Adappt is a Community Corrections Center contracted by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections located in Reading, Pennsylvania. Adappt is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Bureau of Drug & Alcohol Programs and is accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA). Over the past 20 years, Adappt has helped thousands of inmates in the State of Pennsylvania become productive citizens by identifying the causes of their criminal behavior. The mission statement of the ADAPPT Program is to reduce recidivism. The treatment services offered at the Adappt Facility include individual counseling, life-skills training, substance abuse treatment and aftercare. Many of the services offered at Adappt Program are designed to help…show more content… Adappt has had only three program directors since opening 23 years ago. The first program director was William Tillman. Mr. Tillman was the director of the Adappt Facility for 20 years. The second director at of Adappt Program was Jan Switek. Mr. Switek was a former Probation and Parole Officer. Mr. Switek was a role model and mentor for me in the early stages of my career. Unfortunately, Mr. Switek is no longer employed by the Adappt Program due to unforeseen circumstances. The current director of the Adappt Program is Michael Critchosin. Mr. Critchosin is a former police officer and former program director of the Minsec Halfway House located in Hazelton, Pennsylvania. Under Mr. Critchosin’s guidance, the Adappt Program has gone from a program of inconsistencies to a program of…show more content… Inmates who suffer from substance abuse, sexual abuse and mental disorders have a difficult time succeeding in the Adappt Program. The failure of some of these inmates may be linked to the inadequate training of some of the Adappt Staff. With the minimum requirements of a high school education, some of the individuals who work at the Adappt Program do not fully understand the role they play in the lives of these inmates. This may be one of the reasons why the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections has made it mandatory for all community corrections staff to attend two weeks of Basic Corrections