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Action Researc


Submitted By Marichu
Words 1831
Pages 8

A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
University of Mindanao
Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of Ed 200

Marichu M. Celestial
December , 2014

Chapter 1


Background of the Study The school and community relationship is a decisive factor in obtaining financial support for the public education. While education is widely believed to help people escape from poverty and participate more fully in society and in the market place, governments around the world assume the responsibility for providing and financing education, especially basic education. But this responsibility, according to Gibson and Davies (2008) is a large and complex one for any government to meet adequately, which is why it is very important for government to explore diverse ways of financing and providing educational services. While governments remains the main financier of primary and secondary education, a substantial share of education worldwide is now delivered by private agents (Lewin and Sayed, 2005). But according to Patrinos, Osorio and Guaqueta (2009), public private partnership may face resistance from certain stakeholders. Further, as in any case and circumstance, parents and school involvements are challenged by barriers. According to Chadwick (2004), these barriers include lack of time and/or money, lack of information or training, differences in perceptions in perceptions and values, and issues with school space and facilities. In the Philippines, these diverse ways of financing and providing educational services is manifested in the Republic Act 8525, or the “Adopt-A-School Act”, which was made on 1998 brought the “bayanihan” or volunteerism to the community level, thus, the Brigada Eskwela (BE) program or National Maintenance

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