...Introduction: A brief, one-to-two paragraph introduction that states succinctly the key issues or problems raised by the case that you will discuss in your report. Analysis: Respond to each of the questions/issues listed below. Your report should recognize, integrate, and cite relevant theories, concepts, and ideas from the required course readings and from conferences activities. • What are the major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faces in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China? How might the differences between the corporate cultures of CreaseFree and DynaCoat impact the joint venture? • Analyze the role of top managers in the money-laundering scheme. Are top managers responsible when corruption is afoot? What individual or situational factors encouraged the money-laundering scheme at AccuForm? • Outline the key, specific elements of an ethics and compliance program or a corporate social responsibility program that Kim can use to re-establish AccuForm’s reputation and to build its corporate culture for the long term benefit of the company. How will the actions you recommend to Kim mitigate or eliminate the problems you have identified in your analysis of this case? Conclusions and Reflection: • Assume you are a manager in a foreign subsidiary of a US-based company. What would you advise your staff to do when faced with local expectations of “payoffs” or “referral money?” Where would you go for guidance, either within...
Words: 272 - Pages: 2
...MISALIGNED VALUE PERCEPTIONS: DYNACOAT & CREASEFREE A fundamental problem with AccuForm, an equal joint venture between DynaCoat (Germany) and CreaseFree (Hong Kong), is the fact that its two parent entities have conflicting corporate cultures that have not been reconciled. Headquartered in Hong Kong, AccuForm leveraged the production capabilities of both its originators, but failed to merge their distinctive value sets. DynaCoat, a German textile-coating producer, believes in holding its employees to strict codes of conduct. The company places value on ensuring the professional integrity of its workforce and is dedicated to safety and environmental protection. Producing high quality, standardized chemical coatings worldwide, DynaCoat is the ideal corporate citizen. In contrast, CreaseFree, a Hong Kong OEM of wrinkle-free clothing, has values that are at odds with DynaCoat’s. The company’s mission is low cost leadership, by any means within the law. While DynaCoat strives to exceed social expectations, CreaseFree only does what it must to meet legal requirements. Like many other traditional Chinese businesses, CreaseFree disregards formal control systems and depends on guanxi familial and other personal connections to accomplish tasks. This means that excessive gift giving; favors, kickbacks, and bribes all fall within the range of regular and acceptable business activity at CreaseFree. The company has no concern for corporate stewardship. As AccuForm’s business activity progressed...
Words: 1863 - Pages: 8
...Case Study Analysis: AccuForm: Ethical Leadership and its Challenges in the Era of Globalization Nicolle R. Waddy AMBA 660 Managing Global Business Professor Dr. Elena Zavialova January 22, 2012 Introduction The ethical environment of a company’s leadership heavily impacts business decisions, and thus impacts the public’s image of the company. These decisions and the process by which they are made will affect the world’s view of the company, and it is important for company’s to understand the significance of ethical decision-making particularly in international business relations on the company’s reputation. AccuForm was a joint venture company, organized by the joining of CreaseFree, a Hong Kong OEM manufacturer of wrinkle-free clothing, and DynaCoat, a German coating’s producer. The two companies sought to develop high-tech coatings for the use on wrinkle-free clothing and fabrics for distribution throughout Asia. Because the two companies operated in different countries, they began the venture with obvious differences in corporate cultures. Throughout this analysis I will discuss the major issues raised by this joint venture. The major issues came about through the leadership and decisions made by that leadership. The major issues in the AccuForm joint venture were: (1) A lack of a joint ethical environment at AccuForm from the combining cultures of DynaCoat and CreaseFree; (2) The Laissez-Faire Management Style of Raymond Kim; and (3) lack of understanding...
Words: 2147 - Pages: 9
...The corporate world is one of great prestige, earning potential, and recognition, but it can also be a world in which corruption, mismanagement, and failure can lead to devastating consequences, ending careers and tarnishing reputations. The AccuForm case study reflects the complex nature of business and its relationship to ethical dilemmas, corporate culture, and managerial competence and responsibility. With a variance in personalities, motives, and expectations companies such as AccuForm struggle to maintain an environment in which integrity is upheld and not usurped by individual greed or contradictory values. This case study illustrates the challenges within businesses and confirms the need for organizations to seriously and meticulously evaluate company policies and systems, clearly define managerial goals and expectations, and assist in the edification of the entire workforce. To understand the implications of this case, one must analyze the organization’s partnerships. Undoubtedly, the partnership between AccuForm and CreaseFree created a monumental challenge that clearly reflects how systems and culture can be a detriment to the productivity of a company. Entering into a joint venture was a very costly decision for AccuForm. The immediate challenge faced by the company was the obvious dichotomy of the business practices and belief systems of the organizations. This challenge was most significant because it was the basis for all of the ignoble actions that would soon...
Words: 2446 - Pages: 10
...several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing operations in China.There were several major social, ethical, legal challenges that AccuForm faced in operating a joint venture with R&D and manufacturing...
Words: 673 - Pages: 3