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Doxycycline Research Paper

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Natural treatments are by far the best way to cure acne. They are a safe, fast, cheap, and permanent cure for acne sufferers. Treating your body naturally, both inside and out, allows your body's natural defenses to fight and permanently cure those pimples and zits that make so many people so miserable.

In spite of the success of natural treatments, many people first choose to try over-the-counter and mail order topical treatments. These products rarely live up to the advertising hype and are never a permanent cure. When these products fail to work many people visit a dermatologist for a prescription medication such as Doxyxycline.

Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic which is used to treat acne. It is the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that are important, if your inflamed pimples do not respond well to topical acne antibiotics or if you have acne on many areas of your body, antibiotics in pill form can be more effective, easier to take, and more convenient. However, the average patient sees only about a 15-25% improvement in the number of inflamed pimples when using Doxycycline. Before taking Doxycycline patients must consider the risks.

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