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Birthright Citizenship Research Paper

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Birthright citizenship is the practice of granting automatic citizenship to children who are born in the United States, regardless of the citizenship status of their parents. Federal law currently grants the majority of children born in the U.S automatic citizenship; this law is controversial amongst policymakers because it grants children of illegal immigrants citizenship and incentivizes immigration to the United States. In the year 2010 alone, there were over 4 million children in the United States born from illegal parents as well as nearly 10% of children born in the United States are born from at least one illegal parent. In addition to children born from illegal parents, each year there are around 200,000 children …show more content…
The first of the two principles is ‘jus soli’ (the law of the soils) where the place of a person’s birth naturally determines their citizenship according to the 14th Amendment and the common laws used in the U.S. The second principle in federal law pertains to ‘jus sanguinis’(the law of the bloodline) where a person born in the U.S can adopt the citizenship of one or both parents, subject to changes in the statutes that grant citizenship ("7 FAM 1110 Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by Birth in the United States"). The federal government offers clarity on the situation by defining the regions or areas that warrant automatic citizenship allocation to newborns regardless of the parents nationality or citizenship …show more content…
Reliance on the Constitution has revealed several loopholes that continue to create a population distribution imbalance in the country as more and more children are born in the U.S via illegal parents. The majority of these cases end up in the court system where the judge reiterates the position outlined in the Constitution. The 14th Amendment clearly allocates unalienable rights to individuals born in the United States regardless of the nationality of the parent. (“7 FAM 1110 Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by Birth in the United States”). The two methods mentioned above exemplify some of the efforts of the U.S to regulate its population growth by controlling the birth of new American citizen from illegal immigrants and foreign nationals living in the U.S.. The best mechanism for dealing with the excess population growth discussed above involves the introduction of statutes and policies that would regulate population growth and redefining the criteria for allocating U.S

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