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Tundra Biome Research Paper

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With a protective layer of 9.3 miles, the ozone layer is a requirement for the advancement of not only mankind, but Earth itself. An increase of carbon in the atmosphere leads to the weakening of the planet’s shield, allowing the Sun’s ultraviolet rays to penetrate the Tundra Biome. The rays given off by the Sun produce heat waves that impact ice-covered areas, but the Tundra is also covered by a blanket of Carbon, which is integrated with the thawing ice, and is eventually released. Carbon increases the temperature, leading to more ice melting and excessive carbon is released once more, beginning a cycle that will never end until the Tundra Biome is melted away into a Grassland.

The condition of the Tundra Biome is an unwelcoming landscape. Its ice freezing …show more content…
From 1950-2000, the temperature increased to an average of about 37.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Other research conducted by Canadians correlates with the recent temperature increase. In 1968, glaciers covered approximately 22% of Earth, 36 years later in 2004, glaciers were reported to cover only 12% of earth, a substantial drop of 10% in less than 40 years. With inconsistent temperatures, the ability to maintain life forms in the Biome is extremely difficult. Native species are either becoming extinct in the Tundra, or are migrating for a better chance at survival. An example considered could the Cod fish. In 1950, there were a massive amount of 2500 fish. By 1995, there were only 250 Cod in the Southern Grand Bank located in Ontario, which is a 90% decrease due to carbon not only released from the thawing ice, but also in aid of pollution released from the city of Ontario itself. Not only is the carbon affecting native species, but the increase of temperature is spreading and beginning to harm other animals located near the Biome. Recent studies conclude that the wolf population

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