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Mental Health Case Study Naudia

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Words 488
Pages 2
Goal 1: Naudia will stabilize her mental health symptoms.

Naudia's mother informed the team Naudia is getting adequate sleep because she takes naps throughout the day. Naudia's mother acknowledged, "I have not talked to Naudia about her rape because I don't know how she will take it if I bring it up." Naudia has been reluctant to talk about the trauma she faced which has been a barrier to treatment her anxiety. Naudia's mother reported, "Naudia asked me to testify against the man; however, I don't feel like she is ready to see him." QP has assessed Naudia has made moderate progress with stabilizing her mental health symptoms, as indicated by Naudia not having any SI and getting adequate sleep each night.

Goal 2: Naudia will improve her behavior at home and in the community.

Naudia's mother stated, "Naudia struggles with cleaning her room and being organized." Naudia has not engaged in any stealing. Naudia's drug results came back negative for any drug usage. Naudia's mother informed the team they have a good relationship and she is no longer interested in out of home …show more content…
Naudia has not been suspended this school year; however, she has had ISS multiple times. Naudia is not passing her classes with a C or better; therefore, she has to attend summer school. Naudia's mother commented Naudia will receive transportation to summer school, but Naudia is going stay home for the rest of the summer after summer school. Naudia's mother listened as the QP informed her Naudia can register for summer camp in the middle of summer if there is availability. Naudia's mother stated, "I have not received any phone calls from the school lately." QP has assessed Naudia has made limited progress with maintaining positive academic performance, as indicated by Naudia's behavior improving; however, her academics have not improved, so summer school is

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