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Destruction Of Berlin Wall Essay

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There were many causes of the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall date back to the twentieth century (Smith 8). At the end of World War II the victorious allied countries meet in Ukraine to establish how to rebuild the ruins from the postwar (8). At the end of the meeting they had divided Germany into four sections with one section given to France, Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union (10). East Germany was occupied by the Soviets while West Germany was made up of France, Germany, and the United States (10).The capital of Berlin is situated quite far inland in East Berlin (10).This provided a problem for the countries of West Germany because they did not have any power in the capital city (10). To solve the problem the four countries consequently divided Berlin into 4 areas like they had with the whole country …show more content…
Many workers would East Berlin to go to West Berlin for their day job and not return. In the first six months of 1961 160,000 people had fled East Germany (17). Because of this early on the morning of August 13, 1961, the East German solders, ordered by Khrushchev, began to construct a barbed wire fence between East and West Berlin (Smith 15). Shortly after the solders began to build a concrete wall stretching over 100 miles long between the two Germanys Tracy (30). Then on August 23, 1961, East German officers told East Germans they could not crosse without a permit and if they did they were there for good (Smith 15). The Berlin Wall dived at least 60 major roads, crossed graveyards and train stations, and even cut through the middle of one house (15). East Germany deconstructed factories, apartment buildings, and absolutely anything that got in the way of the wall. The wall split families and friends that lived on the other side of the wall (Tracy, 31). It even separated some people from their jobs

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