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Unit 8 Health And Social Care P1

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The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 requires all employees to feel and be safe in the workplace.
To do this employers provide suitable PPE to the employees depending on what job they are doing to help maintain their safety in order to comply with the Health and Safety Act. For instance if a worker in the Volkswagen manufacturing business were to be in one of the factories filled with machines, heavy tools and car parts he/she will need PPE such as steel capped boots in case something heavy dropped onto his/her foot or goggles in case a piece of shrapnel were to fly out from one of the drilling machines. By supplying the required PPE for the worker the Volkswagen has reduced the risk of one of their workers being injured and are also obeyed the …show more content…
In the event of a fire the smoke alarms should detect the smoke and the fire alarms should go off. If Mr Franchetti didn’t install them into areas in the school however, then the people in the school wouldn’t know there was a fire only unless they saw it, but that would still only be in a certain area where they would know, if the fire were in the science block the history block wouldn’t know because they are separated from each other. Also if there was no fire extinguishers in place or other firefighting equipment there would be no way for the people in the burning building to fight off the fire. As a result Mr Franchetti would have broken the law and the school would go into mass panic and more people would be injured or kill, on top of that the school would have faced more legal action from those injured wanting compensation seeing as it was the schools fault for not installing the correct fire safety

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