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Abortion Opposing Viewpoints

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Many people have different views on abortion. Lots of people believe that abortion is the unjust killing of an unborn child. Some people, however, believe that it is a woman’s choice if she has the baby or not. I believe that it is not correct to have abortions. The baby is an alive, human being, and does not deserve to be deprived of a chance at life.

Abortion is one of the most debated topics. To me, not letting a human have a chance to do something great because the mother does not want a baby is not a typical human trait that we all share. The baby may be the person to create world peace, or discover aliens. They could help with ending world hunger. The possibilities are endless. Not letting that baby have a chance to see what they can do may just be the downfall of humanity.

If abortion becomes legal, people will believe that abstinence is not needed. To prevent pregnancy, abstinence is taught in school, by parents, and by friends. People will begin to think that abstinence is not needed in a teenager’s life. There will be more teen pregnancies, and less protection used. People will believe that isn’t a vital material during intercourse. This, in turn, will contract more STD’s, and a worsened new generation. …show more content…
The average abortion cost for is around $468 altogether. If abortion is legal, then every time a woman gets an abortion, she will lose $468 out of her hard earned currency. That money could have been used to get the child insurance, or have good clothes. As time goes on, the cost for an abortion will most likely go down, as the ways to get an abortion get less costly and more scientific. This will mean that the act of getting pregnant is not a bad thing. Families will begin paying more money for abortions than on the child or on things of their own like bills or taxes. This will make problems increase for the family and the

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