...Rthgdsfhsdfhsdf sad dfasdfas f asdfasd fs d ed d d d d d d dd d d d d d d d d d dd a das d as da sdasd as da sda sd as das d asd asd a sd asd a sd as da s d asdasd asd asd s d s a s d s d s a s d a sda sd a sd a sd a sd a sd as das d d s a sd s d a s d s ds a sd a sdas d a sd a s d a sd a s d s d erf e fgr g rt g dsg t yys t w er2345 q4 q r t 54y 5 ejkl lkj lkj klkj lk jlk j klh k jhbmn b n m b m n b m n b m n b sd fs df s df s df s df s df sd f a dfa sdfg sdh d hf hds f gs d f g d s f g d f g d f g s d f g d f g d f g sdfs d fs df s df s df sd f s df d h ty t y r ty r ty r t yr t y rt y r ty r ty rt y rt y rt y r ty rt y rtyr ty ert e rte r t er t e rte r t e rt et s df sdf s df...
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...Dear Mr. President, This letter is in response to your request for information on how to account for the Referral Credit offered to existing Runway Discount customers. Both US GAAP and IFRS provide similar guidance on accounting for the credit offered for attracting new customers. After researching US GAAP, code section 605-50-25-3 describes the Referral Credit offered by Runway Discount as a voluntary sales incentive that becomes redeemable as a result of a single transaction. The cost of the Referral Credit should be recognized at the latter of the following situations: The date at which the related revenue was recognized or the date at which the sales incentive was offered. In your situation, most Referral Credits will be recognized at the date of receiving the related revenue. Most customers will not use the $25 credit the date issued, but rather use it at their convenience. In addition to researching US GAAP, the IFRS provided similar guidance on accounting for the $25 Referral Credit. International Accounting Standard 18 paragraph 19 offers guidelines that match corresponding revenue with expenses. Runway Discount provides the existing customer incentive due to a specific transaction by a referred new customer. With the credit being a specified amount of $25, the IFRS states that the liability must be recognized with the corresponding revenue. In conclusion, the Referral Credit offered by Runway Discount should be accounted for under US GAAP until adopting IFRS...
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...Letters Accountants write letters of variety of people, different types of accountant writes different letters to different types of people. There are some principles of good letter writing that are introduced in this chapter such as: organization, style, tone, and format. Before we start with the letter, we need to have a clear understanding of what the letter should cover so that we won’t forget something important. The length of the letter doesn’t matter although many letters are no longer than a page. We also need to analyze the purpose of the letter before we start writing it. It’s also important to think about the reader that we are writing to, the reader’s knowledge and experience should determine how much detail we should use in our business letters. Sometimes we much explain complex accounting procedures in the words that a non-accountant can understand. Our letter is organized into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction of the letter should address the main idea that we are trying to express and the purpose of the letter that we are writing. The body of the letter is divided into different discussions of each topic. Arrange the topics in descending order of importance from the reader’s point of view, this is really important. The conclusion may be a conventional courteous closing: thank you very much for your help. The conclusion is also a good place to tell the reader what we want him or her to do, or what we will do to follow up on the subjects...
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...Home Poetry Book Contest Poetry Book Contest Brick Road Poetry Book Contest Michael Meyerhofer was selected as the winner of the 2010 Brick Road Poetry Book Contest for his manuscript entitled, Damnatio Memoriae. The 4 additional finalists were: Rupert Fike, Lotus Buffet Grey Held, Two-Star General Jamie Thomas, Etch and Blur Toni Thomas, Chosen Jason Schossler, Mud Cakes (scheduled for publication elsewhere) 4 of our finalists, all but Jason Schossler, are scheduled to be published by Brick Road Press. *** The first place winner receives a publication contract with Brick Road Poetry Press and $1000 prize, publication in both print and ebook formats, and 25 copies of the printed book. We may also offer publication contracts to the top finalists. Adhere to all the "general submission" manuscript guidelines. (provided below) Entry fee $25, payable through the online submission manager. If sending hard copy, please include a Check or money order to "Brick Road Poetry Press, Inc." Deadline: November 1, submission accepted starting August 1. Submit via the Brick Road Poetry Press Submission Manager Manuscript Guidelines * Book-length poetry manuscripts only. * Simultaneous submissions accepted, provided we are immediately informed if the manuscript is accepted elsewhere. * Original collection of 50 to 100 pages of poetry, excluding cover page, contents, acknowledgments, etc. * Single sided, single spaced. We prefer no more than one poem...
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...Transmittal letters often accompany reports and inform readers of a report's context. Typically, the letter includes information not found in the report. For example, the letter contains information about the particular project and/or due dates. A Transmittal Letter is a business letter and should be formatted accordingly; that is, you should include the recipient's address, your address, a salutation and closing. Depending on the project, you may also need to include contact information. Always check with your instructor to determine whether or not you should attach a transmittal letter to your report. In Finance, a Letter of Transmittal is a document used by a security holder to accompany certificates surrendered in an exchange or other corporate action. A Letter of Transmittal may also be a distribution list with the recipients of a memo, report or contract. A transmittal letter accompanies a document and explains what the document is, why it should receive the reader's consideration, and what the reader should do with it. A transmittal or cover letter accompanies a larger item, usually a document. The transmittal letter provides the recipient with a specific context in which to place the larger document and simultaneously gives the sender a permanent record of having sent the material. Transmittal letters are usually brief. The first paragraph describes what is being sent and the purpose for sending it. A longer transmittal letter may summarize key elements...
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...four chapters of coursework covered in the textbook and three of the assignments identified on the on-line WebCT page. The course of instruction is now 37.5% complete. Work Completed The work that has been assigned since the beginning of class, August 20, 2012, has been on time and organized. I have been busy with the work that has been assigned and have been studying to keep up. Assignments The first assignment was the tone assignment, the second was the e-mail assignment, and the third was the business letter assignment. These three assignments are outlined in the table below indicating the date each was due and the grade received. Each of these assignments was submitted before the due date and great effort was put into each one as demonstrated by my grades. I am steadily improving and have made a goal to get a 50/50 on an assignment. Assignment |Date Due |Grade | |Tone |August 30, 2012 |40/50 | |E-mail |September 7, 2012 |41/50 | |Business Letter |September 14, 2012 |45/50 | | Quizzes The quizzes that have been assigned have been completed on time. The three quizzes completed are outlined in the table below indicating the date due and the grade received. Each of the quizzes that were completed before the due date. I have put much effort into each quiz and I make sure that I dedicate the same amount of studying time for each one. Quizzes |Date Due |Grade | |1 |August 30, 2012 |30/30 | |2...
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...Setting up Lightroom 5 * Click the icon located in the center of the Desktop. * Once open tether the camera to Lightroom 5. Click File > Tethered Capture > Start Tethered Capture (Note: make sure the camera is connected to the usb cable and computer. * The Tethered Capture Settings window will open. I have already set up where it will be save. Just click ok. * You will notice a new pop up. Check to ensure that the camera is noticed. If it isn’t noticed it will look like the screen below. Take a practice shot. You should notice a new photo popped up in the bottom of the screen in the thumbnail section. * Make sure that you are in the Print Module. Located in the top right side of the screen. * Once in the Print Module look at the center left side of the screen. You will see Template browser. Under Users Templates will be the different settings. All of the photo, with the exception of the 8.5 x 11 size prints will be on 5 x 7 paper. * Once you pick the photo size look at the gray screen where the portraits display. On the top left side of the gray screen will be some text that start with Page 1 of 1. Below the Page 1 of 1 text look to see if the paper size is correct for the template you selected. Then look below the size and ensure that the Canon Printer is listed. Note if any other printer is listed, you need to call me. * Once the size is picked, look at the lower right of the screen and click Print. Clicking...
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...several different audiences, including undergraduate and graduate students. The organization of this manual is a logic sequence of chapters including both business communication and correspondence. The first part is dedicated to business communication and the second to business correspondence. The special features found in this edition are: 1. Examples of effective letter writing. Studies have shown students studying written business communication can learn as much, if not more, from ineffective examples of written communication as they do from effective examples. 2. Varied application problems in the writing-oriented chapters. The number of problems has been increased. While the majority of problems require the writing of a letter or report, some are designed to give students an opportunity to develop the often overlooked skill of editing. 3. Many new application problems in the non-writingoriented chapters. 4. New topics, such as nonverbal communication language, various types of speeches and presentations. 4 Part 1 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE 1. The Business Letter 1.1. The Lay-Out of the Letter Subordinated to the aim envisaged by the...
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...COPIER CONFUSION CASE STUDY Abstract The Business Company, Inc., badly needed new copying machines. The company had 20 machines, but they were old and copy quality was poor. They broke down frequently. And to change paper size from 8.5 x 11 in. to legal-size, the user had to remove one paper tray containing 8.5 x 11 in. paper and replace it with a tray containing legal-size paper. Newer machines had two trays, one for each paper size, that permitted changing paper size at the push of a button without changing paper trays. The company’s purchasing agent, thought this would be a labor-saving feature and decided to include it in a specification for purchase of new machines. The copying machine industry called this feature, “dual-cassette” design. John Richards, the company’s purchasing agent, thought this would be a labor-saving feature and decided to include it in a specification for purchase of new machines. The copying machine industry called this feature, “dual-cassette” design. The Business Company issued an invitation for bids for purchase and maintenance of 20 replacement machines. The solicitation included a specification that called for a machine that would permit “copying both 8.5 x 11 in. and legal-size paper without manually changing the paper trays.” The term dual cassette did not appear in the specification. John received bids from several companies, including Copies Incorporated, a reputable manufacturer...
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...PROJ598 – Contract and Procurement Management Copier Confusion The Business Company, Inc., badly needed new copying machines. The company had 20 machines, but they were old and copy quality was poor. They broke down frequently. And to change paper size from 8.5 x 11 in. to legal-size, the user had to remove one paper tray containing 8.5 x 11 in. paper and replace it with a tray containing legal-size paper. Newer machines had two trays, one for each paper size, that permitted changing paper size at the push of a button without changing paper trays. John Richards, the company’s purchasing agent, thought this would be a labor-saving feature and decided to include it in a specification for purchase of new machines. The copying machine industry called this feature, “dual-cassette” design. The Business Company issued an invitation for bids for purchase and maintenance of 20 replacement machines. The solicitation included a specification that called for a machine that would permit “copying both 8.5 x 11 in. and legal-size paper without manually changing the paper trays.” The term dual cassette did not appear in the specification. John received bids from several companies, including Copies Incorporated, a reputable manufacturer. Copiers had greeted the invitation for bids with great pleasure. Their inventory included 30 of their Model 125 copying machines, which they were phasing out. The Model 125 had only one tray, which held 8.5 x 11 in. and legal-size paper, but legal-size paper...
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...HW #3: For Tuesday, Feb 8th … If you encounter financial terms with which you are not familiar, the Glossary provided on the Yahoo! Finance website at http://biz.yahoo.com/f/g/ may be of help. 1. Read Sections 5.6 through 5.10 in Chapter 5 – Evaluating a Single Project and Sections 13.1 through 13.4 in Chapter 13 – The Capital Budgeting Process from the course textbook. Note, as mentioned in class, the error in the definition of “EBIT” on page 552 in Chapter 13 which should read “Earnings Before Interest and Taxes.” Also, in Example 13-3 at the bottom of page 556, leverage, λ, is erroneously called the “debt-equity ratio” whereas it should be called the “debt fraction” or the “debt-to-capital” ratio. 2. Answer Questions 5-12, 5-14, 5-16, 5-17, 5-46, 5-47 and 5-54 found at the end of Chapter 5. Write up your answers, showing all work, neatly and concisely on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Be sure your name appears at the top of each page and staple multiple pages together. Submit your answers at the beginning of class. Late submittals will not be accepted. All work is to be your own, consistent with the University Honor Council’s Guide to Academic Integrity. 3. Read “Assessing a Company’s Future Financial Health” (HBS 9-911-412) handed out in class and then complete the financial analysis of SciTronics by filling in the blanks on pages 6 through 10. Then complete The Case of the Unidentified Industries on pages 10 and 11. Explain your choices in The Case of the Unidentified Industries in...
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...business. Therefore what is written and how it is expressed is as much a part of business education as accountancy and economics. Definition of a Business Letter The business letter is the basic means of communication between two companies. It is estimated that close to 100 million Business Letters are written every workday. It is a document typically sent externally to those outside a company but is also sent internally to those within a company. Purpose of a Business Letter The first question for any writer should be, "Why am I writing?" "What is my goal or my purpose for writing?" For many writing contexts the long–range purpose of writing is to communicate to a particular audience. In order to communicate successfully to your audience, understanding your purpose for writing will make you a better writer. Purpose is the reason why you are writing. You may write a grocery list in order to remember what you need to buy. You may write a laboratory report in order to carefully describe a chemistry experiment. You may write an argumentative essay in order to persuade someone to change the parking rules on campus. You may write a letter to a friend to express your excitement about her new job. Notice that selecting the form for your writing (list, report, essay, letter) is one of your choices that helps you achieve your purpose. You also have choices about style, organization; kinds of evidence that help you achieve your purpose. ...
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...business letter It is used to communicate ideas in a formal way between people and/or companies on a professional level. Meaning Business letters are formal letters used for business-to-business, business-to-client, or client-to-business correspondence. parts Date & Sender's Address * The first line of a business letter should be the date the letter was written or completed. Directly underneath the date is the sender's address. Do not include the sender's name here. Sometimes the sender's address is listed on a letterhead, in which case the address should not be repeated under the date. Recipient's Address * If known, the recipient's address should include the name of the person to whom the letter is directed. You should also include a title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Dr.) in front of the name. If you are including the country with the address, capitalize the country name. Salutation * The salutation should be the same as the name written with the recipient's address, followed by a colon. It is fine to only use the first name if you personally know the person and you typically refer to her by her first name. If you do not know the recipient's name, it is fine to use the salutation, "To Whom it May Concern." Body * The body of the letter should be formally written. Use single-spaced lines, except between paragraphs, where a double-spaced line should be inserted. The closing paragraph should summarize what was previously stated throughout the letter. Closing ...
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...Cover Letters While your resume is a summary of your credentials, your cover letter should essentially be a sales pitch. Your aim is to demonstrate why your skills and your background make a perfect match for the position you're applying for. The cover letter is not the place to summarize your background--you have already done this in your resume. Remember, employers typically receive hundreds of resumes for each job opening. You must stand out from other job seekers in a positive way. The best way to distinguish yourself is to highlight one or two of your accomplishments or abilities that show you are an above-average candidate for this position. Stressing only one or two unique attributes will increase your chances of being remembered by the recruiter and getting to the interview stage, where you can elaborate on the rest of your accomplishments. You can also gain an extra edge by showing that you have some specific knowledge about the company and industry. This shows that your are genuinely interested in the job you are applying for--and that you are not blindly sending out hundreds of resumes. More importantly, the employer will view your interest as an indication that you are likely to stay with the company for a substantial period of time if you are hired. 10 Key Details to Remember When to send a cover letter: always mail a cover letter with your resume. Even if you are following up an advertisement that reads simply "send resume," be sure to include...
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...SAMPLE #1: FULL BLOCK STYLE 178 Green Street Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 555-5555 December 2, 1999 Pat Cummings General Manager Any Corporation 1140 Main Street Chicago, IL 60605 Dear Mr. Cummings: My interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager (New York Post, November 30) has prompted me to forward my resume for your review and consideration. During the past ten years, my experience has been concentrated in the masonry and plastering products supply industry with a building materials firm. During my six years as General Manager, I took an old line business, which had undergone several years of poor management, and reversed the trend. I upgraded the firm's image, and customer and vendor relations, which subsequently increased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by 300%. I am presently looking for a position where my experience will make a positive contribution to the start-up or continuing profitable operation of a business in which I am so well experienced. I will contact you in a few days to arrange a meeting for further discussion. In the interim, should you require additional information, I may be reached at (203) 222-2222 between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Sincerely, Joan Smith Enclosure: Resume SAMPLE #2: HALF BLOCK STYLE 178 Green Street Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 555-5555 ...
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