...Kate: "Very nice." Abby: (smiles) "Really?" Kate: "I don't see why it won't sell...as long as he doesn't mind." Abby: "I asked him and as long as it helps me in the end, he is fine with it." (Kate had to admit that she was pleased with Abby's work today. While she approved of a few of her pieces, she had to decide if it was worth continuing. She nods as she walks to Elizabeth's station. She took one look at Elizabeth's piece and was confused. SHe was expecting to see a portrait of Lucky Spencer. To her surprisement, it was not Lucky. Abby and Emily's art was of their boyfriend's, but Elizabeth's was not. Elizabeth picked up on her boss' confusion) Liz: "I know you're wondering why my portrait is different than theirs." Kate: (nods) "The thought...
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...Minh Dinh SPCH 10 Dear Abby Assignment Dear Abby, My best friend, “Tuan,” recently admitted to me that he wasn’t sure about his gender. He told me with a sincere affection that he was bi-curious, and he wasn’t sure he was completely heterosexual. After hearing his confession, I quietly couldn’t believe his situation. In a moment, I decided that we still be friend forever. I told him that no matter how he was, I still stood right by side with him and that nothing’s going to change the friendship between me and him. However, after few days, I had an embarrassed feeling whenever I hung out with him. No one know his secret, except me, because I am his best friend who he believes the most. The reason why he decided to tell me his secret is that he hoped me could understand and accept the real person of him. However, at this time, I still don’t believe and can’t accept the real one in him. Is it wrong that I’m still friendly with him? Should I be angry at Tuan? What should I do now in order to escape my awkward feeling and don’t ruin my friendship? Signed, Minh D. Dear Minh D. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The first thing I’m going to tell you that I am very jealous of you because of your wonderful friendship. I’m pretty sure that you are a great person who can listen actively and give advice for anyone that need you. The reason I come to that conclusion is because you’ve earned a strong faith from your best friend that he chose only you to confess his feeling...
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...Abby Kelman is a Lawyer who has established a quite unique “professional niche” for her career. She is offering legal representation to Conservative rabbis of the Jewish faith. She gained popularity in this niche field by passing out business cards in the lobby of a hotel housing Conservative rabbis. The conservative rabbis have something in common: they need to negotiate contracts for themselves but are inexperience in the matter. Traditionally, when Jewish rabbis and cantors negotiate with the synagogue boards, the agreement is based on handshakes and respect. Bringing in Lawyers is a necessary change that Conservative Jews have made in order to protect their own well-being. Many Conservatives have even began to recommend Lawyers. Kelman speculates it's because they don’t know how to...
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...Your name: Instructions Respond to three letters from each chapter. Draw information from the chapter while formulating your response; use correct terms and definitions. Reference information you use from the textbook by citing the page number. If you use information from outside the textbook, make sure it is credible and generally supported by the medical and scientific community. Avoid anecdotal evidence or opinion. Your written responses should be 2200-2500 cumulatively, or about four to five pages single-spaced (including the original Dear Abby Letter). | | |Dear Abby, | | | |My three-year-old is driving me crazy! He is so picky! He will only wear certain clothes. He is a very picky eater. I wonder if he is eating | |enough. He’s getting much thinner and doesn't eat as much as he did when he was younger. This morning, he had a fit because I gave him a new | |toothbrush that was a different color than his old one. Have I done something to make him so picky? What should I do to prevent him from | |becoming a spoiled brat? ...
Words: 2311 - Pages: 10
...Instructions Respond to three letters from each chapter. Draw information from the chapter while formulating your response; use correct terms and definitions. Reference information you use from the textbook by citing the page number. If you use information from outside the textbook, make sure it is credible and generally supported by the medical and scientific community. Avoid anecdotal evidence or opinion. Your written responses should be 2200-2500 cumulatively, or about four to five pages single-spaced (including the original Dear Abby Letter). | | |Dear Abby, | | | |My three-year-old is driving me crazy! He is so picky! He will only wear certain clothes. He is a very picky eater. I wonder if he is eating | |enough. He’s getting much thinner and doesn't eat as much as he did when he was younger. This morning, he had a fit because I gave him a new | |toothbrush that was a different color than his old one. Have I done something to make him so picky? What should I do to prevent him from | |becoming a spoiled brat? ...
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...Will robots take our jobs? This question brings up Abby Jackson in her article Keeping ahead of the robots. While interviewing a professor at the Institute of Technology Yisong Yue and CEO of Hiring Solved Shon Burton, they discuss major concerns that people should consider today. According to expert’s views due to automation, the unemployment rate will be getting higher. Robots will replace humans in lots of fields where the job is predictable and repetitive. Practically in any field, there are some activities that robots can do. In their conversation, they tried to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of that outcome. What young generation should take into account when choosing their career and what today's workers should...
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...“What consumes your mind, controls your life.” (Anon.) This quote is applied to Arthur Miller’s book, The Crucible. In this book there is a group of mysterious and troublesome teenage girls. Abigail Williams is looked at as the leader of this group. Abby is obsessed with John Proctor, who is married to Elizabeth Proctor. He consumes her mind and most of her decisions revolve around him. Since Abby is motivated by her love for John, her decisions to send Elizabeth to jail creates many complicated accusations by the end of the play. Abby would do anything to be with John, including trying to kill his wife, Goody Proctor. In Act I, Abby’s cousin Betty suddenly emerges from her sleep and starts bickering with Abby. They start talking about the night before and the events that occurred when Betty exclaims, “You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!”(19) Betty mentions this extremely mysterious act of witchcraft, but Abby declines the accusation right away. Abby’s actions prove her jealousy and she knows she doesn’t have a chance with John as long as Goody Proctor is still alive. Therefor, she tries to kill her with a charm, or in this case, witchcraft....
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...and we can see that it is an important aspect of the play. In Act 1 we see hysteria when Mr. Hale questions Abigail about what they were doing dancing in the woods. Abigail doesn’t want to get in trouble so she takes the easy way out and blames Tituba. “Abigail: She made me do it! She made Betty do it!”(Page 43) As Hale questions her, they bring in Tituba and Abby immediately points to her and blames her to take the attention off herself. This is when the chaos truly begins, Tituba gets upset with Abby but they keep asking if she saw the devil. To get herself out of trouble she confesses so she won’t be hanged. Tituba begins to say she saw other people with the devil...
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...In the book, The Crucible, the entire community turns on each other, and almost all of the citizens are accused of using witchcraft. The book is an iconic example of betrayal that displays how far people will go to get what they want. In this book, that wanted thing was a man Abby liked and Abby's innocence. Not only does the book show how characters turn on each other in fear, it also shows how far characters go to attempt to fix it. This book in particular also has several characters sacrifice themselves for the greater good, and in this book, John Proctor is admirable in that respect. In comparing these two dynamics, we see how John Proctor challenges existing power structure, even sacrificing himself, when in contrast, Abby betrays societal...
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...No One Understands Abby Lee’s New Rules Of The Road On “Dance Moms.” Abby has now choreographed a new cheery little routine called “Where Have All The Children Gone?,” about the “the kids on the milk carton,” plus also kids who are bullied to the point of suicide. She says, “You have to be great actresses to pull this off.. And they’ll be dressed like angels.” Wait, what? Abby basically just said that these girls have to “act” like angels? Are they not already angels? “To be honest, I don’t really know the meaning of “Where Have All The Children Gone?” says 9-year-old Chloe on Thursday nights episode. “You’re not interpreting the story correctly…. You're just doing the steps,” says Abby to her and the other girls as they dance, trying...
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...Adlerian Approach with Abby Sylvia Montalvo Walden University Adlerian Approach with Abby The therapeutic approach in the case profile of a client named Abby after an assessment is given, and a summary is developed based on the information collected is the Adlerian approach. According to the COUN 6722 study notes, Abby is a 57 year-old African American women who came into the office seeking counseling. Abby works part-time as a free-lance editor. Abby has a bachelor’s degree in literature. Abby is married to her husband Ron who was diagnosed two months ago. Abby has a difficult time accepting that her husband was diagnosed with cancer (Walden University, 2012). She cannot cope with the situation, therefore Ron’s brother is the one who takes him to have his treatments, and to his doctor’s appointments. Abby is depressed, and spends her time crying, sleeping, has lost her appetite, and feels fatigued. She feels guilty that she is not supportive toward her husband (Walden University, 2012). Abby has always believed to be hopeless throughout her life. She has low self-esteem, and believes that everyone around her has a better life than she does, though she has lived comfortably. Abby has expressed that she suffered from migraine headaches in her twenties, which has become worse over the years (Walden University, 2012). Doctors have prescribed medications for the migraines, which has not been effective. Abbey claims that she drinks alcohol two...
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...who created false stories of witchcraft to save herself. Throughout the actions, she would always provide false reassurance to those who doubted her, “I never sold myself! I’m a good girl! I'm a proper girl!” (Miller pg 40). As Abby moved forward she began to manipulate the fear that was created similar to McCarthy. McCarthy used the fear to gain power, often in fear there is chaos and in chaos people become blind to the truth and therefore they believed McCarthy. When Abby began the tale of witchcraft, she created both fear and chaos that would blind Salem from seeing that it was all a lie. For both, as the lies continued they would create larger lies and accusations, similar to the mass arrests main in the Palmer Raids. At one point McCarthy claimed that he held a list of 250 names (Malaspina pg14). In the Crucible, Abby created a false scene of a figure in the courthouse coming to attack her, “Look out! She’s coming down!” (Miller pg.109). Once their plans took action the fear engulfed their place of residents. In both cases, once fear took control, there was chaos and disbelief. McCarthy turned neighbors on neighbors, families on families. During the Red Scare everyone was scared and paranoid of communism, similar to the Crucible. In the Crucible, Abby convinced a group of girls to follow her lead into the chaos and begin making larger accusations. In Salem, the girls began accusing anyone who opposed the belief of witchcraft. The girls would follow in...
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...Trepidation, or fear is an enormous emotional contributor to why people conform in society, for they may not want to cause any trouble or have their reputation ruined. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, fear is definitely relevant amongst the people in Salem. The girls that are in Abigail’s group have to always obey her with every order she gives them, or they would be on her bad side, which is a big deal. Betty tells Abby that, “[she] drank blood, Abby! [She] didn’t tell him that!” Abby responds to Betty’s cry with, “Betty [she] never say that again!” (Miller 19). Once Betty wakes up from what was soon found out by the audience to be a fake slumber, she calls Abby out on drinking blood when everyone was dancing in the woods together, and Abby yells and...
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...“The surprise” Crying Abby was sitting on a wrinkled bed clasping her legs and hiding her head in the knees. Next to her there was a mangled body of what, untill recently, was her favorite doll Nancy. A damned dog violently tore it to pieces quarter of an hour ago. And once a pretty talking, singing and dancing doll was able only to emit broken sounds, jerk and twitch. What is more, a punctured forehead, nose and cheeks, detached half of the arm and torn locks of hair left no chance to Nancy for a bright future among the Abby’s toys. And nobody wanted to get insight into her trouble, everybody was occupied by other things and mostly by her elder sister, who had recently given birth to a child, and all the household was constantly talking about her and her baby, getting ready to their soon discharge from the maternity hospital. In response to Abby’s complaints everyone only instinctively nodded and pronounced: “Not now, honey, not now”. Full of sorrow and resentment the girl had been crying for a long time before she fell asleep with her eyes being red and swollen . At night while sleeping Abby felt her mother come into the room, kiss her forehead and cover her carefully with a blanket. Next morning Abby woke up because of the sounds of fuss, whispering and exclaiming somewhere in the house, and after a while the noise broke off. Getting up from the bed the girl caught sight of Nancy. Bitter feelings came over her again and tears welled up in her eyes. Full of intention...
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...In The Crucible, some people’s reputation seem to be more important to them. John Proctor, Abigail WIlliams, and Reverend Parris worry more about their reputation than about family and lives. Proctor is more worried about his good name and is scared to confess his affair with Abigail. Reverend Parris is worried about about his job and image than his daughter's sickness. Judge Danforth worries about his good name, like John, than about the people’s lives. Abby is one of the girls accusing people of witchcraft. She cares more about her importance and reputation in the community that she does not care that she is the reason the lives of people, who were accused, are being taken. In The Crucible, the characters make it clear that reputation and importance is more important than family and life....
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