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Submitted By akbar11180
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Top of Form | | Status | | | | | DELHI PRIVATE SCHOOL, SHARJAH | FORM NO: | | | 1647441 | | UNDER THE AEGIS OF DPS SOCIETY, NEW DELHI, INDIA | | | P.O. BOX-26005 SHJ., U.A.E. TEL: +971-6-5345352, FAX:+971-6-5345858 | 2016-2017 | | Email: Website: | | | | Class KG-I | | | | Signature | | REGISTRATION FORM FOR ADMISSION | | | | | | | CHILD'S DETAILS | | Student's Name: | ANUM FATIMA | | Student's Calling Name: | ANUM | | Gender: | Female | Place of Birth: | INDIA | | Date of Birth: | 6-Jan-2012 | Age on 31-7-2016: | 4 Years & 6 Months | | Nationality: | Indian | Religion: | Islam | | | | | Emirates ID: | 784201221416189 | Valid Till: | 22-Jun-2016 | | PASSPORT AND VISA DETAILS | | | | | PASSPORT NO: | K2427229 | VALID DATE: | 6-Feb-2017 | VISA: | Issued | VISA NO: | 35247556 | VALID DATE: | 22-Jun-2016 | PREVIOUS SCHOOL'S DETAILS | School Name: | | Location: | Outside UAE | Last Class Attended: | | Last Date: | | Medium: | | Board: | | ACADEMIC RECORD IN LAST ANNUAL EXAMINATION IN PREVIOUS SCHOOL | | S. No. | SUBJECT NAME | SCORE | | | 1 | ENGLISH | | | | 2 | 2nd LANGUAGE | | | | 3 | MATHEMATICS | | | | 4 | SCIENCE | | | | 5 | SOCIAL SCIENCE | | | | 6 | % OF ENGLISH, SCIENCE & MATHS | | | ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORTS/ ARTS/ MUSIC OR OTHER CO-CURRICULAR AREA | WON AWARDS FOR VARIOUS COMPETITION | | | | FATHER'S DETAILS | NAME: | TARIQ IQBAL | QUALIFICATIONS: | Master in Business Administration | UNIVERSITY: | Lucknow University | OCCUPATION: | Corporate Banker | ORGANISATION: | Sharjah Islamic Bank | DESIGNATION: | Relationship Manager | ARE YOU DPS SHARJAH STAFF: | No | JOINING DATE: | |

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