldn't want to be considered above anyone or more important than any of his teammates. As one watches "Remember the Titans", Gerry Bertier stands...
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...Lead by Example, Empower Other, and Vision Christine Bowman, Terrance Beard, Katharine Balich, Eduardo Barnet, Andrew Beasley Liberty University Lead by Example, Empower Other, and Vision Being a leader includes a variety of tasks and many responsibilities, not only for the organization and its product or service, but also for the employee. The leader is not on the job solely for ensuring that the workload progresses smoothly and meets deadlines, the leader is also on site to encourage and strengthen his or her employees when operations run efficiently or in crisis. Crisis defines the character of a leader, so it is necessary that the leader prepare themselves with necessary leadership skills. From large to small, leaders play a key role in forming and maintaining a level of change throughout an organization. The concepts discussed in this week’s discussion board...
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...ULTIMATE LEADER The Ultimate Leader | Corinne Carson | Leadership | 2/23/2012 Leadership - MGT-485-O 12 The Ultimate Leader People long to be a part of something that makes a difference; that transcends the ordinary. People need to be led to follow a compelling mission, to find a reason for being, and to discover one’s purpose. A great leader is one who is able to provide a mission, offer motivation, and exude purpose (Hesselbein & Cohen, 1999). The ultimate leader is about the ability to lead followers in a way that provides support, inspiration, and admiration. The following paper will illustrate ultimate leadership with Mohandas Ghandi as the model. Power and influence will be explained as fundamental components of effective leadership. Examples of operative leadership values and traits will be provided. Foundational to leading others is a certain behavior characteristic in the ultimate leader. This paper will explain how followers reacted to Ghandi’s type of leadership, as well as the effects. Ghandi was a spiritual leader of India, yet his leadership penetrated throughout the world. Ghandi, the Ultimate Leader ‘Imitation is the sincerest flattery’ is one of Ghandi’s famous quotes. Honored as the Father of the Nation, Ghandi was a renowned spiritual leader in India and a leading advocate for non-violence. His ability to lead was accomplished using non-violence to achieve his goals. He was an inspirational leader fighting for...
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...Our society depends on the abilities of our leaders and how well they can do their jobs. A leader is someone that many people look to for direction, guidance, and inspiration, so it is important for our leaders to have the aptitude to make difficult decisions and to know and do what is right for the people. A higher authority is crucial for supervising and regulating others as well as being an example of a hard and dedicated worker. An effective leader has character, competence, compassion, and courage. Character is, as discussed in class, possibly the most important characteristic of a leader. A person’s true character is who they are when they are put in a difficult situation. It is the decisions and the morality of a leader that gives them the respectable character that others look to follow. It is essential for a leader to have character because a leader needs the ability to see what other cannot, the sacrifices that must be made, even if the sacrifice is their own, or another person’s life. The second characteristic is competence. Having Competence means that one knows what must be done. It is possessing the skills to do ones task properly. This quality is vital for a leader because they are the people that command others. If they themselves do not know what their job is, it will be difficult to properly instruct others. Thirdly, Compassion is important for a leader to have because when the people see that the leader cares for them, they will be more trusting of...
Words: 604 - Pages: 3
...Leadership Point of View To be a good leader you must first know of to follow. My first job was at McDonald’s when I was 15; I have to say the greatest influences in my life came from my time at McDonald’s. Two managers come to mind Marilyn Smith and Ambrose King. Ambrose was the store manager, and the leader he believed in treating every employee with the same respect, and dignity he expected to receive. He never acted as if he was better than anyone else or that there was anything he was too good to do. He would never ask you to do something he would not or had not done, for example cleaning up after an ill customer. He taught me that a true leader is humble, patient, and kind. He was the type of leader who did not need to ask for or command respect it was given willingly because he earned it. Marilyn was the first African American woman in my life at that time that had accomplished something. She was the assistant store manager, and she was hard working dependable, confident, and well respected behind her back, and in her face. Good managers need certain skills to manage, conceptual, interpersonal, technical, and political (Robert Katz 1974, p. 901-902). I may not have known it at that time, but I know now that it is a rare thing to find all these skills in the same manager, and Marilyn had them all. The most important thing I learned from her is to have confidence in my abilities and others will see it, do the work and, learn the job inside and out. The one event or time...
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...Our society depends on the abilities of our leaders and how well they can do their jobs. A leader is someone that many people look to for direction, guidance, and inspiration, so it is important for our leaders to have the aptitude to make difficult decisions and to know and do what is right for the people. A higher authority is crucial for supervising and regulating others as well as being an example of a hard and dedicated worker. An effective leader has character, competence, compassion, and courage. Character is, as discussed in class, possibly the most important characteristic of a leader. A person’s true character is who they are when they are put in a difficult situation. It is the decisions and the morality of a leader that gives them the respectable character that others look to follow. It is essential for a leader to have character because a leader needs the ability to see what other cannot, the sacrifices that must be made, even if the sacrifice is their own, or another person’s life. The second characteristic is competence. Having Competence means that one knows what must be done. It is possessing the skills to do ones task properly. This quality is vital for a leader because they are the people that command others. If they themselves do not know what their job is, it will be difficult to properly instruct others. Thirdly, Compassion is important for a leader to have because when the people see that the leader cares for them, they will be more trusting of...
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...Promoting Performers Instead of Leaders Anonymous Leadership and Organizational Behavior INTRODUCTION State Street Bank and Trust is considered to be one of the leaders in today’s financial industry. In fact, State Street is among the world’s largest global investment firms for institutional investors and high net-worth individuals. The company serves as a bank and trust for asset management, responsible for managing, servicing, researching, and trading for over eighty percent of the top one hundred investment managers. When the United States economy hit an all-time low in 2009, the company’s response was cutting all positions by $10,000 dollars. While our country remains in a recession like state, the organization has continued to cut all positions salary levels; resulting in high turnover rates and a lack in recruiting high quality candidates. High turnover rates and the “promote within” company cultural belief has left most departments with inexperienced or inadequate upper management. State Street has also cut ninety percent of their IT department in an effort to reduce expenses; leading to employee frustration and decreased productivity. Several employees are getting terminated due to their lack of motivation and productivity; others take promotions elsewhere and search for healthier company cultures. Recently State Street has undergone thirty percent turnover at the manager level within three months. The turnover experienced at State Street was directly...
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...This is a summary of the article The Emotional Intelligence of Leaders by Daniel Goleman in Leader to Leader. Goleman’s main point was to establish that the best leaders posses a skill that is learned, a skill called emotional intelligence. All leaders have credentials that make them good. Intellectually gifted leaders posses many innate abilities such as ambition, perseverance, and commitment. However, Goleman makes a case that better leaders often posses other abilities that make them more effective. These components are listed in the article as self-awareness, ability to manage emotions, motivating others, showing empathy, and staying connected. Goleman explains that many of these functions stem from a certain part of the brain that allows truly effective leaders to develop and control emotions. An effective leader knows his or her strengths and limitations. They are typically self-confident as well. A leader with this ability is capable of making the toughest of decisions that are more in line with their values. The component the author speaks of in the article that fits this mold is considered self-awareness. Leaders with self-awareness know their strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives. They tend to be able to suspend judgment and not be overly critical of others, honest both with themselves and others. The author suggests that leaders with the ability to manage emotions are keenly skilled at controlling impulses. People that can manage emotions are...
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...ultimate example of a leader who took on the form of a servant and humbled himself even to death on the cross in order to fulfill His Father's redemptive plan for humanity. His example far surpasses the attempts Christian leaders make today unless they apply Philippians 2:5 to their lives: "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." There are many seminars and conferences offered consistently throughout the country that address the qualities leaders need to be successful in business or in life in general. Leadership skills such as organization, planning, visionary techniques, relationship management strategies and assertiveness training are all emphasized as being crucial. Even though there are important skills to be learned in order to succeed in life, an interesting paradox is drawn between the qualities of a Christian leader and the worldly leader. Leaders often get a bad reputation for their means of achieving success. For example, many times skills such as focusing on goals no matter the circumstances, doing whatever it takes to get the job done and stepping on others to reach the top have become the norm within the cooperate or secular workplace. Unfortunately, this mindset is also reflected in the lives of many Christians. That is not to say that leaders' qualities such as a good work ethic, personal determination and undaunted focus on the right goals are not found within many secular and Christian models. However, the servant leadership example of Jesus...
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...leadership involve process of influencing people intentionally to lead, and build relationships in an organization (Yukl, 2010). Some leaders are born to become leaders and leadership is a natural skill that they own and do not have to build from scratch. However, in an organization most leaders need to reach some degree of work experience to become successful. This paper will emphasize the behavioral approach, including strengths, and weaknesses as well as an example of this leadership approach used in an organization. Behavior Approach is one of the major research approaches for studying leadership that begins back in the early 1950s after scientists start paying more attention to the behaviors of managers. Leaders are individuals who have characters, behaviors, and abilities to make others complete theirs tasks needed to accomplish the target goals for the company. The behavior approach focuses on the behavior of leaders and their method of accomplishing tasks. The main strength of the behavior leadership approach is that the leader usually carries certain skills and behaviors that fit the whole team and lead to working chemistry that leads to a success in an organization. In this method of leadership, the behavior of leaders is the determining factor of the high performance of a group. This technique emphasizes the leaders’ behaviors and how they perform their tasks in examining the values of a leader relevant for explaining the efficiency of this style of leadership...
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...According to John C. Maxwell in his book The Laws of Leadership, a leader is: “...one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” There can be no progress, innovation, or evolution without some form of leadership. At Southern Methodist University, I know I must show leadership to other students: I must set an example for others to follow. Even so, how should I show leadership? What guide am I supposed to look to? Where do I begin? To answer these questions, I look to my past to positive influences. In my experience, I have known and revered many individuals that can only be described as leaders. From my family and my peers to my pastor, all of these people have created an example that I hope to replicate in my near future. What all...
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...leadership suggests that possessing certain quality’s will allow the leader to lead with authority and not just power. In this paper, we will examine servant leadership and how servant leadership is used in a business setting. We will also compare and contrast an example of servant leadership using the Maxwell leadership bible and Jim Beam Brands in Frankfort KY. Finally, we will discuss how Rick Purvis uses servant leadership in his place of employment. Now, lets get started by describing what servant leadership is. Servant leadership is described in an essay published by Robert K. Greenleaf. In his essay, Robert Greenleaf said: The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions…The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature (www.greenleaf.org, 2008). Servant Leaders are respected, listened to, and valued, even though they may not manage others (Davies, 2006). In short, servant leaders are individuals that lead by asking how they can help. They are not motivated by personal goals to gain authority. True servant leaders are motivated by a personal need to help others and create a positive...
Words: 1883 - Pages: 8
...underappreciated things that companies take for granted. Leaders do not simply grow on trees and they are not easy to find. Many people believe that leading is the same as managing and that is simply not the case. The two are very different and each affect the company in different ways. Having effective leadership in an organization can lead to many positive things including more efficient and productive workers. Leadership is the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals (Williams, 2014, p. 291). Managers tend to focus on doing the right things, but leaders are focused on doing the right thing. There are many notions about what a so called leader should possess. Leadership has played an important role throughout history. Whatever we do or wherever we go, there are leaders providing leadership in our lives. Different types of leaders and different approaches to leadership exist and all are used differently by different people. These methods view leadership through different perspectives. A leadership style refers to the leaders who carry out the roles and responsibilities of the leadership process. Just look around and I bet you can think of a handful of leaders just off the top of your head that are people you look up to. As Brian Tracy states “Leaders are made, not born. Nobody comes into the world as a natural leader. A person becomes a leader by, first of all, deciding to become a leader, and second of all, by learning the skills necessary to “elicit...
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