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Active Voluntary Euthanasia Research Paper

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The Morality of Euthanasia Euthanasia is a topic that is debated quite often, but do people actually understand what euthanasia is. Euthanasia is a Greek term that means a painless and easy death. There are many different kinds of euthanasia, but the one that we are going to focus on today is active voluntary euthanasia. Active voluntary euthanasia is when medication is given intentionally with the consent of the patient to end their life. I will argue that active voluntary euthanasia is moral because it allows the patient to medically choose to end their suffering and to choose their own consequences for their life. Euthanasia is something that needs to be discussed with all those involved with the patient’s medical condition. This would …show more content…
Those would include it would end their personal suffering, relive the family strain of seeing a family member in such pain, and the consequences. According to the utility principle which states “what is morally right is that action open to the person that has the greatest utility (ratio of value to disvalue) for all people considered and in the long run.” This principle states that the person who is suffering has to look at the value and disvalue of ending their life and all of the people that this decision is going to affect. First and foremost the person needs to look at their own life and the condition of their life right now. Does their life have value not only to themselves, but to those around them as well? When the patient has that decided they need to consider all the people that will be involved when the patient choose active voluntary euthanasia. This will include themselves, their family, and the doctors who are the ones that are going to administer this medication to the patient. Another part of this decision that they need to consider is the future of going through with the active voluntary euthanasia. The patient needs to consider their own future and accept the fact that they aren’t going to get better. The patient also needs to consider their family members. How long do you want them to see you suffer and the extra strain that it puts on the family? The

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