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Abortion Pro Choice

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Pro-Choice: Abortion
For the last few years abortion may be one of the prominent controversial topics in America. Women are thought to be one of the most graceful persons, raised to countless standards, set to make little to no mistakes and always be nurturing. It has been and still is believed that making the choice of contraception is merely just a decision of our own however, in modern civilization some people argue that our rights to make that decision should be restricted or even forbidden. Because some women experience regret due to the lack emotionally stability, ethics and morals it is one the key reasons why some people feel it should be banned. Many look upon it as it advocates the idea of not actually talking care of your responsibilities …show more content…
It began in the 1800’s where it was legal as early as some of the settlers that moved to the North America. With Connecticut being the first state to make it illegal, others followed. After a few hundred years some states started to make it legal. The government’s main focus on making abortion legal was that the people who were performing the operations were not qualified leading to deaths and serious infections. The refuting end of making it illegal is that, the population will grow higher than the surviving capacity. It wasn’t until in 1973 that the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade made it possible that women could receive an abortion under the safest and healthiest conditions however, this did lead to the origin of anti-abortion violence. People who didn’t agree with the court rulings decided to turn to simple measures such as protest and in some extreme cases, violence. I think what anti-abortionists failed to realize was that, the main intention for legalizing abortions at that time was to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the procedure. Forty-Nine percent of unborn children are not intended, so in conclusion one in three women will have an abortion. So many women at that time were being killed because the procedure wasn’t being done correctly which proposed that a resolution had to ignite. However, in modern day the argument still persist that if giving women the rights to …show more content…
This study found that “Women thought about the abortion less frequently over time.” Many of the women in this study which varied in race, said that they still felt it was the best decision overall. The reason many states require counseling and other methods of this is make sure this is exactly what she wants. In the study it also finds that “women experience abortion decision regret are likely unfounded,” signifying that once it’s over many women don’t think back to figure out if it was right, they move on and try to learn from the situation. Another article that supports pro-choice is “Asynchrony in Attitudes toward Abortion and Gay Rights: The Challenge to Values Alignment,” which compares another prominent issue, same-sex marriage and how exactly it’s more so about the moral characteristic of it than actually legalizing it. In the article it talks about the moral confinement of issues and how it is legalized based solely upon how society perceives it. It describes them both as interchangeable and “what is regarded as morally acceptable appears to be informed by social and communal context rather than by some preordained categorization of the inherent morality of a particular behavior.” This statement alone

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