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Abnormal Psychology and Therapy


Submitted By TREVOHN
Words 1693
Pages 7
One of the trickiest scientific ideas to define is abnormal psychology. There are very few universally accepted theories in the science of psychology and with a field that is so open to interpretation defining what is normal is a tall order. Interpreting the meaning of research data is a matter of perspective and is often open to debate. Everyone perceives things through their own concept of the world and since no two people experience the world in the exact same way the definition of normal varies from person to person and culture to culture. In this paper we will examine the field of abnormal psychology, a few common disorders, and the varying methods of therapy from the differing psychological schools of thought.
Normal vs. Abnormal Psychology
“Defining what is abnormal depends on how one first defines what is normal” (Davis & Buskist, 2008, p. 237). Psychology in general terms is the study of the mind. We study mental processes and human behavior to better understand the human condition. In trying to study the mind and understand the processes of thought there is much overlap from other disciplines; to fully understand behavior we must gain an understanding of all that goes into the process. There are biological, neurological, and evolutionary components to cognition and reaction. There is also a strong philosophical aspect to appreciating the idiosyncrasies of human behavior. In modern psychology there are four main schools of thought: psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, and evolutionary (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Psychodynamic theory is based on emotions (subconscious) dictating behavior. Behaviorists believe that environmental stimuli are the starting place of behavior. Cognitive theorists take a more biologic approach by looking at brain function (cognition and perception) as the key to understanding the mind. Evolutionary proponents assert that human

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