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Reflective Memo

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For our Core 102-20 we were assigned to write a Reflective Memo to talk about the all the assignments we’ve done this semester and the steps we used to complete each assignment. The class theme is unsolved mysteries and conspiracy theories. This course requires you to complete four major essays. In order to receive credit for each essay, you MUST turn in every essay or it results in automatic failure of the class no matter what your grade is. The required texts & materials for this course is the Core Handbook; the PDF version is on the D2L homepage. You must have access to email and upload article to D2L by smartphone, tablet or laptop. You must bring paper, pens/pencil, journal and loose-leaf paper to class. You will not be able …show more content…
For this class, you will complete four major essays. You will complete the following: Researched Argument Essay, Approaches to Oral Argument, Informative Essay and Reflective Memo. Along with this course you will complete 10 quizzes which come out of the textbook that you’ll need for this class. Every other day, you will be assigned chapter reading that you must read in order to take the quiz. Each quiz will be five written questions and will have to be finished in seven minutes. For the 10 quizzes you complete, your two lowest grades will be dropped. For this course you will have to learn to interact with others and be able to discuss openly about the assignments you will do and get feedback from your …show more content…
For this paper, we had to analyze the speaker's body language and oral communication and determine each of the rhetorical appeals from the video. For this assignment, I picked the detective who handled the JonBenet Ramsey case. I watched the video over and over again with the caption on and took my notes on that. From watching the video over and over again, I was able to provide a really good summary of what happened to Jonbenet, because during her video she went step by step describing what happened. What I struggled with this assignment was really identifying the detective’s body language and how she communicated effectively or ineffectively. I would recommend anyone who does this assignment to really pay attention to the video and not about what happened, instead pay attention to her body language and her oral

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