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Art Shading Definition

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What is art, how can it be defined? Art is a way of expressing feelings in numerous ways. Some examples of art: drawing, painting, dance, music, etc. The art that is used in my project is a mixture of shading and a type of drawing style called Grid method of sizing. This project was originally a project that was for Art. I hadn’t really put much work into it, until I had this opportunity to compete in STEAM. The furthest recording that scientist can acquire are those of the people of the caves. These drawings were pictures of the cave men in which they had faced there endeavors. These drawings may not have been what we call “good” but they birthed the modern day version of art. It had evolved from stick figures, to hieroglyphics, to landscapes, …show more content…
I had a smaller picture of his shoulders and up. With this picture I had to use the grid method of drawing to make the smaller picture unto a larger picture, whilst keeping the proportions similar. The hardest part of the drawing was the background, and the shading of the backdrop, in which you would have to have different shades of black, grey, and white.
Shading was the key object used in my drawing. Shading determines the look of the piece and makes the drawing look realistic. Shading can make a picture turn from a two dimension drawing to a three dimension object, which is really important when you want to draw a realistic piece. Shading also gives a sense of the light reflecting off of an object, allowing it to look three dimensional. I used shading in the piece to show the light of the background and make the picture really pop out at the viewer.
Paper was and is needed in mostly every attempt at art. The production of paper is commonly argued that it was created in 105 A.D. by the Eastern Han Emperor Ho-di’s Ts’ai Lun. Paper was used at the time to create “Origami,” a type of art in which you fold paper in an order that the product is an object that similar to a human, animal,

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