Hocutt Baptist Church
We declare and establish this constitution for the preservation and security of the principles of our faith so that this body may be governed in an orderly manner. This constitution will preserve the liberties of each individual member of this church and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to other churches of the same faith.
This body shall be known as the Hocutt Baptist Church. The church is located in the town of Clayton, North Carolina in Johnston County.
The history of Hocutt Baptist Church began on January 13, 1957, when the church was officially organized. Early efforts date back to November 26, 1956.
The 63 charter members met in homes for prayer and discussion concerning the organization of the church. The first services were held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pulley. After this, permission was given for use of the Clayton Woman’s Club as a temporary place of worship, and the group worshipped there until the completion of the first unit of the building.
Many people made sacrificial efforts in the organization of the church. Committees were formed, and much work was accomplished. Rev. J.L. Atkins, first pastor of the church, conferred with the pastor of the First Baptist Church, and other leaders in the Association. The organization meeting was set for January 13, 1957, at 3:00 PM at the Clayton’s Woman’s Club.
A free will offering was taken during the organizational meeting and sent to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, marking the beginning of the outreach program at Hocutt Baptist Church.
The new church was named in honor of Dr. B. A. Hocutt for his many contributions to the Clayton community. Ground breaking for the first church building took place on February 17, 1957, on land donated to the church by Mrs. B. A. Hocutt.
The first phase of the building program was completed and services held on June 16, 1957. The sanctuary was completed in June of 1961. In November of 1975, the church dedicated an educational unit. In January of 2002, a new multipurpose building opened and was dedicated to the Lord.
Through the years, Hocutt Baptist Church has seen visions and has dreamed dreams concerning its mission. God has blessed the church as it has followed Christ’s leadership. By the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit, the church seeks to proclaim the gospel and minister to all peoples. The church will heed the words of Jesus our Savior and Lord to “make disciples.”
From the first 63 members, the membership has increased and will continue to increase as long as the members of Hocutt Baptist Church seek after God’s good and perfect will.
Being led by the Holy Spirit, we the members of Hocutt Baptist Church, believe our purposes are to: worship God; evangelize the lost; fellowship together; minister to those in need; and disciple members to a greater Christian maturity.
Worship God - Hebrews 12:28-29
True worship is single-minded, unhindered, unqualified concentration on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Evangelize the lost - Matthew 28:18-20
Evangelism is the purposeful participation of individual believers and the church in God’s plan of salvation for sinful man. This means we are to “go” and “tell” the good news of Jesus Christ to lost people around the world.
Fellowship together - Acts 2:44-47
Fellowship is a powerful testimony to the unsaved world. Fellowship shows the power of a resurrected Savior. Fellowship binds and holds Christ’s church together.
Minister to those in need - Matthew 20:25-28
Ministry is having the heart of a servant. It is seeking to identify oneself with Jesus. When we do this as a church we will meet the needs of all people, no matter what their condition. The church will please God only when it seeks to serve. Jesus said, “I have come not to be served, but to serve.” The church should have the same attitude.
Disciple members - Matthew 28:18-20
The people of Christ as disciple-makers should live their lives in a state of continual learning and growing. The church needs to keep obeying that which Jesus commanded. His ideas, words, and commands are what the church should teach every member.
As a constant memorial to our Christian faith and worship, our church observes periodically the two New Testament church ordinances: the ordinance of baptism and the ordinance of communion (also called the Lord’s Supper).
Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose it. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation, which are common among Baptist churches. Insofar as is practical, this church will cooperate with and support the Johnston Baptist Association and North Carolina Baptist State Convention affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.
As a member church of the Southern Baptist Convention, we affirm the “Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted in June 2000 by the Convention. This statement of faith addresses all aspects of the Christian worldview, including specific belief statements about the Scriptures, God, Man, Salvation, God's Purpose of Grace, the Church, Baptism, the Lord's Supper, the Lord's Day, the Kingdom, Last Things, Evangelism and Missions, Education, Stewardship, Cooperation, the Social Order, Peace and War, Religious Liberty, and the Family. A copy of the “Baptist Faith and Message” can be obtained by visiting the church office or the Southern Baptist Convention website at www.sbc.net.
This Constitution may be amended, altered, or repealed by two-thirds vote of all members of the church that are present and entitled to vote at any regular or specially called business meeting; provided that such amendment, alteration, or repeal has been announced and offered in writing to the church (e.g., church bulletin announcement) at least two weeks prior to the time the vote is taken.
The adoption of this Constitution shall affect a repeal of all previously adopted rules in conflict herewith. A copy of this Constitution shall at all times be kept by the Church Clerk among his/her records and another copy shall be kept in the church, and all amendments to or additions thereof shall, after passage by the church, be prepared by the Church Clerk and posted in the Constitution and made available to the church members upon request.
SECTION 1. GENERAL This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the right of exclusive self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.
The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership. The membership of this church shall be composed of persons who have given evidence of regeneration, who have been baptized by immersion, who will subscribe to the Covenant and to the Constitution of the church, and who have been received by a two-thirds majority vote of the church.
SECTION 2. CANDIDACY Any person may offer himself/herself as a candidate for membership in this church. All such candidates shall be presented to the church at any regular worship service for membership in the following ways: • By receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord and being baptized by immersion; • Or, by transferring your letter of membership from another Baptist Church; • Or, by statement from a church of like faith where you received Christ and were baptized by immersion; • Or, by baptism if you previously have received Christ but have not been baptized by immersion; • And, by completing the Church Covenant classes of the church.
Should there be any dissent as to any candidate, such dissent shall be referred to the Senior Pastor and the deacons for investigation and the making of a recommendation to the church within thirty (30) days. A two-thirds vote of those members present and voting shall be required to elect such candidates to membership.
SECTION 3. CHURCH COVENANT CLASSES Prior to achieving full membership status within the church, each prospective member must complete a series of Church Covenant classes. These classes will be designed to communicate the core beliefs, values, and guiding principles at Hocutt Baptist Church so that each participant can make an informed decision with regards to their prospective membership. The Senior Pastor and/or his designee(s) will determine the specific content and length of the Church Covenant classes. Any person who has not completed the Church Covenant classes is not eligible to vote on any issues presented at a regular or specially called business meeting, nor is he/she eligible to hold office or lead any ministry activities within the church. After completing all Church Covenant classes, the prospective member shall be brought before the church for approval of full membership. In some cases, church approval of a prospective member could be delayed until the Senior Pastor and/or his designee(s) has seen evidences of a changed life.
SECTION 4. CHURCH DISCIPLINE Any member of the church or member of the church staff who consistently neglects his/her duties or is guilty of conduct that is contrary to Biblical principles, and/or dishonoring to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and/or otherwise damaging to the church body as a whole shall be subject to church discipline in accordance with Scriptural teachings as set forth in Matthew 5:23-24; Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11; Galatians 6:1-2; and Titus 3:9-11. The principles set forth in 1 Timothy 5:17-21 should also be followed for church discipline involving a pastor.
The purposes and benefits of church discipline are as follows: 1) repentance, reconciliation, and spiritual growth of the individual being disciplined; 2) instruction in righteousness for other Christians; 3) purity of the church as a whole; 4) corporate witness of the church to non-Christians; and 5) ultimately to glorify God by reflecting His holy character.
Church discipline always starts with the individuals directly involved in the conflict or controversy seeking to reconcile their differences between themselves. If reconciliation cannot be achieved independently, the offended party may contact the Senior Pastor or the Chairman of the Deacons for assistance in reconciling the matter. The Senior Pastor and/or Chairman of Deacons will then establish a 2-3 person conflict resolution team to intervene in the matter of conflict for the purpose of seeking reconciliation and repentance where necessary. If the conflict involves the Senior Pastor, the conflict resolution team shall be comprised of members of the Deacon Fellowship only. If the conflict resolution team is unsatisfied with the outcome of their intervention, they can make the recommendation to the Senior Pastor or Chairman of the Deacons to bring the matter before the church during a regular or specially called business meeting. The church can then vote to remove the individual(s) from its membership after hearing the charges against them and the accounts of the failed attempts at reconciliation. A membership is terminated by a majority vote (greater than fifty percent) of all members of the church that are present and entitled to vote at any regular or specially called business meeting; provided that at least one-week notice has been given the resident membership concerning such intentions.
SECTION 5. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be terminated in one of the following ways: (1) death, (2) dismissal to another Baptist church by letter, (3) erasure upon becoming affiliated with a church of another faith or denomination, (4) removal upon written request of the individual member, (5) exclusion due to habitual absences from church services and meetings without valid reason, or (6) exclusion by disciplinary action handled in accordance with Section 4 above.
Any individual whose membership in the church was previously terminated by exclusion may be considered again for membership only when evidence of repentance and regeneration are apparent in his/her life. The first steps in this process are meeting with the Senior Pastor (or his designee) and completion of the current church covenant classes. The Senior Pastor will make a recommendation to the church as to whether such an individual should be considered again for membership.
SECTION 1. WORSHIP SERVICES The church shall meet weekly for preaching, instruction, evangelism, and for the worship of Almighty God. These meetings will be open for the entire membership of the church and for all people and shall be conducted under the direction of the Senior Pastor.
SECTION 2. REGULAR BUSINESS MEETINGS Regular business meetings and informational meetings shall be held as needed for the consideration of church business and for sharing ministry information with the membership. At a minimum, a church business meeting shall be held each November to vote on the annual ministry action plan (church budget) and new committee and ministry team candidates.
SECTION 3. SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETINGS A specially called business meeting may be held to consider special matters of significant nature. A one-week notice must be given to the specially called business meeting. A special meeting may be called by the Senior Pastor or the Chairman of Deacons.
SECTION 4. NOTICE OF BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA ITEMS Substantive matters to be presented at any church meeting and requiring church approval, such as the presentation of the annual ministry action plan (church budget), calling pastoral staff, buying or selling property, changes to the church constitution or by-laws, borrowing money, mortgaging property, etc. shall be announced in writing (e.g., church bulletin announcement) at least two weeks prior to the meeting, unless extreme urgency renders such notice impractical. If two weeks written notice cannot be achieved, steps should be taken to ensure that all church membership is made aware of the substantive matter under consideration and the date and time of the business meeting. Routine items may be discussed at any business meeting without prior announcement but should be reserved for after all substantive matters have been covered.
SECTION 5. APPROVAL OF BUSINESS ITEMS Unless specified otherwise in the church constitution and by-laws, approval of any item brought before the church requires a quorum of members to be present and a simple majority vote (greater than fifty percent) of all eligible members that are present at the meeting. All business items may be approved by a show of hands unless a vote by secret written ballot is required by the church constitution and by-laws or deemed appropriate by the Senior Pastor or Chairman of the Deacons.
SECTION 6. QUORUM The quorum consists of at least fifty voting members being present at the business meeting, provided it is a stated meeting or one that has been properly called.
SECTION 7. VOTING ELIGIBILITY All church members in good standing who have achieved full membership through completion of the Church Covenant classes and are at least 16 years of age are eligible to vote on any business item presented to the church for approval.
SECTION 8. PARLIAMENTARY RULES Robert’s Rules of Order Revised is adopted as the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church, the deacons, and church committees.
SECTION 9. FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the church shall begin each year on January 1st and end on December 31st of that same year.
SECTION 1. GENERAL Although Hocutt Baptist Church is ultimately governed by the faithful members who make up its congregation, certain leadership roles are defined in these by-laws to ensure efficient and effective day-to-day operations within the church. The Senior Pastor shall serve as the spiritual leader of the church and shall have both the responsibility and the authority to run the day-to-day operations of the church. The associate pastors shall have the responsibility and authority to lead in their specific areas of ministry and shall be accountable to the Senior Pastor. The church deacons shall serve as a bridge between the congregation and the Senior Pastor, equally committed to serving the vision of the Senior Pastor and the interests of the church as a whole.
SECTION 2. SENIOR PASTOR Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and accountable to Him for his care of the local congregation, the Senior Pastor shall serve as the leader and shepherd of the congregation in accordance with the principles outlined in 1 Peter 5:1-4 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7. The Senior Pastor is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to preach the biblical revelation, to engage in pastoral care ministry, to provide administrative leadership in all areas of church life, and to act as chief administrator of the paid staff. He will serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and all church committees and organizations and as moderator of all business meetings or he may delegate some of these duties to other staff or church members.
The Senior Pastor will oversee the total spiritual ministry of the church including setting priorities and establishing/abolishing church ministries and programs based on their adherence to the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. The Senior Pastor may delegate leadership of certain ministry activities to other staff members or volunteers within the church’s membership. However, the Senior Pastor maintains the overall authority and responsibility for the health and operation of the church.
The Senior Pastor shall be called to serve for an indeterminate period. The relationship may be terminated by his resignation or by a majority vote (greater than fifty percent) of all members of the church that are present and entitled to vote at any specially called business meeting for that purpose; provided that a two-week notice has been given the church body concerning such intention. A specially called business meeting calling for the termination of the Senior Pastor can only be called by the Chairman of the Deacons in accordance with the guidelines for church discipline outlined in Article 1, Section 4 of these by-laws. The church shall give ninety days pay in the case of termination by church vote. The Senior Pastor shall give thirty days notice of his resignation.
In the absence of a Senior Pastor, the Deacon Fellowship shall be responsible for finding an Interim Pastor and for obtaining speakers for all church services. Interim Pastors will not be considered for a full time position. Within 30 days after the Senior Pastor’s resignation or termination by church vote, a Pastor Search Committee shall be established by the Nominating Committee and presented to church for confirmation. The Pastor Search Committee shall consist of at least seven active, Spirit-led church members including at least two deacons and representing a cross section of age groups and interests within the congregation. The Pastor Search Committee will be charged with finding the best qualified candidate for the position of Senior Pastor. Their recommendations will constitute a nomination to be taken before the church body for confirmation. In their search for God’s man to serve as Senior Pastor, the committee shall prayerfully consider each prospective candidate’s training, core beliefs, experience, emotional stability, family life, intellectual integrity, moral character, leadership skills, administrative abilities, religious background, ministry philosophy, and his ability to preach.
A Senior Pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. His election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least a two-week notice shall be given to the church body. The Pastor Search Committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one man at a time. Election shall be by written ballot. An affirmative vote of ninety (90) percent of those present is necessary for a confirmed calling.
The Senior Pastor’s salary and benefits package shall be determined at the time of his call by the Pastor’s Search Committee and the Personnel Committee, presented to the church for approval, and shall be continued until changed by a vote of the church. For a more detailed description of all staff benefits see the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual.
SECTION 3. ASSOCIATE PASTORS As recommended by the Senior Pastor working in conjunction with the Personnel Committee, the church shall call and approve associate pastors to assist the Senior Pastor in his overall ministry responsibilities. Before calling any associate pastor, the Personnel Committee shall create a detailed job description for the position.
All associate pastors will serve under the supervision of the Senior Pastor and will be assigned specific ministry areas, for which they shall have authority to make a variety of ministry decisions provided that these decisions are consistent with the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. Ministry decisions that the associate pastors have authority to make under the supervision and guidance of the Senior Pastor include, but are not limited to, selecting specific teaching/ministry materials within their ministry area, establishing/modifying/abolishing programs within their ministry area, selecting and calling on volunteers to serve in their ministry area, and dismissing any volunteers within their ministry area who do not share their vision and goals for ministry.
Associate pastors shall be called for an indeterminate period. The associate pastor relationship may be terminated by his resignation or by the decision of the Senior Pastor working in conjunction with the Personnel Committee should it be determined that the associate pastor is not fulfilling his obligations to the church or is not performing his job duties in accordance with the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. In the case of termination, the church shall give up to ninety days pay as determined on a case by case basis by the Senior Pastor and Personnel Committee. In the case of resignation, the associate pastor shall give thirty days notice.
The recommendation for a new associate pastor position and the recommendation for a specific associate pastor candidate shall be presented to the church body for approval at a regular or specially called business meeting; provided that at least two-week notice of intention has been given. Each associate pastor candidate’s salary and benefits package shall be determined at the time of his call by the Personnel Committee, presented to the church for approval, and shall be continued until changed by a vote of the church. For a more detailed description of all staff benefits see the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual.
SECTION 4. DEACONS As recommended by the Senior Pastor and the Deacon Fellowship, a specific number of deacons shall be called and elected each year (as needed) from among those church members who have proven themselves to have Scriptural qualifications according to 1 Timothy 3, and Titus 1, and who have been active members of Hocutt Baptist Church for at least one year.
As needed, the Chairman of the Deacons shall appoint a Deacon Election Committee from the active Deacon Fellowship. Members of the church shall be given the opportunity to submit names of prospective new deacons to the Deacon Election Committee. This committee shall have the responsibility of selecting qualified nominees from the list of names submitted by the church or from other members of the church deemed morally and spiritually qualified. The committee will then need to contact the most qualified nominees to determine their interest in serving as a deacon. The Senior Pastor has the authority to block any nomination if he knows of a reason that the nominee should be disqualified. One deacon will be selected for each vacancy needing to be filled, provided that enough qualified candidates are nominated. Once the new deacon nominees have been approved by the active Deacon Fellowship, the Senior Pastor, and the Deacon Election Committee and have agreed to serve, the names of those nominees shall be presented to the church for confirmation.
Each new deacon shall commit to serve a three-year term. After the initial three-year term, active deacons may serve for an indefinite period of time, but shall decide year-to-year whether or not to commit to an additional year of service. Any active deacon wishing to step down from active service should notify the Chairman of the Deacons by their August meeting. A deacon may be asked to step down from the Deacon Fellowship should the Senior Pastor or Chairman of the Deacons determine that the deacon is not fulfilling his obligations to the church or is not performing his duties in accordance with the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. Should a deacon who is asked to step down refuse, the matter shall be considered by the entire Deacon Fellowship and the deacon can be removed from service by a majority vote (greater than fifty percent) of all members of the Deacon Fellowship that are present at any regular or specially called deacon meeting; provided that a two-week notice has been given the entire Deacon Fellowship concerning such intention.
The deacons shall at all times regard themselves as servant leaders of the church. They shall assist the Senior Pastor in the observance of the ordinances, in serving the needs of the congregation, and in communicating, promoting, and defending the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. They shall have charge over assisting people in need including the distribution of benevolence funds. When necessary, the deacons shall also assist or take the lead in the administering of church discipline as outlined in Article 1, Section 4 of these by-laws.
In the absence of a Senior Pastor, the Deacon Fellowship will be responsible for the overall care of the congregation. They may appoint interim pastors and/or staff (subject to the approval of the congregation) to handle specific duties within the church until the Senior Pastor position is filled.
By the end of their January meeting each year, the deacons shall elect a chairman who, if possible, shall have served as an active deacon at least one year immediately preceding his election. They shall also elect a Vice-Chairman, a Clerk, and such officers and committees as are needed among the deacons that they may properly perform their duties as servant leaders of the church.
The deacons shall schedule to meet monthly for the consideration of their duties. The Senior Pastor or Chairman of the Deacons can decide to cancel a monthly meeting if it is deemed unnecessary; however, when this occurs, every effort should be made to meet the next month. Special meetings can be called at any time by the either the Senior Pastor or the Chairman of the Deacons.
SECTION 1. GENERAL Being a registered nonprofit religious corporation in the state of the North Carolina under the name Hocutt Baptist Church, Inc., the church shall designate its officers of incorporation and nominate at large members for its Board of Directors annually. All church officers must be members of the church. There are no limits on the terms served by the officers of incorporation. However, the term limits for the at large members of the Board of Directors is limited as defined below. The officers of incorporation shall be appointed as deemed necessary and approved by the church. These officers shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
SECTION 2. CLERK The Church Clerk shall be responsible to keep an organized record of all the actions and proceedings of the church except as otherwise herein provided. He/she is responsible for keeping a register of the names of all members, with dates of admission, dismissal, death, current place of residence, together with a record of baptism. He/she shall issue letters of dismissal as voted by the church, preserve on file all communications and written official reports, and give notice of church meetings where prior notice is required as indicated in these by-laws. The church may delegate some of the clerical responsibilities to a paid church administrative assistant. All church records are church property and shall be filed in the church office.
The Clerk shall, before the annual meeting of the association, prepare the annual statement of the condition of the church on forms provided by the state convention and shall send copies to those officers specified by the association and convention. He/she shall keep the association informed of all elections and officers of the church. It shall be his/her duty to secure reports from all officers and committees for the fiscal year and to present the same to the church as requested.
SECTION 3: TREASURER The Church Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that all monies and other things of values collected by the church are properly accounted for and deposited into the appropriate bank accounts. In accordance with the church policy and procedure manuals, the Treasurer has the authority to sign church checks and other forms of payment to cover all church expenditures. In working with the Church Financial Secretary, the Church Treasurer shall ensure that all church financial records are in proper order and available for review at all times. All financial books, records, and accounts are property of the church.
SECTION 4. FINANCIAL SECRETARY The Church Financial Secretary will maintain proper receipt, accounting, and disbursement of church funds within the policies established in the church policy and procedures manuals for adequate and efficient financial control, and keep accurate records of individual member contributions. The Financial Secretary shall provide financial reports and statements as requested by the pastoral staff or any church member for the purposes of budget preparation and reconciliation, ministry planning, business meetings, etc. In accordance with the church policy and procedures manuals, he/she shall prepare checks or other forms of payment for the Church Treasurer, or other designated official, to sign to cover all church operating expense bills. The Financial Secretary shall also serve as an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.
SECTION 5. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors shall consist of the Chairman of Deacons, the Church Clerk, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and three at large members of the church body. The three at large board members will serve three-year rotating terms. At least one at large member shall be elected each year. The Board of Directors will hold in trust the property of the church. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any property without a specific vote of the church authorizing each action. It shall be the function of the Board of Directors to affix their signatures to legal documents involving the sale, mortgaging, or purchase of rental property or other legal documents where the signatures of the Board of Directors are required.
They have no control over the use of the church property except by vote of the church. They shall also maintain an accurate and up-to-date church property book. The property book shall include a complete inventory of the church property, including a descriptive account of the church property and approximate value and location in the church at the time of inventory.
The Board of Directors will be charged with the specific responsibility of making sure that the church has adequate insurance and liability coverage on all church property at all times. In order to maintain proper insurance coverage, the Board of Directors will make an annual inspection of the church property and evaluate the church insurance program accordingly. This annual inspection will be made during the month of October and findings with recommendations shall be reported to the church as requested.
The Board of Directors shall exercise responsibility for making recommendations to the church as to whether or not to accept gifts other than regular tithes and offerings, offered to the church. Such gifts may include property, money, endowments, memorials, etc. and includes gifts from individuals, wills, and corporations as well as church members and church organizations. A gift, regardless of description, does not become the property of this church until accepted by vote of the church at a business meeting.
The Board of Directors members are legal representatives of the church. They are not a governing body within the church. Since its members do not have to meet any specific biblical qualifications, the Board of Directors shall not be considered to carry any authority other than that specifically defined above.
SECTION 1. GENERAL Church committees and ministry teams shall be established as needed to support the work of the church in accordance with the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. The following committees shall be standing committees: Nominating, Personnel, Finance, and Facilities.
At least one active deacon shall serve on each of the standing committees at all times. Husbands and their wives shall not both serve at the same time on the Personnel and/or Finance Committees. In addition to the standing committees, other committees and ministry teams may exist or be established for a specific purpose or to support other operations within the church. These other committees and ministry teams can be dissolved when they have accomplished their intended purposes or prove to be no longer necessary or viable.
SECTION 2. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Sunday School Director, the Women’s Ministry Director, and the Men’s Ministry Director, and three at large members. The Sunday School Director will be responsible for establishing a list of qualified Sunday school teachers for the next year. The Women’s and Men’s Ministry Directors will be responsible for establishing a list of qualified officers and leaders for their organizations for the next year. The Nominating Committee as a whole, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and associate pastors, is responsible for establishing a list with the names of all nominees for the various committees and ministry teams within the church. The Committee shall contact the nominees for each vacant position to determine each person’s willingness to serve. Based on the responses, the Committee shall finalize a list of candidates to be presented to the church for confirmation by the November business meeting each year. The Nominating Committee shall refer to the procedures in Article 6 of these by-laws when selecting lay leaders and workers.
SECTION 3. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Personnel Committee shall consist of at least five at large members serving three-year rotating terms. Two new at large members shall be elected each year. If any one position is vacated during a term, a replacement is not necessary as long as at least one deacon and four other members are still serving on the committee. However, once two positions are vacated, at least one replacement must be found during the term. The Personnel Committee shall assist the Senior Pastor in the administration of all matters pertaining to the paid church staff. Their duties include working with the Senior Pastor to make recommendations to the church regarding establishing new paid positions, eliminating paid positions, and adjusting staff salaries or benefit packages based on performance, experience, cost of living, or market factors. The Personnel Committee is also responsible for establishing, maintaining, and updating the church’s Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual. The Personnel Committee may also assist the Senior Pastor with recruitment and hiring of new staff, conducting annual staff performance evaluations, and handling employment related grievances and terminations. As such, the Personnel Committee shall maintain confidentiality in private matters involving paid staff. The procedures in Article 1, Section 4 of these by-laws should be referred to when disciplinary action against paid staff becomes necessary.
SECTION 4. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Committee shall consist of at least four at large members serving four-year rotating terms. At least one new at large member shall be elected each year. Working in conjunction with the Senior Pastor, the Finance Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of a ministry action plan (budget) each year based on the church’s long- and short-term vision, anticipated income, specific ministry needs/requests, and facility maintenance/improvement needs.
By October each year, the Finance Committee shall solicit specific ministry spending requests for the next fiscal year from all the pastors and the chairpersons of all church committees and organizations. Each request should be evaluated based on the church’s overall vision, core beliefs, and guiding principles. The Finance Committee will then develop a ministry action plan for the next fiscal year based on staff salary recommendations from the Personnel Committee, the spending requests received from all church ministry areas, and other known expenses for the next fiscal year. Copies of the proposed ministry action plan shall be made available to church members at least one week prior to the November business meeting. The Finance Committee will then present the proposed ministry action plan to the church for approval at the November business meeting.
Once the annual ministry action plan is approved, the Finance Committee is responsible for evaluating monthly spending against monthly income to ensure the fiscal health of the church and also for providing budget updates to the Senior Pastor and the congregation as requested. The Senior Pastor does have the authority to approve spending during the course of the year that is not specifically addressed in the annual ministry action plan. However, every effort should be made to meet the spirit of the ministry action plan in terms of relative spending in different ministry areas. In December each year, the Finance Committee shall prepare all the church’s financial records for auditing and have two independent church members audit the financial records for the year. The Church Financial Secretary shall maintain a record of the annual audits.
SECTION 5. FACILITIES COMMITTEE The Facilities Committee shall consist of the paid church maintenance staff and at least three at large members serving three-year rotating terms. At least one new at large member shall be elected each year. The Facilities Committee is responsible for evaluating and making recommendations for the maintenance, repair, and improvement of all church property. The Committee is also responsible for scheduling, organizing, and/or conducting the routine repairs and facility maintenance/improvement projects that are covered under the annual ministry action plan. The Committee shall communicate any major repairs or projects that are outside of the current ministry action plan to the Senior Pastor and the Finance Committee, along with the estimated cost associated with each item. The Committee shall ensure that the anticipated routine building and ground expenses are communicated to the Finance Committee for inclusion in the next year’s ministry action plan. The Senior Pastor has the authority to approve facility and grounds expenses that are deemed necessary even if these expenses were not specifically addressed in the annual ministry action plan.
SECTION 1. GENERAL All leadership of the church shall be active members of this church. Attendance at the worship services, participation in leadership training program, Christ-like character, faithfulness in spiritual growth and development, and support of the total church work shall be considered as primary qualifications for service in leadership positions.
Before electing any person to any place of service, prayerful consideration shall be given to the individual scriptural qualifications, their Christian maturity, their loyalty to the total church program and their past record of attendance, service, and giving.
SECTION 2. MANNER OF ELECTION By September 30th of each year, the Deacon Fellowship shall select at least one person to serve a three-year term as an at large member of the Nominating Committee. The deacons will notify the Nominating Committee of their selection, and the Nominating Committee will include the name of the nominee on a list of nominees to be confirmed by the church in November. Once confirmed by the church, the newly elected Nominating Committee member would start their term on January 1st of the next year.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for establishing a list of all nominees for the various committees and ministry teams within the church, and presenting this list to the church for confirmation by the November business meeting. The list of nominees must be approved by the Senior Pastor prior to being presented to the church. The Senior Pastor has the authority to block any nomination if he knows of a reason that the nominee should be disqualified. If any church member has an objection concerning the qualifications of someone serving on a church committee or ministry team, they should present their specific objection in writing to the Chairman of the Nomination Committee for reconsideration of the individual. The Nominating Committee shall thoroughly investigate any objections within 30 days of receipt and replace any committee/ministry team members if they are determined to be unqualified to serve.
SECTION 3. TERM OF SERVICE With the exception of the deacons, at large members of the Board of Directors, and members of the Nominating, Personnel, Finance, and Facilities Committees, church leadership shall serve for a one-year term. Nominating, Personnel, and Facilities Committee members will serve a three-year term. Finance Committee members will serve a four-year term. At large members of the Board of Directors will serve for a three-year period. Unless specified otherwise in these by-laws, a person serving in any church position shall be eligible for immediate re-nomination at the end of their term.
With the exception of the offices of pastor and deacon, if a vacancy should occur in any of the organizations of the church, the Nominating Committee, in working with the Senior Pastor and associate pastors, is responsible for finding a replacement as soon as possible. If any committee/ ministry team member is replaced during the course of the year, the new candidate can be presented to the church for confirmation at any regular or specially called business meeting. Once confirmed by the church, the replacement candidate will finish the original term of the vacated position and will then be eligible for re-nomination at the end of the term.
As recommended by the Senior Pastor working in conjunction with the Personnel Committee, the church shall vote to approve any new non-pastoral paid staff positions to assist the Senior Pastor in his responsibilities. Once the position is approved by the church, the Senior Pastor will work with the Personnel Committee to fill these positions with qualified personnel. Specific candidates for non-pastoral paid staff position do not require approval from the church body; however, the salary and benefits package must be approved by the church prior to the hiring. The church personnel policy and procedures manual should be updated as new positions are added to or deleted from the staff.
SECTION 1. LICENSING When a member announces to the church that he feels a call to the ministry, the church, by a two-third majority vote, may license him as an acknowledgement of his call to the ministry and encouragement to make preparation for it. The Church Clerk may furnish the member with a copy of the minutes or a certificate of license as his credential. The Licensee should understand that state law shall govern the performance of his civil duties.
SECTION 2. ORDAINING In a sincere effort to be as responsible as possible in the matter of licensing and ordaining men to the ministry, and believing that any man truly called by God to this work will fulfill not only these conditions, but more, this church shall consider the following qualities and studies essential to full ordination:
1. Evidence of emotional stability, intellectual integrity and ability, religious maturity, aptness to teach and to lead others, and a strong moral character. 2. Evidence that the person intends, and is making plans for training.
Any member who satisfies the church with respect to his fulfillment of conditions above and who gives evidence of his call to the work of the ministry after having preached in the hearing of the church and after careful examination and unanimous recommendation by the pastor and the deacons may be ordained to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, provided that a two-third majority of the members present at any regular meeting agree. The church retains full authority and responsibility for the ordination of any member and the planning of the ordination service. In certain cases, in which a man has been called to a church and is actively engaged in the completion of his studies the church may, at its discretion, proceed with his ordination.
It is agreed that the securing and maintaining of real property, buildings, and equipment by this church shall be for the express purpose of providing facilities for public worship and for the engagement upon the missionary, educational, and benevolent interests of this church. If at any time this church shall determine to alter the quality of its beliefs and practices as to be in variance/ contradiction with the statement of faith and/or polity listed herein, it is to be understood that the right of the property of the church shall be inherent in that part of the congregation which shall agree to continue to abide by the church constitution and its statement of faith and polity.
These by-laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by two-thirds vote of all members of the church that are present and entitled to vote at any regular or specially called business meeting; provided that such amendment, alteration, or repeal has been announced and offered in writing to the church (e.g., church bulletin announcement) at least two weeks prior to the time the vote is taken.
The adoption of these by-laws shall affect a repeal of all previously adopted rules in conflict herewith. A copy of these by-laws shall at all times be kept by the Church Clerk among his/her records and another copy shall be kept in the church, and all amendments to or additions thereof shall, after passage by the church, be prepared by the Church Clerk and posted in the by-laws and made available to the church members upon request.
Latest Revision and Approval
Constitution: January 10, 2010
By-Laws: January 10, 2010
(Name Change: March 21, 2010)