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AU Section 316: Case Study

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The AICPA’s AU Section 316 states auditors should implement considerations of fraud in their financial statement audits. An auditor is responsible for attaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement from either error or fraud. (PCAOB, n.d.a) When conducting an audit every activity implemented must be documented or there is no proof it ever occurred.
The first course of action I would implement in my audit is a brainstorming session during the planning phase of the audit as is required by the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). An additional session before substantive testing occurs would be implemented to address issues that may have arisen during test of controls. Issues such as …show more content…
Ineffective internal controls increase the risk of management manipulation of significant accounts such as revenue. Specifically, a useful tool to understanding internal control is inquiry. For example, the audit team would inquire to understand polices for revenue recognition. The team would perform walkthroughs. The fraud triangle is also helpful here in identifying how management or employees feel about fraud or the risk they see for fraud. Inquiring with operating personnel can provide a different point of view. You can ascertain whether these supposed polices and procedure are used. (Hall, …show more content…
Generally, revenue is considered a high-risk area for management manipulation in any industry. (Hall, 2018). According to Auditing Standard No.12 risk assessment procedures should be performed to identify, “[…] unusual or unexpected relationships involving revenue accounts that might indicate a material misstatement, including material misstatement due to fraud.” (PCAOB, n.d.b) For example, a questionnaire distributed to operating and accounting personnel to measure how controls are implemented during the revenue cycle. A risk assessment procedure could include a questionnaire inquiring about issues such as employee’s who handle cash, reconciling activities ethic training and ethics communication to staff. (Hall, 2018). Risk assessment also includes analytical procedure such as the company’s financial ratios compared to industry standards on growth, cash flow etc. (Aldridge,2016). All activities should be properly, thoroughly documented and maintained throughout the audit as it occurred. (PCAOB, n.d.a) Brainstorming, understanding internal control through inquiry and the performance of risk assessment procedure are not separate unrelated topics. An auditor must be aware of their integrated nature to thoroughly consider

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