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Peter Farnsworth: Transformational Leadership

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Peter Farnsworth is aware of the challenges that he must confront upon taking over the hotel as a manager and expectation from him in turning the performance of hotel to higher levels. The conceptual category of functional leadership creates and maintains a clear and visible system of values of quality of service. A support management system that guides all the activities of the institution toward excellence for the benefit of affiliates is used additionally with it. This launching platform also aims to constitute a defined institutional image integrating companywide responsibilities with values and practices of quality (Caruana, 2002). Peter Farnsworth plans to identify the problem of ineffective leadership and management along with the associated …show more content…
A democratic leader has to go through consistent struggle for being able to act like a regular member of his group. The major duty of a democratic leader is to provide his team with knowledge or bring expansion into existing knowledge. Therefore, participation is perceived as one of the most essential characteristic of group participation (Bruce and Nayland,2011). For many years, participation and the contributions from groups have been regarded as major characteristics of democratic leadership (Yi and Jeon, 2003).
Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership can be subjected to splitting in terms of four factors as stated by Kendrick (2011), such as individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized influence. These aspects can be associated directly with the definitions of translational leadership. From the perspective of public relationships these four aspects are important. For running an organization in effective manner, it is important that relationship with employees is maintained better (Mayo, 2004).
Path Goal

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