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Movie Theater Research Paper

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Going to the movies as a child was one of my most favorite things to do. It was also a privilege so for many of us to get to attend a movie. Going to the movies is still a fun thing to do today but technology, cleanliness, and the thought of violence happening in a theater tends to keep people at home to watch movies.
Technology today has allowed us to pretty much be in contact with anyone at any time. It is not uncommon to be sitting in movie and a phone ring or get a notification. While most people have their phone on silent were no one can hear others, feel it is appropriate to take a call while the movie is in progress. This can cause patrons to become distracted and frustrated. A lot of people who go to the movies go to get away and relax. They are trying to get away and enjoy themselves. I have noticed many times the blue glow of screens from cell phone usage. Though this may not bother some, I have found it to be very distracting. People would rather watch a movie in their own home than waste their money being distracted by electronic devices. …show more content…
People are more likely to leave there trash in the floor or seats at the movie theater. This would not be a problem if whatever you brought into the theater you would bring out. While movie theater employees do their best to clean between shows they can not clean everything. We know that the food and drinks that are left in seats and cup holders have germs. By throwing you stuff away could help to cut down on viruses being spread and the employees work load. People lean towards not attending movies because of how dirty they are, but instead wait for the movies to be release and watch them at

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