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Infidelity Research Paper

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Crisis with Individuals, Couples, and/Families In the calm of life, out of nowhere life has a way of pulling the rug from underneath and causing a plethora of individual, couple, and family crises. A crisis can cause the physical, mental, and emotional strain on an individual, and family. There are times when counseling is an option, and times were due to cultural factors counseling is not warranted. There are many different types of family and individual crises. To be discussed in this paper is a suicide and infidelity crisis. Interventions, and assessments will also be discussed.
The Crisis of Suicide Workers who deal with any type of crisis client should always assess for the presence of clues and risk factors for lethal behavior. The …show more content…
According to recent census data, approximately 50% of first marriages end in divorce, infidelity can be considered as one of life's most stressful events. When a couple discovers that a partner has been unfaithful, this can cause a feeling of betrayal that is difficult for the couple to deal with. Marital infidelity is a multifaceted problem that frequently causes couples to enter marital therapy (Bagarozzi, 2008).
Presenting for counseling is a 35-year-old African American heterosexual couple in marital distress. The husband recently discovered that his wife of 15 years, has been involved in an affair for the past year. The discovery of an extramarital relationship by a spouse frequently is the precipitating factor that causes a couple to enter marital therapy (Bagarozzi, 2008).
Infidelity Assessment
One of the first steps to take place in counseling a coupling dealing with infidelity is to determine what type or types of extramarital relationships have occurred (Bagarozzi, 2008). Another assessment that a counselor should consider is the level of marital satisfaction, commitments, and if there are any barriers that exist to prevent divorce (Bagarozzi, …show more content…
There are many cultures that refer to the nuclear family while others honor a multigenerational connotation (McGoldrick & Ashton, 2010). As a counselor, when dealing with ethical issues and infidelity I am expected to follow the guidelines in place. The ACA guidelines code A.2.c state that as a counselor I am expected to show cultural sensitivity to my clients and to continue my develop in this area. From a legal perspective, the code of ethics, B.1., state that as a counselor is to respect the client’s rights. The B.4.b. code of ethics speaks specifically to Couples and Family Counseling. From a cultural younger African American tend to view cheating as inevitable even in committed relationships (Macauda, Erickson, & Singer, 2011). White males accounted for 7 of the 10 suicides in 2015 (Suicide Statistics.

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