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Research Paper On Beowulf

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Understanding cultural myths is so important for everyone to understand. Knowing what other cultures believe to be there origins, their heroes, and their gods is so important in understanding other peoples and other cultures. One of the first myths that come to mind when thinking back on this semester is “The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe.” There are many creation myths that I think are very important, but something about this myth in particular stood out to me. In Krita Yuga, which is the first cycle, the earth is still young and people are pure and happy. This period of happiness is the longest cycle. Next is the Treta Yuga, life is still good, but things are a bit harder. In this cycle people have to forage for food and create shelters for themselves. In the next cycle, called Dvarpa Yuga, life has declined substantially. Disease, drought, and famine plague the earth. In this cycle religion is …show more content…
Beowulf is an English epic that tells the tail of the hero Beowulf. In the story Beowulf is in three notable battles. The first of which is when Beowulf goes to help Hrothgar, because the great hall has been taken over by Grendel. Beowulf defeats and kills the giant with his bare hands. After killing Grendel, Beowulf must slay Grendel’s mother before she has the chance to retaliate. He seeks her out, and using his sword slays her. The last great battle that he is involved in takes place after he has become king. A dragon is attacking and terrorizing the people of the land. Beowulf gathers an army and attacks the dragon, but they dragon kills the army. The great king and his friend Wiglaf follow the dragon to its den. Beowulf enters alone and kills the dragon, but is badly hurt in the process and later dies. The story of Beowulf has been told in many different formats, with varying methods. Beowulf is one of the greatest stories of a hero, and I believe more people need to read and experience the great

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