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Acne Vulgaris Subculture

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The impact of acne on adolescents, sensitive to self-appearance, jeopardizes their emotional quotients leading to a compromised quality of life as compared to their healthier friend. Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic inflammatory dermatological disease with physical and psychosocial consequences caused due to the inflammation of the Pilosebaceous units and may appear on the different body sites; predominant are facial acne and the upper region of the trunk. Some of the most common signs and symptoms of the disease include whiteheads – closed comedones, blackheads – open comedones, small, red and tender bumps or papules, pustules, large nodules and painful lumps under the surface of the skin, and cystic lesions, which are painful and pus-filled …show more content…
They are at a common period in their lives, distinctly apart from adults and no longer able to identify with children. Out of their desire to be something more than just kids and to facilitate their independence, teenagers have developed their own subculture. Complete with its own distinct values, behaviors, language, and symbols, the subculture has become so well developed and organized that it spans continents and oceans. The unusual styles of their dressing and grooming, their folk heroes, and slang expressions seem more foreign to the parent who lives in the same house than to another teenager on a different continent. Self-image is very important to adolescents and their physical appearance can dictate how they feel about …show more content…
Acne Vulgaris is defined by inflammatory papules, pustules and nodules and by non-inflammatory, open or closed comedones. The condition usually affects the areas of skin with the most sebaceous follicles, typically on the face, upper chest and back. Localized symptoms include pain, tenderness and erythema. Severe cases with associated systemic symptoms including fever are defined as acne fulminant. Severe acne with multiple comedones, abscesses and formation of draining sinus tracks is called acne conglobate. This degree of acne often leaves disfiguring scars

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