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Adhd and the Effect of Drugs and Diet


Submitted By ninnners81
Words 1720
Pages 7
ADHD and the Effect of Drugs and Diet There are so many people with Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder ranging from age 3 to adult. Many believe in medicating for this disorder, and then many believe in special diet and exercise to helps treat this disorder. Depending on how severe, I believe is how the disorder should be treated. Inchildren I think they should be automatically treated with diet and exercise. ADHD is more known as the abehavioral condition. Experts believe it's a chemical imbalance in the brain that transmits nerve impulses, this may be a factor in the development of ADHD symptoms. Some ADHD symptoms in a child are, they easily get distracted, have a hard time following directions or unable to finish a task, have a hard time paying attention like they are not listening, forgetful on what daily tasks are supposed to be done, and usually have a hard time sitting still. Symptoms in an adult are chronic lateness, anxiety, low self-esteem, employment problems, anger issues, addiction, poor organization skills, procrastination, mood swings, depression, and relationship problems. It is possible that ADHD is hereditary and passed on from other family members who have had this disorder. It seems that some parents and teachers see some symptoms of ADHD through behavioral problems and are quick to judge that a child must have this disorder. Some may even be quick to give medication. I believe there are some severe cases that indeed may need to be medicated to control their behavior and issues. In most cases when it comes to young children, in my opinion, it would be better to have a well-planned out schedule to be able to maintain everyday events and activities at home and school. Plan for parents and teachers to stick to and help prepare their child. Plan that also includes diet and exercise which is the most important part of

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