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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Research Paper

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Ⅰ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is the most common childhood cancer. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is diagnosed hundreds of times per year. Eighty percent of kids diagnosed can be cured with right treatment. But if treatment isn’t started soon enough after diagnosis it is harder to be cured. It is important to know about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia because it is easier to reach remission quicker if treatment is started earlier. Ⅱ You can tell a lot about the disease based on its name. Acute means that the immature cells are the most immature you could possibly have. Lymphoblastic means that it is composed of immature lymphoblasts and T or B lymphocyte …show more content…
ALL forms in the bone marrow where red and white blood cells and blood platelets are made. Red blood cells circulate oxygen in the body. White blood cells help the body fight infection. Blood platelets create blood clots when the body is injured, without platelets your body would bleed and bruise easier. The bone marrow also makes blood stem cells. A blood stem cell can either become myeloid or lymphoid stem cell. Myeloid stem cells become one of three types of mature cells; red blood cell, platelet, or a white blood cell. A lymphoid stem cell becomes one of the three types of mature cells; B lymphocyte, T lymphocyte, or natural cell killer. ALL begins when the bone marrow produces immature abnormal white blood that start to overwhelm the body's normal blood factory. The abnormal leukemic cells increase in the blood and bone marrow leaving less room for healthy white and red blood cells, and platelets.. Acute progresses rapidly, building up immature useless cells in the bone marrow and blood. ALL gets bad quickly and if treatment is not started soon after diagnostics the cancer may spread to the central nervous …show more content…
The first phase is the Induction Therapy, which lasts about one month, and the goal is to kill as many leukemic cells as possible. The second phase is the Consolidation phase. During this phase doctors will try a new mix of medicine to reinforce the remission, this phase usually lasts one to two months. The third phase is Interim Maintenance, which lasts about two months. It’s purpose is to try to maintain remission. The fourth phase is Delayed Intensification. This phase usually lasts about two months and is intense treatment to eliminate all leukemic cells in the body. The fifth and final phase is Maintenance Therapy, which lasts about two and half to three years, and uses medications aimed at remission for a long

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