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The Walls Family Case Study

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The case of the Walls family takes place in Welch, Virginia. The address they reside at is 93 Little Hobart Street. The house is grey, but has several spots of paint missing. The stairs on the pathway are rigid and a safety hazard, with the stairs leading up to the house, already rotted and as well as a potential safety hazard. The inside of the house is only three bedrooms and is not very clean with items taking up every wall. There is mold on books in the house as well as mushrooms in almost every corner. The wires are exposed in the kitchen and there seems to be no running water to use even in the bathroom. The bathroom is only a toilet over a hole, forcing the children to use a bucket emptied in holes because it fills up quickly. There …show more content…
Maureen was inside of the house when the first incident occurred, trying to go to bed. They had animal problems that caused infestations. “There, crouched on my lavender blanket, a few inches away from my face, was the rat. I screamed and pushed off the covers, and the rat jumped to the floor” (156). She had gone on about the infestation and how the rat was not a big deal to her parents, but it took a toll on her. “I kept dreaming that she was being eaten by rats, and I used every excuse I could to spend the night at friends' houses” (156). This infringes on her safety needs in terms of security. The house is not fit enough to keep animals out and caused a scarring psychologically in Maureen. Her belongingness and love needs are not being taken care of in terms of parental relationships. They did not offer support to the child after the experience. (Maslow) Maureen began to talk about her experiences regarding birthdays as a child and how she grew up. Her seventh birthday at her house revolved around California since that was where she was born and spending time with her siblings. Her parents were not as interested in a birthday celebration, not bothering to attend. “They knew Mom and Dad wouldn't get her presents so they went to the Dollar General Store and bought her a toy set of kitchen appliances” (206). She continued to talk about what it was like and her dreams for when she was …show more content…
The house is unfit for them to live in as well as their parents being unfit to raise them. They need to be placed in foster care away from their parents. Their parents seem to worry more about themselves and avoid all forms of help. The kids should be placed in a nurturing environment to help them catch up on what they have missed in their years of poverty. It would be in the best interest of the children to remove them from the custody of Rex and Rosemary Walls. Works Cited
Maslow, Abraham. ¨Maslow’s 8-Stage Hierarchy Of Needs.¨
Walls, Jeannette. The Glass Castle. Scribner, 2006.
Washington University in St. Louis. “Poverty’s most insidious damage is to a child’s brain.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 July 2015. (-- removed HTML --)

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