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Distinguishing Stereotypes And Attitudes Research Paper

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Distinguishing Stereotypes and Attitudes: Compare and contrast these concepts, using scholarly material to support your answer rather than stating your opinion.

What exactly does "stereotype" mean?"A cognitive representation of a group. They are often framed in terms of "traits" which are characteristics that we expect members of certain groups to possess. A good example would be that all pit bulls are vicious killers, but that is just not true, because one dog is vicious doesn't mean that all are are vicious killers. Another stereotype would be that all Toyota trucks are lemons because you owned a Toyota truck and it was a lemon, doesn't mean that all Toyota trucks are lemons. As you can see, a stereotype reflects a negative attachment to a specific group, not taking into consideration the full attributes of the entire group, or maybe one individual who might have specific traits. …show more content…
Attitude is an overall emotional response to a person or a group of people, which can be a negative emotional response, or a positive response. We might be referring to one individual that belongs to a specific group and reflect a negative attitude towards a statement or opinion of an individual or the group as a whole. A negative attitude reflects poorly onto the entire group and can be attached to many different groups, especially age groups. Negative attitudes which have already been assumed can pre-dispose opinions of specific groups, which are not necessarily the truth. We sometimes avoid contact with different cultures, religions, and age groups because of this assumption. The contact between may not always be a pleasant experience because we have this preconceived idea that is created by our opinions and stuck in our

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