...This suite of qualifications includes a revised Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification, which will provide employers with access to competent and ethical technicians, trained to consistent standards, with built-in flexibility to allow for skills to be tailored to meet different business needs and environments. And it will offer those starting out in their accountancy career flexible and tailored routes to accounting-support roles, leading to high-performing and rewarding career options for those who progress to the ACCA Qualification.” Aude Leonetti Acting executive director – learning 3 INTRODUCTION ACCA’s entry-level suite of awards – Foundations in Accountancy – is being introduced after detailed consultation which commenced in 2008 with ACCA stakeholders, including employers, learning providers, members, students, other professional accountancy bodies and regulators. Foundations in Accountancy will provide even greater access to the ACCA Qualification and aims to satisfy the needs of employers by allowing individuals to choose from a flexible range of qualifications which will help them develop the relevant technical knowledge and practical skills required to perform in accounting...
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...Office check Student’s signature Enrolment Form | ACCA Part-time Courses 2011/12 Please make sure that you complete all sections of this application form clearly in black or blue ink and block capitals and return by Post/ Fax/ Email to: LSBF, Admissions, 9 Holborn, London, EC1N 2LL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 207 823 2303, Fax: +44 (0) 207 8232302, Email: admissions@lsbf.org.uk Please note that an English translation should accompany all non-English documents. For further up-to-date information about the application process please refer to www.lsbf.org.uk/students/apply.html Student Details Title: * Mr Ms Mrs Miss Other (please specify)...................................................................................................................... Surname: *....................................................................................................... First Name:*....................................................................... Home address:*............................................................................................................……........................................................................ City:* …………………...........................................Country: *.................................................................... Postcode: ................................ Correspondence Address:* (if different from home address)….............................................................................................
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...taken to view details about that institution. 2 Institutions will be displayed in alphabetical order by institution name. However, you can view the institutions in country order by clicking on the ‘COUNTRY’ title at the top of the column. 1 2 steP 3 – selecting an accredited Programme and assessment 1 All accredited programmes for the institution you selected are displayed. Click on the programme you want to view and it will be highlighted in bold. 2 Assessments for the selected programme are displayed directly below – the information in this part of the screen changes depending on which programme has been selected, and the selected programme title is displayed in the title bar of the table. 3 You can view exemption information for the ACCA Qualification, Certified Accounting Technician and Foundations in Accountancy for each assessment by clicking on the links for either of these qualifications next to the appropriate assessment. You will then be taken directly to the...
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...[Big 4 Internship 2015][Test Content] Source: a KPMG intern + PwC intern NOTE: + Read the email regarding test invitation carefully and follow instructions + Arrive early, 15´ at least + Bring pens, calculator, ID + Essays: should be written in IELTS format (4 paragraphs: 1 introduction paragraph, 2 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion paragraph). + Ref: http://www.shldirect.com/en-us/practice-tests/ (to practice) No. | Firm | Time | Content | 1 | KPMG | 40 min | 2 essaysTopic: important characteristics of a co-worker; different culture affect judgment; first impression on judging people; if receiving voucher from client causes unethical behavior. | 2 | PwC | 30 min | 1 essayTopic: pros and cons of mobile phone as a mean of communication; of online shopping. | 3 | EY | 120 min | 6 parts1) Accounting (focus on VAS-related questions)2) Auditing3) Tax4) Logic Test (IQ; find next number; missing word; A to B as C to D; there are 6 eggs in a basket, 6 persons, each takes one egg, how there still be an egg in a basket (answer: the last one takes the basket with the egg inside))5) Social knowledge (price of 92 gasoline, name of a student starting Hong Kong civil disobedience – Joshua Wong, EOY marketing – EOY stands for what, merge of bank, effective time when university entrance exam merges with high...
Words: 978 - Pages: 4
...BPP LEARNING MEDIA PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE JANUARY-JUNE 2014 Multimedia learning materials from the experts Publications Catalogue | January – June 2014 bpp.com/learningmedia Part of the Apollo Global Education Network. All information is correct at time of print. For our latest prices and full terms and conditions please visit bpp.com/learningmedia Our materials are used by students and learning providers in over 188 countries At the heart of our business is a dedicated team of over 120 skilled and innovative individuals We sell to 51 countries in Europe Our most popular qualification is ACCA, we sell our products in 168 countries We provide a wider range of CIMA exam material than any other publisher We sell to more than 350 institutions in the UK We sell to 37 countries in the Americas We sell our CIMA materials in 108 countries We sell to 52 countries in Asia We sell to 44 countries in Africa Our FIA products are sold in 145 countries Our global distributor network includes over 80 distributors present in every continent Welcome to BPP Learning Media At BPP Learning Media, we seek to inspire, enthuse and guide people from all walks of life on every step of their educational journey. We have a passion for imparting knowledge and improving lives through education. The fact you are reading our publications catalogue tells us you share that passion. Together, we can work to improve life and career aspirations across the world. The trusted...
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...anD ManageMenT (iLM) 15 MeDiCaL seRies assOCiaTiOn OF BUsiness exeCUTives (aBe) 16 a BRanD neW 17 aPPROaCh a neW iDenTiTY 17 a neW PROPOsiTiOn 18 inFORMaTiOn FOR BOOKseLLeRs 20 WhOLesaLe ORDeRs 23 BeCOMe a sTOCKisT TUiTiOn PROviDeRs 24 TeRMs anD COnDiTiOns OF saLe RegiOnaL saLes ManageRs 24 CUsTOMeR seRviCes PRinTeD 25 PRODUCTs 26 sTUDY TexTs PRaCTiCe & RevisiOn KiTs 27 PassCaRDs 28 eLeCTROniC PRODUCTs 29 eBOOKs 30 eLiBRaRies i-Pass 31 inTeRaCTive PassCaRDs sUCCess CDs 32 i-LeaRn inTeRaCTive 33 LeaRning sOLUTiOns 34 BeneFiTs OF Using BPP LeaRning MeDia’s inTeRaCTive sTUDY MaTeRiaLs 35 FeaTURes OF BPP LeaRning MeDia’s inTeRaCTive eLeaRning TiTLes 37 sTUDenT RePORTing eLeaRning sTanDaRDs 38 LiCenseD eLeaRning PRODUCTs 39 LeARnInG MAteRIALs aCCa Fia Bsc (hOns) DiP FM DiP iFR iCFe aaT CiMa...
Words: 28023 - Pages: 113
...YingJieSheng.COM ............................................................................................................................................5 1.1 .......................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 .......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 ...........................................................................................................................................................6 1.4 ...............................................................................................................................................6 kpmg ....................................................................................................................................7 2.1 2013kpmg ..................................................................................................................7 2.2 verbal ...............................................................................................8 2.3 Oct.13.2013. KPMG .............................................................................................................................8 2.4 ........................................................................................................................................9 2.5 10.12KPMG ....................................
Words: 10502 - Pages: 43
...ACCA QUALIFICATION COURSE NOTES Paper P3 BUSINESS ANALYSIS JUNE 2012 EXAMINATIONS OpenTuition Course Notes can be downloaded FREE from www.OpenTuition.com Copyright belongs to OpenTuition.com - please do not support piracy by downloading from other websites. Visit opentuition.com for the latest updates, watch free video lectures and get free tutors’ support on the forums To fully benefit from these notes do not forget to watch free ACCA Lectures on our website Free ACCA Lectures and course notes by Paper (on line on http://opentuition.com/acca/) F1 Accountant in Business / FAB Foundations in Accountancy F2 Management Accounting / FMA Foundations in Accountancy F3 Financial Accounting / FFA Foundations in Accountancy F4 Corporate & Business Law (English & Global) F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) F7 Financial Reporting F8 Audit and Assurance F9 Financial Management P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics P2 Corporate Reporting P3 Business Analysis P4 Advanced Financial Management P5 Advanced Performance Management P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) P7 Advanced Audit & Assurance THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE For the latest free course notes, free lectures and forum support please visit opentuition.com/acca Paper P3 JUNE 2012 EXAMINATIONS For latest course notes, free audio & video lectures, support and forums please visit Paper P3 i JUNE 2012 EXAMINATIONS Paper P3 SYLLABUS 1 Aim To apply relevant knowledge, skills, and exercise...
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...FAB P R A C T I C E & R E V I S I O N K I T PAPER F1 ACCOUNTANT IN BUSINESS BPP Learning Media is the sole ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner – content for the FIA suite of qualifications. In this, the only FAB/F1 Practice and Revision Kit to be reviewed by the examiner: We include Do you know? Checklists to test your knowledge and understanding of topics We provide you with two mock exams including the Pilot paper We provide the ACCA examiner’s answers as well as our own to the Pilot paper as an additional revision aid BPP's i-Pass product also supports this paper and is a vital tool if you are taking the computer based exam. Note FIA FAB and ACCA Paper F1 are examined under the same syllabus and study guide. FOR EXAMS FROM FEBRUARY 2013 TO JANUARY 2014 FAB/F1 ACCOUNTANT IN BUSINESS First edition May 2011 Second edition November 2012 ISBN 9781 4453 9976 8 (Previous ISBN 9781 4453 7311 9) e-ISBN 9781 4453 9252 3 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA www.bpp.com/learningmedia Printed in the United Kingdom by Ricoh Ricoh House Ullswater Crescent Coulsdon CR5 2HR A note about copyright Dear Customer What does the little © mean and why does it matter? Your market-leading BPP books, course materials and elearning materials do not write and update themselves. People write them: on their own...
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...FFA PAPER F3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING BPP Learning Media is the sole ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner – content for FIA and ACCA qualifications. In this, the only FFA/F3 study text to be reviewed by the examiner: We highlight the most important elements in the syllabus and the key skills you will need We signpost how each chapter links to the syllabus and the study guide We provide lots of exam focus points demonstrating what the examiner will want you to do We emphasise key points in regular fast forward summaries We test your knowledge of what you’ve studied in quick quizzes We examine your understanding in our exam question bank We reference all the important topics in our full index I N T E R A C T I V E T E X T BPP’s Practice & Revision Kit, i-Pass and Interactive Passcard products also support this paper. Note FIA FFA and ACCA Paper F3 are examined under the same syllabus and study guide. FOR EXAMS FROM FEBRUARY 2013 TO JANUARY 2014 FFA/F3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING First edition March 2011 Second edition September 2012 ISBN 9781 4453 9966 9 Previous ISBN 9781 4453 7305 8 eISBN 9781 4453 9242 4 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place 142-144 Uxbridge Road London W12 8AA www.bpp.com/learningmedia Printed in the United Kingdom by Printers Polestar Wheatons Hennock Road Marsh Barton Exeter EX2 8RP Your...
Words: 166751 - Pages: 668
...ACCOUNTANT IN BUSINESS BPP Learning Media is the sole ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner – content for the FIA and ACCA qualifications. In this, the only FAB/F1 Study Text to be reviewed by the examiner: We highlight the most important elements in the syllabus and the key skills you will need We signpost how each chapter links to the syllabus and the study guide We provide lots of exam focus points demonstrating what the examiner will want you to do We emphasise key points in regular fast forward summaries We test your knowledge of what you’ve studied in quick quizzes We examine your understanding in our exam question bank We reference all the important topics in our full index BPP’s Practice & Revision Kit and i-Pass products also support this paper. Note FIA FAB and ACCA Paper F1 are examined under the same syllabus and study guide. FOR EXAMS FROM FEBRUARY 2014 TO AUGUST 2015 I N T E R A C T I V E T E X T FAB/F1 ACCOUNTANT IN BUSINESS First edition March 2011 Third edition September 2013 ISBN 9781 4453 7026 2 Previous ISBN 9781 4453 9965 2 eISBN 9781 4453 7061 3 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place 142-144 Uxbridge Road London W12 8AA www.bpp.com/learningmedia Printed in the United Kingdom by RICOH Ricoh House Ullswater Crescent Coulsdon CR5 2HR A note about copyright Dear Customer What does the little...
Words: 210642 - Pages: 843
...cover next page > title author publisher isbn10 | asin print isbn13 ebook isbn13 language subject publication date lcc ddc subject : : : : : : : : : : : cover next page > < previous page page_i next page > Page i Dictionary of Accounting Terms Third Edition Joel G. Siegel, PhD, CPA Professor of Accounting Queens College of the City University of New York Jae K. Shim, PhD Professor of Accounting College of Business Administration California State University, Long Beach < previous page page_i next page > < previous page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS page_ii next page > Page ii The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions made by reviewers John Downes, formerly of the New York City Office of Economic Development, and Dr. G. Thomas Friedlob, Professor of Accounting at Clemson University. Their in-depth evaluations have been of great importance to the technical accuracy of the manuscript. Gerald J. Barry suggested many meaningful insertions and deletions that greatly enhanced the authors' prose. Thanks also go to Roberta Siegel and Cher Ragge for their assistance with the computer terms, graphics, and word processing. Anna Damaskos, Don Reis, Sally Strauss, and Eileen Prigge of Barron's have been invaluable during the many stages of editing the manuscript into its bound book form. © Copyright 2000 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. Prior editions © 1995, 1987 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this...
Words: 195124 - Pages: 781
...Acknowledgments ix Acknowledgments This book owes a great deal to the mental energy of several generations of scholars. As an undergraduate at the University of Cape Town, Francis Wilson made me aware of the importance of migrant labour and Robin Hallett inspired me, and a generation of students, to study the African past. At the School of Oriental and African Studies in London I was fortunate enough to have David Birmingham as a thesis supervisor. I hope that some of his knowledge and understanding of Lusophone Africa has found its way into this book. I owe an equal debt to Shula Marks who, over the years, has provided me with criticism and inspiration. In the United States I learnt a great deal from ]eanne Penvenne, Marcia Wright and, especially, Leroy Vail. In Switzerland I benefitted from the friendship and assistance of Laurent Monier of the IUED in Geneva, Francois Iecquier of the University of Lausanne and Mariette Ouwerhand of the dépurtement évangélrlyue (the former Swiss Mission). In South Africa, Patricia Davison of the South African Museum introduced me to material culture and made me aware of the richness of difference; the late Monica Wilson taught me the fundamentals of anthropology and Andrew Spiegel and Robert Thornton struggled to keep me abreast of changes in the discipline; Sue Newton-King and Nigel Penn brought shafts of light from the eighteenthcentury to bear on early industrialism. Charles van Onselen laid a major part of the intellectual foundations on...
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