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Cvs Case Study Summary

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CVS has been trying to establish greater control in its corner of the healthcare industry. The large mergers and acquisitions made by CVS show a phenomenon. Such as acquisitions helped CVS adapt to changing market dynamics more quickly than developing their own solution in-house. In acquiring, CVS bought a company with a ready-made solution and existing customer base. Anticipating demand and meeting the desires of their customers is important for long-term success. In buying another company they expanded their offerings to ensure they continue fulfilling their customers’ needs. Besides, rather than individually recruiting and hiring each team member, acquiring let them bring in a group of talented individuals with expertise in a pharmacy field

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.............................................................. 15 Action Plan, Step 2: Craft Your Story ....................................................................... 16 Your Story: Action Steps .......................................................................................... 22 Action Plan, Step 3: Network Like a Pro................................................................... 25 Networking Strategy #1: Developing Relationships .................................................. 25 Networking Strategy #2: Cold-Calling (and Cold-Emailing) ...................................... 34 Your Networking Crash Course: Action Steps.......................................................... 39 Action Plan, Step 4: Write a Resume / CV That Wins You...

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