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Submitted By adam1997
Words 381
Pages 2
Accounting ratios are a good way to evaluate the business' financial results and performances by comparing the business against different standards by using the ratio figures in the balance sheet. Accounting ratios can offer accurate business performance. The four main methods of ratio analysis are liquidity, solvency, efficiency and probability. Liquidity ratios includes three types of ratios. The three main liquidity ratios are current ratios, acid-test ratios, and defensive interval. Current ratios are the business' current assets divided by its current liabilities. This ratio can help the business assess wether you have enough assets to cover your liabilities. Acid-test ratios are the business' current assets minus stock, and divided by its liabilities. This measures the liability of the business to pay its current liabilities when its due with only quick assets. Defensive interval are liquid assets divided by the business' daily expenses. The allows the business to measure how long your business could survive without cash inflow. (Approximately 30-90 days). Solvency ratios are used to divide loans and bank overdraft by equity, bank overdraft, and long-term loans. The higher the ratio, the more vulnerable the business is to increasing rates. (Most companies will refuse to continue the business when the gearing exceeds 50%). Efficiency ratios include three types of ratios which include, Debtor's turnover, Creditor's turnover and Stock turnover. Debtor's turnover is the company's average credit sales divided by the average debtors. This shows how long will it take to collect payments. Creditor's turnover shows you the average cost of sales divided by the average amount of creditors taken from the company's suppliers. This can show how long the company takes to pay its supplier's salary/wage. Stock turnover shows the average cost of sales divided by the average

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