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Empower Other And Vision Of Leadership Research Paper

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Lead by Example, Empower Other, and Vision
Christine Bowman, Terrance Beard, Katharine Balich, Eduardo Barnet, Andrew Beasley
Liberty University

Lead by Example, Empower Other, and Vision
Being a leader includes a variety of tasks and many responsibilities, not only for the organization and its product or service, but also for the employee. The leader is not on the job solely for ensuring that the workload progresses smoothly and meets deadlines, the leader is also on site to encourage and strengthen his or her employees when operations run efficiently or in crisis. Crisis defines the character of a leader, so it is necessary that the leader prepare themselves with necessary leadership skills. From large to small, leaders play a key role in forming and maintaining a level of change throughout an organization. The concepts discussed in this week’s discussion board …show more content…
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