...Audience Analysis Student Name COM285 Date Facilitator XXX University of Phoenix Audience Analysis In this paper, I will be addressing a situation of myself presenting quarterly sales information to a group of stakeholders in a face-to-face meeting. My meeting will include stakeholders as well as management, sales associates, and customers. To do this effectively there are specific characteristics of my audience that I need to identify. There are certain communication channels that I will discuss that are appropriate for the situation. I also need to keep in mind the diversity of my audience. Finally, I need to ensure that I delivered an effective message. As the speaker, I must remember that each audience member may take something different away from this meeting. Therefore, I need to be prepared to explain the quarterly sales information to a very diverse audience to the best of my abilities. Characteristics of Audience Understanding whom your audience is a main characteristic while addressing them. First, you have to understand the diversity of your group to provide them the information professionally. While giving information to an audience, you are the one persuading them into believing the information you are giving them is good information, and trying to have them to retain the information as well as use it. “Persuasion is almost universal in good business communications” (Locker & Keinzler, 2008, p. 370). Second, confidence is another essential characteristic...
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...Knowing your Audience: Close your eyes Doug McGill BCOM/275 August 19, 2012 Eric Graves Close your eyes imagine that you are trapped in complete darkness with little to no room surrounded by 32 other men, the fear of no escape from a room smaller than the size of an average classroom, and you are half a mile underground with no way out. Unless, someone experienced this nightmare firsthand this would be difficult for anyone to imagine. This was the terrifying and exhausting reality for 33 Chilean gold miners August 5, 2010 through October 9, 2010. There are two difficult types of communication that the San Esteban Company faced. The Company had to address the families of the trapped miner’s and the rest of world. The considerations of roles the Company played when addressing the two different audiences will be discussed. And what actions were taken before and after the message was delivered to ensure that the messages were received as they were intended for each audience. Addressing the Audience Everyone experiences fear in their own way, but the thought of being trapped half a mile underground, 2600 feet, almost 900 meters is a terrifying thought for anyone. The miner’s from the San Esteban Mining Company lived through the fear of claustrophobia for 70 days in almost complete darkness. It took 17 days before the miners were discovered to be trapped and still alive. The miners made two days of food and water last 17 days. The miners were discovered through constant...
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...Addressing the Audience: Chilean mine Dan Kubany BCOM/275 07/29/12 John Quesnel Addressing the Audience: Chilean Mine There are many things that go need to be considered when addressing an audience. Most importantly there are things that you do and don't want to say to an audience when you are dealing with a sensitive subject such as the collapse of a mine. This paper will take a look at the facts of what happened that day, August 5th 2007, and how to address the audience of the people who had to deal first hand with this sensitive subject. On August 5th, 2007 a mine in San José collapsed trapping 33 workers and miners deep underground fighting for their lives(Weik 2010). After the mine collapsed workers began to work on ideas and way to save the workers. The people that were in control of the rescue began to worry that the miners that were trapped down in the mine, about 300 meters( Weik 2010) were not going to be able to live much longer if not already were dead without much food, water and oxygen. Local organizations, such as the federation of Chilean mining workers (FMC) and the confederation of copper workers (CTC) questioned Minera San Esteban's safety record, highlighting several fatal accidents that have previously been reported at the small company (Weik 2010). Now when something happens and you need to address and audience you want to take things into consideration. Some things that you need to take into consideration is the audience themselves...
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...Kennedy’s main audience in his speech is the American people. He wanted to let them know that this crisis would be taken care of in an appropriate manner. The American People want to be ensured that they are safe. They expect Kennedy to prevent this Crisis from happening and hope he can maintain the serenity. The American people value peace and “have no wish to war with the Soviet Union” (pg. 266 Paragraph 24). In his address, Kennedy shows the People that they have nothing to worry about. His second audience was that of Cuba, and the Soviet Union, but mainly Nikita Khrushchev. Through his speech, he shows the Soviet nation that they are not a threat and he is trying to keep his country safe. “I call upon the Chairman Khrushchev to halt and eliminate this threat to world peace and to stable relations between our two nations” (Pg. 266 Paragraph 22). This is how Kennedy shows that the Soviet Union is who he is addressing. Khrushchev wanted to avoid any future problems. His country was of value and he sought agreement from this speech. “The Great Arsenal of Democracy” took place in December of 1940. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s audience in this speech is also that of the American People. His speech was to focus on the topic of national security. It wasn’t a speech of war. The American People valued their country and their lives and they wanted to know what Roosevelt was planning. The major similarities between these two speeches were that they were both addressing the American...
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...encounter. Whether they revolve around addressing a specific situation or addressing one situation as a whole determines how powerful their message is. In Andrew W. K’s article, “How Can I Talk to My Bigoted Friend?”, he was able to demonstrate an amazing rhetorical analysis using more of a blunter pathos based approach. Meanwhile William Wan and Sarah Kaplan’s, “Why are people still racist? What science says about America’s race problem.”, was able to use a more professional informative approach to demonstrate the effectiveness of their analysis. Though the authors discussed the same topics, their purposes on the other hand were quite different due to their situation. W.K is an American hard rock singer, and a current motivational speaker who was attempting to mainly address racism within a one-to-one conversation in his advice column. While addressing that conversation, he was also able to promote his main purpose which mainly was to demonstrate how powerful...
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...effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Along with exceptional communication a leader needs to develop both internal and external awareness. They must remember the audience they are addressing and how to get their point across. They will need to be aware of barriers that will be encountered and find ways to overcome them. Communication Strategies Associated with Effective Leadership There are vast amounts of communication strategies used for effective leadership. Leaders must remember the audience in which they are addressing or communicating with. Being a great talker does not necessarily translate to being a great communicator. A great communicator needs to have a high sense of situational and contextual awareness (Myatt 2012). A leaders also needs to prepare themselves to be a change agent. Audience Leadership will be more effective when keeping in mind the audience being addressed and how information given needs to be received. Audience is a vague term for a leader to address. It could mean on a more personal level like a one on one situation between supervisor and employee, a teacher trying to educate her students, or even the President of the United States giving a state of union to the nation. A leader may also want to take into consideration the generation they may be addressing. In the Generation Matters article it describes the four different generations. A leader who has this knowledge would be better prepared when trying to convey a message. For example...
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...Knowing Your Audience Communication is one tool that humans have advantage over any other species. It allows us to convey messages, instructions, information, and questions to each other. Whenever communication is used, the communicator must consider the audience that he or she will be addressing. The elements within the message must reflect on the audience to have a fully effective communication. The type of message and the mood of the audience will have major contributions to the message’s contents and how it will be expressed. When communicator hone on this vital information, it will help them communicate with their intended audience more efficiently. If you do not know much about your audience, it will be difficult to persuade them or maintain their attention. Knowing them can assist you to contour your message in a way that is most likely to achieve their approval. To obtain this approval, you will have to move your audience to change their pre-conceived attitudes and/or beliefs of the topic you are covering. In some cases, it is your discretion to emphasize their attitudes and beliefs. In the case of the Chilean Mining Accident, many factors have to be considered to ensure that your message will be received well with positive reaction. The obvious fact is the country and its economical status. Factors can include education, professional background, age, and gender. You must also regard their common interests and their relationship to one another. A good communicator will...
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...Running head: AUDIENCE ANALYSIS PAPER Audience Analysis Paper COM 285 July 21, 2011 I will discuss her knowledge regarding a situation in, which she was called on to present quarterly sales information at an in-person meeting to a group of stakeholders, including managers, salespeople, and customers. She will explain the characteristics of the audience she must consider. Also communication methods that is appropriate such as different ways to reach various people. She will express some considerations to remember given the diversity of the audience. Furthermore, techniques to ensure her message are effective. What characteristics of the audience must you consider? I would have to consider that the audience consists of many titles such as stakeholders, managers, etc. The characteristics to consider may include personality, expectations, project approach, when presenting to a broad group of people. Furthermore, I need to consider the beliefs of each group or individual person. I will make sure she does research related to the topic as well as the characteristics of her audience. I learned some of my knowledge from the course reading material, etc. However, I learned different presenting styles from my employer. Some of the information I learned is body positions is a nonverbal communication and can easily be considered rude. Relaxed people usually keep the same body position; frustrated people, etc usually shift their position more often. As a good leader...
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...A Rogerian argument is a technique that solves conflicts. It is used to find the common ground between two contrasting factors rather than constructing debate. The Rogerian style of argument accentuates inducement for the respect of the opposing party rather than proving a point with confrontation. The “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” is a letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. that defends the strategy of nonviolent protests to racism. He says that people have a moral duty to fight for their rights rather than wait for justice to find it’s way to them. This letter is an example of a Rogerian argument because Dr. King directs his argument towards his opposing factors, is nonconfrontational, and respects his conflicting views. The audience...
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...Knowing Your Audience: Chilean Copper Mine Annmarie Ocampo BCOM 275 Business Communication and Critical Thinking Professor: Nat Apihunpunyakij May 29, 2013 Communication is designed to relay messages, thoughts, ideas, and information to a targeted audience. The relation or involvement of that audience will determine the appropriate channel of communication as well as what the communication will entail. However, during a crisis, the underlying thread of communication is that an unexpected event requires immediate response. The content, form, and timing of the communication can either help or worsen the situation. In addition, because all crisis evolves in different phases, communication, too, must evolve through each phase and with each targeted audience. A well-planned and well-executed response will ensure that appropriate and necessary issues are addressed, are being managed well, and support at all levels is available. On October 3, 2010, Minera San Esteban Primera (MSEP), owners of the San Jose mines were faced with a crisis when 33 of their employees became trapped 2,300 feet underground after the entrance of one of their mines collapse. (Hatch, 2010)The objectives during the initial phase of a crisis include rapid communication to affected groups. In this situation, the affected groups would include, the families of the 33 miners, the employees and staff of the mining company, as well as the general public. In considering the potential needs for the families of...
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...Audience Analysis Paper COM/285 October 2011 Effective communication is essential, globally throughout the business world today. To be effective, one must master the art of communicating verbally, both internally and externally. Communications can take on several forms in business, including but not limited to e-mails, memos, podcasts, wiki’s and speaking to large audiences. Weather communication is verbal or written; one must know the audience they are addressing in order to get their message across and maintain tone control. When initiating an in person meeting one must first consider the audience in which they are addressing and the material that needs to be addressed. I have been asked to present an in person quarterly sales result meeting in front of a group of managers, employees and customers. In order to successfully present this meeting I first must research the information to be communicated, and then preform an audience analysis to ensure my message is effectively communicated to the audience intended. Stakeholders defined in the business dictionary “is any person, group, or organization that has a direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives, and policies”. For the purpose of this report the employees, managers and customers will now be referred to as the stakeholders. When...
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...Knowing Your Audience UoP Student BCOM/275 October 9, 2011 UoP Instructor Knowing Your Audience Communicating effectively in a time of crisis is crucial to informing every body of the incident and contributes to a successful outcome of an already stressful event. The Chilean copper mine collapse is a classic example of an incident requiring multiple levels of communication, particularly to the families of the miners and the company’s employees. To start with, developing the communication requires a consideration for the people in the audience and their respective roles as either family members or employees. Ensuring they understand the gravity of the situation and addressing the needs of both parties through communication is challenging. The key to answering the challenge is the preparation prior to message delivery and understanding the goal of the communication will ensure proper receipt of the intended communication. Validation of the audience receiving the message is last part of ensuring the communication was effective. The method of accomplishing this validation is pursuing feedback from the miner‘s family members and the company’s employees. Completing this last piece of the communication process will ensure effective communication took place between the messenger and receiver. First, the most important consideration in delivering this message to the Chilean miner’s families and company’s employees would be to accept responsibility...
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...It is stated, “Domestic Violence is a global issue reaching across national boundaries as well as socio-economic, cultural, racial and class distinctions. This problem is not only widely dispersed geographically, but its incidence is also extensive, making it an accepted behavior (Kaur & Garg, 2008).” Current research has shown that this is a social problem that is impacting a diverse range of individuals in relationships despite any socio-economic and cultural factors. Knowing that this is a social problem affecting such a wide range of individuals despite any distinctions, I believed that through choosing to address this issue, I would ultimately be reaching out to a larger audience by spreading awareness as opposed to focusing on the issue alone to one group of...
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...Assignment: Audience Analysis Paper Dejaree Warrington May 10, 2010 COM/285 Heidi Frei Audience Analysis Paper In any business people will work with others that have different lifestyles and backgrounds. Many have different attitudes, beliefs, and values that come with diversity in an organization. This essay will address a situation where a person has to present quarterly sales information at a meeting. The group of people includes: managers, customers, salespeople, and skateholders. The essay will focus on communications with this type of audience and how one must approach the situation. The essay will focus on the characteristics of the audience, and explain the communication channels appropriate for this situation. Because the diversity of the audience is so important, the essay will provide some considerations to keep in mind on how to communicate with different groups. Last, I will speak of the ways to ensure messages are effective when communication with an audience. Much of the characteristics that are considered are the correspondence to the audience. Since the quarterly sales information is presented to more than one person, the individual must conduct information persisting to the topics of the audience. One well known way to get information out is through a PowerPoint Presentation. In most cases this involves being face to face with the audience. Sometimes Individuals will show spreadsheets, graphs, or important bullet notes to help the audience understand...
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...Audience Analysis and Reception Paul Adams XBCOM/275 6/1/2014 Karen Wright There are several lines of business that require an individual to write reports for their management. This may be statistics based on the production numbers or it could be ways to improve a current process in place. In order to write the correct report it is important to know which part of management you will be writing this report for. Some levels of management may need a quick recap of the information while others need in depth information. Addressing the right audience will help in writing an accurate and informative report. The needs of the management can be address by knowing and confirming what they are looking for. A manager over a group of individuals who produce sales is more in need of current sales and comparisons to prior periods. They need to know how the business is trending to ensure that there are enough employees available when needed or if they need to cut back on hours, such as overtime. Depending on the line of business, the manager may also need to order more goods so the sales can be completed. On the other hand, if the manager is only interested in the current process in place and how to improve them, it would be better to write a report specifically about the processes than the sales. These managers may want to create new or improve processes in order to have a more cohesive work environment. These managers may not be involved in everyday business so they need to...
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