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Oneida Community Research Paper

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Throughout history, American society has defied the odds against it and continued to adapt to changes to better improve itself as a society. However, there are still issues that linger throughout this country’s society that need improvement. In 1920, the United States of America ratified the 19th Amendment granting women with United States citizenship the right to vote. This ratification was attributed with great strides for the women’s rights movement however, almost one hundred years later, women are not as equally treated as men in a variety of areas. In order to fulfill the United States of America founding father’s dream, American society needs to adapt it’s policies on women and strive to promote an equal opportunities within the living …show more content…
The 19th century had several utopias practicing their own beliefs, but none as radical and restrictive than the Oneida community. While the Oneida community had several flaws, the Oneida community did not follow the traditional treatment of women during that time period. Since women did not receive the right to vote until 1920 and this community was founded in 1848, it showed how ahead of its time the Oneida Community was. Women in this community were not forcefully domesticized, but due to lack of effort and education in other forms of work, they usually worked in unskilled positions, which were rotated with the other unskilled workers. This suppressed many options the community members could hold from working outside the community. Even though women were not given a fair opportunity to rise above the common working positions for women during that time; women could still strive and work towards more. Women and men were supposed to be on an equal footing for working positions within the community, and for the most part, they were if they had a sense of

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