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Addiction Psychology Research Paper

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Psychology is wide broad discipline, with many possible career tracks to pick. The most usual specialization in the broad view of psychology comprises psychologist, counselor, social worker and therapist. Choosing a specialization can be formidable task on how long you will study is depending on the specialty that you choose. Below are the different specializations in the field of Psychology
Addiction Psychology As the specialty name implies, this area of psychology uses psychological research and theories to counsel, diagnose and treat individuals with addictions. Addiction psychologists take various psychological approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, behaviorism and psychodynamics to treat and better understand addictions.
Addiction Psychology uses a method which are psychological research and theories to treat, counsel, diagnose a …show more content…
Forensic psychologists help the court system by explaining psychological concepts to court and law enforcement personnel and providing psychological advice and assessment, especially as expert witnesses. Job duties can include psychological assessment of criminals, evaluation of witness credibility and assisting law enforcement with criminal profiling.
Health Psychology As its name implies, health psychology is the specialization that examines how human psychology and behavior affect health. Health psychologists research connections as to how good health can be promoted through psychological concepts. Health psychologists also educate others on how illnesses can be caused or alleviated by certain behaviors or mental processes.
Human Factors Psychology Human factors psychology is the intersection of mechanical engineering, ergonomics and psychological principles. Based on experimental data, human factor psychologists design and engineer objects humans interact with so that they may be used more effectively or more

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