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Is Torture Ethical Or Unethical Essay

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Since the infamous terrorist acts against the United States that occurred on September 11th of 2001, torture as a means of extracting information is widely discussed. In such cases of extreme terrorist acts, can torture be considered justified? People for torture will use the scenario in which thousands, if not millions of lives are at stake in certain terrorism incidents and people against torture argue that torture is a blatantly violating human rights, morals, and ethics. The fact remains that torture is morally and ethically inexcusable and frowned upon by the general public, however it cannot be considered that torture is morally and ethically wrong. Torture should merely be justified in the extremely rare situations where no other methods …show more content…
Torture, a painful, brutal tactic for extracting information from suspected terrorists, is an intelligence-gathering technique that must be stopped. The inhumane nature of torturous acts has the tendency to be mentally, emotionally, and psychologically traumatizing to the victim. The severity of this issue is only enlarged when the proposed victim is innocent of such terrorist acts they’re being accused of. An example of this is the story of one Maher Arar, a Syrian Canadian graduate of McGill University, was arrested in John F. Kennedy International Airport on September 26, 2002. He was questioned for two weeks by the United States. He was later transported to Damascus, Syria and tortured there for approximately one year, until his wife persuaded the Government of Canada to take part in convincing Syria to release him. He was released in October 2003, with no charges. He left the jail with physical, emotional, and psychological damage. He claims to still suffer from nightmares from his horrible experience. In addition, there is evidence that exists to prove these torturous practices to be entirely ineffective and unreliable. Within the same incident with Maher Arar, in order to leave the prison, he was forced to sign false confessions which meant

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