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Conspiracy Theory Research Paper

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While conspiracy theories have existed since the beginning of media in one form or another, they have been especially prevalent in the last few decades. Ever since the invention of the internet, the spread of self published ideas has been easier than ever, resulting in the growing number of skeptics. Conspiracy theories have been widely accepted more than ever since the previous presidential election, as mainstream media outlets picked up several theories regarding the two main candidates. So to understand this broadening phenomena, one must know the kind of people who believe conspiracy theories, why they are inclined to believe them, and what effects they are having on the world. Identifying the people who tend to believe conspiracy theories …show more content…
No matter whether one is liberal, moderate, or conservative, it is found that these groups are all susceptive to conspiracies, but for different reasons. For example, some right-wingers agree with the idea that Obama was never born in the United States, and that his birth certificate is forged (Martin). Conversely, a common liberal conspiracy involves the Federal Reserve, and the theory that the recession in 2008 was created to them more power over money supply. Both of these claims, though very different, are flawed by their shortage of factual support. One draw of conspiracy theories is to reaffirm preexisting beliefs. Prejudice, racism, and bigotry can contribute to conspiracies regarding a specific group much like political biases can affect one’s viewpoints. In situations similar to the liberal example stated previously, the appearance of conspiracy theories has followed a distinct trend. Oaklander highlights that a large portion of conspiracy theories pop up after traumatic events when people are fearful or uncertain of their future and safety. Specific examples of this can be seen after 9/11, the Sandy Hook shooting, and the Great Recession. With conspiracy theories to explain these events in a more or less simplistic style, it gives people a sense of security and knowledge that helps them cope with what they want reality to be. Another case for diagnosing the creation of …show more content…
In the past few years, two conspiracy theories have become major headline issues: vaccinations and global warming. First, there has been a large notion that vaccine usage is linked with the development of autism in children. As a result, parents who believe this theory prevent their children from being vaccinated, despite no clear evidence showing a connection. As Jolley illustrates, the invention of the vaccine was a huge scientific accomplishment that ended diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella. It is thought that the theory that vaccines cause autism originates from a piece by Andrew Wakefield in 1998 in The Lancet, and his evidence presented since then has been debunked along with his medical license being revoke. Regardless, the anti-vax movement continued strong with clear repercussions, claiming “Big Pharma” attempts to cover up side effects of their vaccinations in the name of profit. Although it was considered eradicated merely 14 years prior, in 2008 the United Kingdom announced measles to be a nationwide endemic. It is thought that a large contribution to this has come from the lack of faith in vaccines. The second big debate has centered on the issue of global warming. Douglas in her report cites that officially, many governments and scientists around the world contribute global warming to everyday processes that

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