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Russian Serfdom Case Study

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1. Why does the author say that "serfdom was always a brutal system and had long hindered Russia's development and by the mid-1850s it was also a badly corroded institution? do you know of any other place(s) where serfdom was also used? Cite your sources, no wiki! The author makes this claim because as Russia began moving towards a more capitalist economy in the 1850s, serfdom was ill-equipped for this type of economy. The serfs were not effective laborers due their illiteracy, and this caused their landlords put them in factories to work. However the landlords grew deeply in debt but did not want to give up their serfs. While types of serfdom were used across European countries, they were titled differently. For instance, in England they were referred to as neifs, or villeins, …show more content…
Revolutionaries did follow, and during the 1850s to 1860s a new kind of revolution spread in Russia. These revolutions were constructed by those who favored a more socialist-type of government.
4. Who was Nikolai Chernyshevsky? In what way was he similar to the elite and different from the masses? Were his ideas carried out later on? Nikolai Chernyshevsky was an individual who incorporated nihilist elements in his revolutions. Chernyshevsky was similar to the elite in Russia because he believed that the masses involved in these revolutions could not lead, in fact they could only follow. He believed that the elite revolutionaries are the one who should lead these revolutions. However, he claimed to be doing every on behalf of the masses-to benefit them. While Chernyshevsky’s theories were not implemented entirely, the next generation of revolutionaries agreed with his ideas, and admired him.
5. What do you know about Marxism? Where did this theory originate? Use other sources apart from the textbook and cite them, no

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