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Submitted By ooikhaivin
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Pages 2
青春痘的正式学名为寻常座疮,此病不发生于其它灵长类,为人类特有的。青春痘不只是青春期才长。二十几岁、三十几岁的人都可能长青春痘,临床上还有四十几岁还在长青春痘的。而且青春痘不仅仅只是长在脸部,背部、胸部也有。事实上,青春痘易发的年龄有两个阶段:一是在青春期,另一个则是 40岁左右。
一是生活习惯。经常熬夜非常容易诱发 青春痘 。因为睡得不好,人的皮肤油脂会分泌得更多,因而青春痘也长得更多,脸色也会灰沉沉的。 二是饮食习惯。 青春痘与饮食有很大的关系。随着人们生活水平的提高,食物结构中动物性脂肪、蛋白质的比例大幅增长。由于动物性脂肪及其加工品或奶油、油炸食品等食物会促进皮脂腺旺盛地分泌皮脂,促使青春痘生长及恶化。另外,香、辣、刺激的调味品及酒精也有促进微血管扩张的效果,因而刺激皮脂分泌过剩,使皮肤长出青春痘。甜食也是诱发青春痘的主要因素。应远离花生、油炸食物和香料多的食物。 三是心理因素。工作压力过大,心理上经常处于紧张的状态,烦躁的情绪也同样会使油脂分泌增加,所以心情不愉快犹如落井下石,青春痘会因此长得更多。心情紧张,熬夜会使青春痘恶化。 四是环境因素。空气污染、水污染都有可能造成 青春痘 。随着汽车的普及,汽车尾气的污染不断加剧,造成空气中的污染元素增加。电脑静电也容易造成空气中悬浮物附着在人的皮肤上,在人的皮肤上尤其是面部造成痤疮。临床大多冬季较夏季严重。 五是内分泌激素水平。不良的生活习惯、工作压力过大,都会影响内分泌激素水平,从而造成痤疮。皮脂腺分泌过量,尤其以脸部、胸部及背部,皮脂腺发达区较易发生。腺线囊内的厌氧细菌会分泌皮脂,引起炎症反应。内分泌亢进,尤其以雄性激素分泌失调。 六是遗传因素。长青春痘也有遗传基因方面的因素。若双亲有这类烦恼,儿女也可会继承这种体质。 除了上面的因素之外,就女性而言,青春痘的出现也与化妆品的不当使用有关。 一般而言,只要避免上述因素,大部分的人到20多岁时,战痘期就大势底定。但有些病患青春留下痕迹,形成凹凸不平的坑洞,其原因为青春痘的脓包感染发炎,有些是不停的挤压痘痘,形成坑坑洞洞的疤痕组织。 严格上来讲疤痕不影响健康,但有的顾客会因皮肤新陈代谢较慢而出现数年都无法淡化,极大的影响美容效果。现行有各种去除表皮,促进皮肤新生的方式,治疗效果差异极大,也都有其限制.消费者很容易误解,以为皮肤不喜欢就可把它换掉,换肤后皮肤即可焕然一新.这错误的观念再加上不肖的业者只顾赚钱不管道德,让许多患者吃足苦头.其实皮肤只能改善,不能更换。从经济角度考虑,建议使用“除疤精华液”再配合的日常护理最适合,而且,决不会产生色素沉着等付作用.“除疤精华液”能够迅速激活受损细胞,软化更新皮肤组织,重建皮肤酸脂膜,促进细胞再生,平复疤痕,瓦解色素,均匀肤色,真正做到轻松除疤,不留痕迹,适用于摔伤、刮伤、手术后疤痕、痤疮疤痕、平滑脸部细小皱纹及青春痘留下的疤痕等,临床试验效果相当的好。 青春痘形成的必要条件 角质层:角质层是皮肤的最外层组织,28天为最外层角质的一个代谢周期。如果角质层没有正常代谢而变得厚重的话,皮脂腺就无法正常排出,为痘痘的产生提供条件。 皮脂腺:皮肤分泌油腺的源头,全年都会分泌油腺,保持皮肤的润泽,而春夏季分泌特别旺盛,各人的皮脂腺分泌能力各有不同,油脂分泌特别旺盛的人就是油性皮肤,如果角质层厚重的话,很容易堵塞毛孔,形成痘痘。 痘痘的成因:
角质层厚重 + 皮脂分泌旺盛 = 白头粉刺 白头粉刺 + 表面酸化/氧化 = 黑头粉刺 粉刺 + 细胞纤维变粗 = 结节型青春痘 结节型青春痘 + 痤疮 = 发炎的红肿痘痘 发炎的红肿痘痘 + 细菌孳生、交叉感染 = 群聚性痘痘 痘痘生长全程实录: 一颗痘痘从诞生、成长、成熟到凋谢,到经历的是怎样的过程呢?现在我们就来看一下! 1.皮脂分泌油腺; 2.角质层增厚,油脂渐往皮层表面隆起; 3.角质层隆起,油脂堵塞毛孔,隆起的顶点变成黑黑的颜色; 4.细菌在毛孔里和油脂搅和在一起; 5.整个毛囊变红、发炎; 6.细菌扩散到附近的皮肤组织,变得更大; 7.抹上药膏或加强清洁之后,炎症消减; 8.角质层出现开口,里头的脓血排出皮肤,伤口重新愈合。
首先,不要挤压青春痘。把 青春痘里的脓汁或白色油脂颗粒挤出来,感觉上青春痘好像会消得比较快,但是此举却会造成一连串伤害,包括凹洞、黑斑、容易脸红、血管扩张形成一条条的血丝,还会老是在同一个地方冒出青春痘。其实只要等待二、三周,让颗粒球干燥、密实,在清洁时自然掉出,就不必担心何时挤最好,也不会留下疤痕。 其次,养成良好的生活习惯和饮食习惯。比如,要保证足够的睡眠,不要熬夜。饮食上应该注意以清淡为主,多吃蔬菜、水果,少吃脂肪多的食物、糖类和刺激性食品,辛辣的、油炸的食品一定要少吃。 第三,要注意心理调试。保持轻松活泼、健康向上的心态十分重要,要避免紧张、烦躁的情绪。 第四,要保持皮肤的清洁。比如,在逛街后要用清水认真洗脸,使用电脑后也要认真洗脸,以避免灰尘或静电附着。洗脸时应该避免用油性过大的洗面奶,洗脸后要选用适合自己的护肤品。
青春痘的治疗方法—祛痘全攻略 清洁:温水洗脸,选用适合油性皮肤的洗面奶,如:阿力魔熊胆清毒洗面奶,保持毛孔通畅和皮肤清洁。不要用碱性强的清洁用品,因为它会刺激皮脂腺分泌皮脂。 痘痘红肿表现严重时,应采取相应手段使其停止继续发展。可涂抹阿力魔熊胆克痘露加强型,使炎症尽快局限。 阿力魔熊胆克痘露(产品特性)普通型可作为易出痘皮肤者的护肤水使用,它可起到预防痘痘出现及清除症状较轻痘痘的作用,使用时注意远离眼部。 痘痘初起时,有局部小红肿特征,可冷敷,帮助炎症消退;颜色转暗后,可热敷,促使炎症消散。 每天清晨或外出前须涂抹清爽的护肤品,以避免污浊空气、粉尘、紫外线等外界因素的刺激,适选用适合油性至中性皮肤使用的保湿霜、防晒霜等面霜,不可使用不明适用肤质的护肤品,选择时一定要根据自己的年龄、肤质、痘痘的严重程度、分布情况而定。晚间是否涂抹护肤品,用何种护肤品亦应根据个人情况而定。 忌用营养霜等油性护肤品及粉底霜、粉类化妆品,因为它们会不利于毛孔排出所分泌的油脂,甚至堵塞毛孔。 不要用手搔抓患部,禁止在卫生状况不良的情况下用指甲挤压痘痘。如前额部有痘,注意不要使刘海下垂,下颌部有痘,不要穿高领毛衣。可随身携带阿力魔熊胆克痘露25毫升小包装产品,随时于瘙痒或必要时涂抹,涂抹前一定要清洁涂抹部位。 痘痘部位若出现脓疱,肉眼可见绿豆至黄豆大小隆起,有脓头,此时如能小心处理,排出脓液,恢复较快。处理方法:先将欲刺破部位皮肤局部消毒,然后使用消毒后的粉刺针从最薄弱处刺破脓头,用粉刺针的按压端促使脓液排出,清理创面后,涂抹阿力魔熊胆克痘露加强型于该部位。注意:不可在刚进行完清痘处理后的创面上涂抹其它任何护肤品及面膜等用品。 面膜是各种护肤方法中见效最快的一种。唐妃系列纯中药面膜是国家专利产品,其中除痘型纯中药面膜是专为痘痘型肌肤而利用现代科技手段开发研制。对青春痘、粉刺、暗疮等可起到清热、深层洁肤、保湿滋润的作用,用后感觉清丽爽洁,效果显著。使用方法:取一袋本品,用适量清水调至糊状(蛋清更佳),涂于面部,以遮盖原肤色为适宜。让其保持15-20分钟后,不要超过30分钟,用清水洗净。该产品可每天一次连续使用,达到理想效果后,逐渐减少使用频率至每周一次。 痘痘后期颜色逐渐变暗,阿力魔熊胆克痘露修复型特含维生素C和维生素E,在治疗青春痘、痤疮的同时,还能修复肌肤疤痕,特别适用于恢复期及恢复后欲起巩固作用的患者。建议配合唐妃系列纯中药面膜祛斑型使用。 ·平时注意少食辛辣及刺激性食物,保持心情愉快,做好防晒护肤工作。
利用芦荟清热解毒的特有作用,治疗青春痘非常有效。治疗时可将芦荟鲜叶涂在患处,使能软化皮肤,消炎止痛,不留痕迹。如青春痘发得比较严重,可以内服芦荟叶汁,早晚各1次,每次10毫升。坚持一段时间,可收到令人满意的效果。 在一些美容院中,用芦荟叶1片,小黄瓜1根,捣烂后加入优质蜂蜜1匙,调和后涂抹于长青春痘的地方,一日数次,几天以后青春痘就消失了。这种方法简单有效,也可在家庭中推广使用。芦荟具有清热消炎作用,小黄瓜中含有脂肪酶等活性酶,能有效溶化青春痘中的油脂粒,而优质蜂蜜则有滋润和营养皮肤细胞的作用,所以结合芦荟、小黄瓜和蜂蜜三者在一起使用,就可收到显著的治疗青春痘的效果了。这种治疗方法已为千万人应用和验证,效果确实不错。

绿豆粉面膜 绿豆有清热解毒的功效,治疗青春痘效果显著。 材料:绿豆粉(1包)。 做法:敷脸前先搽些化妆水,再将面巾纸铺在脸上(要挖可以呼吸的洞洞),再涂上绿豆粉,干后一撕就下来了。 注意:要选择研磨细致的绿豆粉粒,脆弱的皮肤才不会因为粒子太粗而造成伤害。 西瓜面膜 西瓜可去油脂,改善皮肤出油状况。 材料:吃剩的西瓜(几片)。 做法:把西瓜的果肉剔除,露出青色的果皮,敷在脸上5-10分钟再洗干净。 <br > 注意: 敷完脸后记得洗干净脸皮上西瓜留下的甜味,否则可能会吸引小蚂蚁来野餐。<br >薄蛋白面膜可改善油脂分泌,增加皮肤弹性 材料:生蛋白(一个),薄荷(一茶匙),脱脂奶粉(一汤匙),搅拌器具(汤匙、碗)。 做法:把蛋白、薄荷与脱脂奶粉混合后涂在脸上约15分钟,再用温水洗干净。 注意:敷脸的时间不要太长,否则脸会感觉紧绷且干干的听说可以把蜂王浆涂在痘印上可以去疤,家里没有蜂王浆,我就用蜂蜜试了一下,头天晚上试了,第二天就好很多,对豆豆也很有效,不过要小心涂得太多会流到枕头上,注意一点就行了。

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...article center Tuesday, July 24, 2012 mkt plan final mkt plan final 1. Introduction of “Tea Garden” Tea is the most popular non-intoxicating beverage in the world enjoyed by the rich and poor alike. Tea drinking was quite common in every part of the world. The most popular form of value addition is selling branded tea. This involves not only the packing of tea but also blending of other varieties to maintain consistency of taste. To arrive at a blend, expert tea tasters sample hundreds of liquors. Convenient drinks like instant tea (soluble tea powder), tea bags (bags are dipped in hot water), ready to drink (served in cans) and flavored tea (with vanilla, strawberry flavor) are becoming popular in developed countries like the USA and Japan. So we bring our new product “Tea Garden”: The ultimate readymade milk tea in the Bangladeshi market. But this product is quite different from other. Every one offer this kind of product in a powdered form which need to boil in water for 2-3 minutes and then filter it to drink but this is time consuming, other company provide tea bag of raw tea and other market this as a form of cans. But we bring this product in a tea bag with separated chamber for each item that is sugar, milk and tea leaves. This product is completely new in Bangladeshi market. We are going to introduce this product with the slogan “Refreshing Bangladesh”. And we are here to refresh the Bangladesh again with a strong sprite. 1.1 Product Preview This product...

Words: 7811 - Pages: 32

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...saklotennak Amloyenna daytoy buok Pikpikenna daytoy bukot. Ni lila, kankantaannak Agingga a maduayyaak Di agbayag mayepyebak Turogkon ti naimas. Inton makariingak Ditoy ti pagmurmurayak Iti indayon nakaiddaak Is-isemannak ni lillak. Dagiti Nateng a Mula ni Nanang Ni Ernesto S. Dela Fuerte Nadumaduma a natnateng Dagiti mula ni Nanang Iti aglawlaw ti kalapaw A nangpamaris iti arubayan. Tarong, paria, kamatis, okra Ay, anian a naglalapsatda! Sangkadayaw dagiti kakaarruba Ta narnuonyanda iti bungbunga. Kuna ni Nanang a tumulongak Isu a rugit ti ayup, agurnongak Ganagan dagitoy no agrupsa Pangpalapsat kadagiti mula. Ay, nagadu ti umay gumatgatang Kadagiti nateng a mula ni Nanang No makalako, ay, may-ayatanak Ta adda gastuek iti panagbasak! Ti Kaamaak Ni Marlyn Del Rosario Ni...

Words: 340 - Pages: 2

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Report on Nabil Bank

...CHAPTER- I INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The internship program has been designed by Tribhuvan University for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) for the specialization course of Banking and Finance. According to the designed pattern of this program, students need to complete internship for the period of eight weeks. This internship session is only undertaken in the eighth semester of BBA to get the practical knowledge of the organizational procedures and work behavior. The basic purpose of an internship is to view the different procedures and requirement of all departments of the organization and also to analyze their strengths, weaknesses inherent in the working system along with the possible solutions to track down the effects of the problems. Finally, the students are required to submit report based on the work performed during those eight week in the organization. For the purpose, I performed my eight week internship program at NABIL Bank Limited, New Road Branch, and activities were focused especially to two departments of the bank: Credit Department and Customer Service Department. Credit Department is an important department which is associated with granting credit to its potential customer. The performance of NABIL bank can be clearly viewed from its credit granting ability. Most of the customers prefer NABIL bank due to the transparency and easy accessibility of loan amount. Likewise, Customer Service Department...

Words: 6876 - Pages: 28

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...DRAW ME CLOSE TO You Alexis Zorba, a lui Nikos Kazantzaski- N Amy Macdonald – This is the life Ada Milea Michael Nyman - The Heart Asks Pleasure First Clint Mansell - Together We Will Live Forever Yiruma - River Flows in You Yann Tiersen – Comptine D'un Autre Ete Lara Fabian – Je T'Aime James Last – This Is My Song Pasarea Colibri – Mica Tiganiada B.O.B. & Hayley Williams – Airplanes Alexandru Andries – asa am crezut si noi Divna Ljubojevic Andrew Lloyd Webbe Bob Dylan – Together Through Life Dave Days - Olive You feat. Kimmi Smiles Robert Pattinson - "Let Me Sign Boney M : Aventura - All Up To You Feat. Akon y Wisin & Yandel Enrique Iglesias ft. Aventura - Lloro por ti 13. Evanescence - My Immortal (With Lyrics) BETTER VERSION Jena lee j aimerais tellement Love is all around I saw her starting here Selfish love I Will Survive Witney Houston ????????????? Stardust - Take That - rule the world Forever autun Vescan Vama - Cantec de Gasit Alessandro Safina – Luna Kimi Wo Nosete Wonderful world James Morrison - Love Is Hard From Coldplay - Clocks The Be Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me stAlina Manole - Colinda Copacului (muzica folk) Sash! - Adelante Enya - Only Time James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover  Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep Richard Marx- " Right here waiting" Dj Tiesto - A tear in the open K'S Choice - Everything For Free Cassie-Me and You  Twenty 4seven Dreams will come alive Sylver - Angel on my...

Words: 471 - Pages: 2

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Business Management

...reference guide for yourself for your future papers. Post your worksheet on Blackboard. Practice 8.3: Using books or articles you find at Liberty University (or sources you have in your possession), write a citation in an appropriate format (MLA if you’re in English; APA if you’re in counseling, etc.) for each of the following types of references. • A book written by a single author o Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. • An article in an edited book o Author, A. A. (1996). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. first page-last page). City: Publisher. • An article in a print-format journal o Adda, J. & Ottaviani, M. (2005). The transition to digital television. Economic Policy, 20, 159-209. • An article downloaded from Liberty University’s databases o Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved from • A web page o Author (Year). Title of Work: Retrieved from:...

Words: 687 - Pages: 3

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Entrepreneurs Are Born Not Made

...57 Occasional Paper - 57 meeceef³ekeÀ efveyevOe - Yeejle ceW ûeeceerCe GÐeefcelee efJekeÀeme keÀe³e&¬eÀce – ÒeYeeJe DeO³e³eve Entrepr epreneurship Rural Entrepr eneurship Development P rogramme in India – An Impact Assessment [e@. peer. [er. ye@vepeea Dr. G. D. Banerjee DeeefLe&keÀ efJeMues50% 71 Chapter - VIII Impact of REDP The present chapter makes an attempt to assess the impact of REDP training. The impact of REDPs is measured in terms of (i) the number of new enterprises created by REDP trainees, (ii) the creation of new enterprises with and without wage employment, (iii) annual employment generation, (iv) annual incremental income and (iv) attainment of success rate. Thus, the impact of REDP is ascertained on the basis of changes in income and employment as a result of creation of new enterprises. The economics of REDPs is assessed with particular reference to costs and benefits of REDP. Cost includes expenditure incurred per trainee by agencies imparting REDPs, while benefits are taken into account as addition to value of produce and net surplus generated annually. The emphasis of the analysis was on major activities and agencies of the selected districts. Attempts were also made to estimate the Financial Rate of Return (FRR) of the Entrepreneurship Development Programme keeping in view NABARD’s financial contribution on the expenditure side and average net incremental income on income side. Impact of REDP 1. Enterprises set up with and without Wage...

Words: 10665 - Pages: 43

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Montana Women in Politics

...knowledge, the wisdom, and the love to bless all the beings you create. This is why you are here.” After the creator told the spider woman this, it gave her disciples to help keep the world in order. She told these disciples to go off and help her rule over all the people of the new earth (Hobi). Politicians are supposed to represent the people, they are here to bless all things and better society, just like the spider woman and her disciples. In Montana, women have had major roles in political issues since the beginning. During the 1880s women were starting to gain more access to political positions in Montana. On March 8, 1883 legislature passed a law allowing women to hold office in the county school superintendent. A year later Adda Hamilton was elected Gallatin County Superintendent of Schools. Her opponent was so upset that a woman would dare go against him he ended up calling her names during an election speech and basically handed her the position. At the end of the eighties a women, Ella Knowles Haskell, was the first woman admitted to the Montana bar. About 15 years later, after working her way up the legal political ladder, she was admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court (UmLib). Throughout this entire time and into the early 1900s equal suffrage was a major political issue in Montana, not just for women but also Native Americans, African...

Words: 844 - Pages: 4

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...There is no need to feel guilty about snacking any more, Britannia has launched a new product, 50-50 Snackuits keeping in line with its Taste Bhi, Health Bhi formula, this product aims at making snacking enjoyable experience and at the same time getting rid of any guilt that comes with it. Snackuits was launched in January and is already available in North, West and East. Now Britannia is gearing to launch the product in South.   Talking about Snackuits, Shalini Degan, Category Director, Delight and Lifestyle, Britannia Industries said: “The truth is that people want to snack and then they feel guilty which leads them to snack some more, making them unhappy. We want our consumers to feel ‘Snack Happy’. The idea being that we know that people want to snack and we don’t want them to feel guilty about eating in between meals. We decided to make a product that satisfies some need of the consumers but fundamentally it removes guilt. So we have been telling people, please have this whenever you feel like and be snack happy.”   The highlight of the product is that it is baked and there is no ostensible calorie intake. In fact, healthy snacks have become a fad of sorts with many players joining the bandwagon and talking about health and nutrition such as Lays Baked, Aliva and even Nestle’s Maggi.   Not deterred by many players jumping into the health platform, Ms Degan said: “People like to follow Britannia. We took to this platform much before the rest. It’s nice to know that others...

Words: 912 - Pages: 4

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...RESUME BALJEET SINGH PH: 09953469069. Email: - Rz-B-5/1, street no. 23, Sadh Nagar-2, Palam colony, New Delhi-110045. Career Overview A quality professional with Six year’s experience in Garments in the export and buying sector. Have proven track record of improving business by implementing systematic Quality control, production planning, working procedure and providing, higher levels of customer service. While currently working as senior QA, my career goal is to move into senior management , therefore I am seeking for a new professional challenge. • Handled Business worth US 10 million across Europe and Auatralia in last financial year . Managing supplier base across Delhi ( NCR), Jaipur, and Nepal • Managing the entire quality control activities, production planning and order processing.. • Comfortable interacting with multiple levels of organisation, management and staff . • Interfacing between buyers/ buying agents and manufacturers for facilitating smooth order execution to achieve shipment date deadline from sampling / fits / sealers to shipping of goods. • Work in tandem with the merchandising and production team to acess technicalities in patterns and production area. • Implementing New Systems in quality department for better work efficiency 1 Career Interest Production planning, Quality Control & Technical compliance. Professional Work Experience: 2 ...

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