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ACA Ethical Model Summary

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An essential step in this model is to be aware of the relevant ACA ethical codes that the decision should follow. In this case, Clare must review a few codes that are pertinent to this case. Code A.1.a. is Primary Responsibly and asserts that the counselor must respect the dignity and promote the welfare of clients. Code A.4.a is Avoiding Harm and explains that counselors will avoid harming their clients at all costs and minimize the possibility of unintentional harm. Code A.4.b., Personal Values, ensures that counselors are “aware of, and avoid imposing, their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors” (ACA, 2014, pg. 5). Also, counselors respect the diversity of their clients and their values. Code A.6.b. is Extending Counseling Boundaries …show more content…
Code 1.3, Multiple Relationships, discusses that marriage and family therapists (MFTs) should be aware of their influential position over clients and avoid exploiting a client’s trust. Additionally, the code says that MFTs avoid multiple relationships with clients that impair professional judgment or potentially exploit the client. Code 1.7, explains that MFTs do not use their professional relationship to further their own interests. Code 1.10, Referrals, outlines that MFTs assist a client in obtaining other therapeutic services if the therapist cannot for professional reasons. Code 3.4, Conflicts of Interest, asserts that MFTs “do not provide services that create a conflict of interest that may impair work performance or clinical judgment” (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 2012, pg. …show more content…
(2015, as cited in Sheperis, et al., 2015) model is to have knowledge of the laws and regulations that govern counselor practice in New Jersey. It is common that professional ethics often conflict with state and federal laws, so awareness of what is legally required of Clare is essential. Title 13 of the New Jersey Administrative Code overviews law and public safety in regards to counselors (NJ Consumer Affairs, 2015). Subchapter 30 describes the business practices and professional conduct, citing two laws applicable to this case. Statute 13.34-30.3, Multiple Clients, states that counselors must disclose in writing at the onset of the relationship, which people are involved and the nature of each relationship. There also must be disclosure in the client’s records. Therefore, if Clare decided to take on both Amy and her sister as clients, she will need to keep up to date notes and include her reasoning for engaging in the

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