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Accenture Management In Management

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About Accenture

Accenture is a company focused on management consulting, technology services and outsourcing. If we base solely in net profit it was the biggest consulting group in the world on the year 2014 by achieving net revenue of 30 billion dollars.
Accenture starter as a company in 1950 under the name Andersen Consulting later on, in 2001 it changed its name to Accenture and became publicly traded thus giving birth to the company we know today. Accenture has around 300.000 employees scattered around the world in approximately 120 countries.

Management in the corporation

For the writing of this research project we will use several sources to gather information about the company but most precisely about its management practices. We …show more content…
She said “employees are free to choose the language in which they can communicate and the way in which they want to do it” this shows that the management at the company is not concerned on how the work is done but whether if goals are met or not. Another very strong suggestion of Accenture´s theory Y approach is the fact that employees are given the opportunity to work from home which gives them more flexibility to perform the task the where hired for at the same time they are free to organize their own time

As in every company, financial benefits are a common technique to reward employees, but apart from this, Accenture has a lot of non-financial benefits to offer. This is reflected in the package Accenture offers to each employee, the “Accenture Total Rewards Package”.

The Accenture Total Rewards Package includes compensation and a range of market-relevant benefits and professional growth opportunities that recognize individual contributions and performance.

Accenture Total Rewards …show more content…
Davenport , the authors used the corporation as an example of how management should work inside of a company stating “Accenture has long been seen as a leader in knowledge management, having received awards for many years. Over the years though, islands of knowledge have developed throughout the organization and the delivery infrastructure has become progressively more expensive. In 2004, the global knowledge management lead has been given the mandate to lead a revitalization of knowledge management. Outlines governance challenges in the global firm, the transition to a new IT infrastructure, and the strategic challenges and opportunities facing knowledge management within

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