Premium Essay

Accountable, Responsibility and Authority


Submitted By Vihanga12
Words 1771
Pages 8


Responsibility expressions the duty assigned to a specific situation. Whoever taking the position must achieve the duty which she/he allocated. That is what we call responsibility of him/her. The term responsibility is often identified as a duty to complete an exact job given to a secondary staff. In a business or an organisation, responsibility is the commitment as per the policies or approaches give out.
Definition of Responsibility

Responsibility is a sense of duty of an individual to another to complete assigned duties to the best of their skills below the instructions of their managing staff. Conferring to Theo Haimann’s academic argument, “Responsibility is the obligation of a secondary staff to achieve the duty as required by his/her first line management” (Kumar and Sharma, 2000).
Features of Responsibility
1. The fundamental of responsibility is the sense of duty of a secondary staff to achieve the duty owed.
2. It always commence from the connection of subordinate and superordinate.
3. Usually responsibility vary upwards while authority falls downwards.
4. Responsibility is in the system of a constant duty.
5. Responsibility cannot be replaced.
6. The person accepting responsibility is answerable for the performance of assigned requirements.
7. It is tough to deliberate responsibility underprivileged of authority.


Authority is the capability or entitlement given to an executive or a superior in order to reach assured organizational objectives and goals.
A manager will not be able to do his role professionally without a suitable authority. Authority is the commencement of an organizational structure. It is an essential fixture of the profession of management. Divested of authority, a supervisor accomplishes to be a supervisor, because he cannot improve his instructions accepted through

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