Premium Essay

Gacf Level 3 Unit 2 P2

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Kayleigh Scheepers, g14s2247 Unit 1, PART 2: Assessment 30/07/16


1. Based on lectures, practical experience and any other sources, define the following terms:

ArcMap document: These files are created in ArcMap (by Esri) which is one of the components of a GIS software called ArcGIS, and can be identified by the extension “.mxd”(Sensagent, 2012)
ArcCatalog: Is one of Esri’s geodatabases. It provides the viewing of all ArcGIS documents, and integrates their information (Sensagent, 2012).
ArcView: A GIS database that links information to a specific location (USGS, 2007)
ArcToolbox: A window used to display, manage and use the contents of toolboxes in ArcGIS (Mimi, nd). It works as a shortcut to access tools that are used frequently …show more content…
When the island border is displayed with rater data the border is very inaccurate due to the fact that pixels containing 50% or above of data are filled in making the area appear bigger than it really is. The vector data however displays the border of the island accurately.


1) Open an existing map document and load data layers in various file formats showing different feature types.

In ArcGIS data was added from the “other folder/EC”. Data layers were chosen that would depict the hydrology of the Eastern Cape.

2) Organize and display data appropriately in ArcMap by setting the properties of layers

Layers were moved to the top of the layer list in order to make them visible. The symbology was then changed to appear more appropriate by right clicking on the layer, going to properties, clicking on the symbology tab and changing the style and colour of the symbol.

3) Navigate around the ArcMap interface using a range of tools

A title, North arrow, legend, grid and scale bar were added to the map by clicking on the insert …show more content…
An image is comprised of many of these pixels. Pixels can have different resolutions, a high resolution image is made up of small pixels which allows the image to be viewed with more clarity when zoomed in, while a low resolution is made up of large pixels which display a blurry image when zoomed in. Low resolution images are more suited to maps with a small scale. Vector data is data comprising of points, lines and polygons. A point is a geometric element defined by a pair of x,y coordinates, a line is a connected series of x,y coordinates ad a polygon is a line where the first and the last coordinates are the same, creating a closed off shape. Vector data can also have a resolution depending on the number of vertices present. Vector data with a low resolution will have very sharp

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