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On-The-Job Back Injuries: A Case Study

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There are many concerns nurses face when trying to provide quality care to patients. However, due to longer work hours considered standard to nurses, demands associated with patient handling that includes the obesity epidemic our nation faces, and poor back health on-the-job back injuries have become a major concern in the nursing profession today. Not only do back injuries contribute to health care cost and put significant financial burden on medical facilities and staff across the nation, it is contributing to a nursing shortage that is being felt across the country.

Prevention programs have shown to be cost effective by significantly minimize back injuries suffered by nurses and a substantial reduction in costs due to lower amounts of worker’s compensation claims has been noted as well. Such low-cost programs include options such as properly …show more content…
I also asked her to elaborate on the injuries nurses in her department face. Betsy, without hesitation said, “lower-back sprains and strains.” She continued telling me, “patients in my department are there to have a baby and our job is to assist them with that journey. The positions we find ourselves in when trying to manipulate a patient’s legs who have had an epidural, there’s no wonder our department sees the number of back-injuries it does.”

When asked about procedures put in place to avoid these types of injuries Betsy stated that when new employees are trained they are taught techniques to properly lift patients. However, she did mention she hadn’t had further instruction in years. She also mentioned the training they provided did not pertain specifically to an OB nurse, stating they require a different set of techniques and instruction working in the OB department. (B. Saylor, personal communication, February 9,

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