...There are a range of jobs available for those currently hoping to work in London, Ontario. London continues to expand and flourish as a city rich in opportunities; this is especially true for the tech industry. If you are planning to move to London, Ontario, or already reside there, and are unsure of the jobs available, look into partnering with a staffing agency. Staffing agencies are housed with professional recruiters who are well-equipped to help you in your job search. There is a variety of positions currently available in London, Ontario. They range from mechanical engineers to administrative assistants. The positions also vary with regards to prior work experience; therefore, if you are a new job seeker looking for an entry-level position or an individual seeking a senior...
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...STUDENT NUMBER: 016-525-057 TABLE OF CONTENTS Job Ad ..............................................................................................................1-2 Interview Plan ……………………………………………………………...3-8 Beginning-Preparing for the Interview * Conduct a Job Analysis * Develop questions in advance * Develop Rating Scales * Determine the Purpose and Format of the Interview * Train Interviewers Middle-During the Interview * Provide Background * Interview Do’s * Use Probes * Take Notes * Closing the Interview End-After the Interview * Score Responses * Follow-up * Conduct Further Assessment with Reference Checks * Make a Selection * Reminders Developing a Set of Six (6) Competencies.....................................................9-11 * Core Competencies * Functional Competencies * Job- Specific Competencies * Behavioural Descriptive Interview (BDI) Style Question * Answering Behavioural Interview Questions Using STAR Formula * Behavioural Questions Behavioural Anchored Rating Scale (BARS).......................................12 Rating Scales.........................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.13-14 Appendices * Appendix A- Interview Questions and Answers..............................................15-19 Rationale for Selecting/Not Selecting Candidate ................................................20-21 ...
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...predict which applicants will be successful if hired. These devices aim to be not only valid, but also reliable. Validity is proof that the relationship between the selection device and some relevant job criterion exists. Reliability is an indicator that the device measures the same thing consistently. For example, it would be appropriate to give a keyboarding test to a candidate applying for a job as an administrative assistant. However, it would not be valid to give a keyboarding test to a candidate for a job as a physical education teacher. If a keyboarding test is given to the same individual on two separate occasions, the results should be similar. To be effective predictors, a selection device must possess an acceptable level of consistency. Application forms For most employers, the application form is the first step in the selection process. Application forms provide a record of salient information about applicants for positions, and also furnish data for personnel research. Interviewers may use responses from the application for follow-up questions during an interview. These forms range from requests for basic information, such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers, to comprehensive personal history profiles detailing applicants' education, job experience skills, and accomplishments. According to the Uniform Selection Guidelines of the EEOC, which establish standards that employers must meet to prevent disparate or unequal treatment, any employment requirement...
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...101 Lauren Powell BUS 670 Legal Environment (MOD1533A) Jennifer Stephens September 15, 2015 Interviewing: 101 Preparing for a job interview is one of the hardest things to do for both the interviewer and the interviewee. The interviewee has been selected out of who knows how many people to sit face to face and speak with someone who has the key to their success in getting this position in their hand. Of course the interviewee wants to show that they are the best fit for the job and want to do everything in their power to make sure they have a fighting chance. While the interviewer has the responsibility and job to find the right person for the job. Doing all the research Sitting in interview after interview can be overwhelming for both parties but in the end, the goal is to find someone that will dedicate their time, effort and commitment to being the best they can be in the role in which they applied. When I was a supervisor a couple of years ago at a movie theater, one of my jobs were to sit in on the interviews and help with the hiring process. Interviews are never the most exciting but the goal is to be as professional and as friendly as possible. You never want the interviewee to leave feeling uncomfortable or violated in any kind of way. If my supervisor set me in place to hire a new, full-time administrative assistant for my job, I would put out an advertisement that is straight to the point on what I am looking for. I want to make sure the person applying...
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...however, able to interview my internship supervisor who is the youth services program coordinator at Mansfield Youth Services. Even though Pat is a clinical psychologist who works with at-risk youth instead of military youth, I do aspire to be a youth services program coordinator, so she was the perfect choice....
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...Journal of Applied Psychology 2003, Vol. 88, No. 5, 852– 865 Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0021-9010/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.5.852 An Investigation of Race and Sex Similarity Effects in Interviews: A Multilevel Approach to Relational Demography Joshua M. Sacco Aon Consulting Christine R. Scheu, Ann Marie Ryan, and Neal Schmitt Michigan State University This research studied the effects of race and sex similarity on ratings in one-on-one highly structured college recruiting interviews (N 708 interviewers and 12,203 applicants for 7 different job families). A series of hierarchical linear models provided no evidence for similarity effects, although the commonly used D-score and analysis-of-variance– based interaction approaches conducted at the individual level of analysis yielded different results. The disparate results demonstrate the importance of attending to nested data structures and levels of analysis issues more broadly. Practically, the results suggest that organizations using carefully administered highly structured interviews may not need to be concerned about bias due to the mismatch between interviewer and applicant race or sex. There is a large body of literature supporting the notion that demographic similarity affects important outcomes at work (see Riordan, 2000; Williams & O’Reilly, 1998, for a review). For instance, researchers have reported that demographic similarity is positively related to communication...
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...- more 1111111 500,000 copi c« sold - 101 GREAT ANSWERS -to the- 101 GREAT ANSWERS TO THE TOUGHEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS SIXTH EDITION Ron Fry Course Technology PTR A part of Cengage Learning [pic] Australia, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States [pic] 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions, Sixth Edition Ron Fry Publisher and General Manager, Course Technology PTR: Stacy L. Hiquet Associate Director of Marketing: Sarah Panella Manager of Editorial Services: Heather Talbot Marketing Manager: Mark Hughes Acquisitions Editor: Mitzi Koontz Project Editor: Jenny Davidson PTR Editorial Services Coordinator: Jen Blaney Interior Layout Tech: Bill Hartman Cover Designer: Luke Fletcher Indexer: Larry Sweazy Proofreader: Kate Shoup Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 USA © 2009 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution...
Words: 52390 - Pages: 210
...Sample Interview Questions with Suggested Ways of Answering Q. Tell me about yourself. A. This is the dreaded, classic, open-ended interview question and likely to be among the first. It's your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Keep it mostly work and career related. Q. Why do you want to leave your current job? (Why did you leave your last job?) A. Be careful with this. Avoid trashing other employers and making statements like, "I need more money." Instead, make generic statements such as, "It's a career move." Q. What are your strengths? A. Point out your positive attributes related to the job. Q. What are your weaknesses? A. Everybody has weaknesses, but don't spend too much time on this one and keep it work related. Along with a minor weakness or two, try to point out a couple of weaknesses that the interviewer might see as strengths, such as sometimes being a little too meticulous about the quality of your work. (Avoid saying "I work too hard." It's a predictable, common answer.) For every weakness, offer a strength that compensates for it. Q. Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself? A. Answer with positive, work-oriented adjectives, such as conscientious, hard-working, honest and courteous, plus a brief description or example of why each fits you well. Q. What do you know about our company? A. To answer this one, research the company before you interview. Q. Why do you want to work for us? A. Same as above. Research the company...
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...Table of content Research Background 1 Culture Research 1 1. Consumer Culture: Nail Preference Culture 1 2. When and where were the observations/interviews done? 1 3. Consumer List 2 4. Consumer theory Analysis 2 5. Observation Outline and Question List for Interview. 7 6. Who is the target of this culture? (Both demographic and psychographic profile of the individuals) 7 7. Group Members and their contribution to the project 8 Appendix I 9 Nail Preference Culture of Female Consumers Research Background Since marketers successfully promote the slogan “It is women’s nature to be beauty”, it seems also well-explained a phenomenon why in current market female consumer exists huge growth potential to marketers to pay attention to it. In this research project, we are trying to explore the nail preference culture of female consumers and understand their potential behavior motivations. In order to get practical information from this group of consumers, we interviewed some consumers in Nail D’Amour nail salon store as well as its nail specialist. In addition, we used value – Utilitarian Value/Hedonic Value, Motivation – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Decision Making Process Model these three theories to explain behavior and motivations of these consumers. According to the interviewing results, we found that this group of consumers love doing nail is mainly due to its Hedonic value which satisfies consumers’ emotional demands to make...
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...Job Interview Answer: What is Your Greatest Weakness? When you're asked what your greatest weakness is, try to turn a negative into a positive. For example, a sense of urgency to get projects completed or wanting to triple-check every item in a spreadsheet can be turned into a strength i.e. you are a candidate who will make sure that the project is done on time and your work will be close to perfect. Note that the term "weakness" isn't used in the sample answers - you always want to focus on the positive when interviewing. * When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. * Being organized wasn't my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills. * I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time. * I used to wait until the last minute to set appointments for the coming week, but I realized that scheduling in advance makes much more sense. * I would say that I can be too much of a perfectionist in my work. Sometimes, I spend more time than necessary on a task, or take on tasks personally that could easily be delegated to someone else. Although I've never missed a deadline, it is still an effort for me to know when to move on to the next task...
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...talent of winning people over in the first impression isn’t necessarily a natural gift. Just like anything thing in life, the more you practice, the better you get. The better you get, the benefits will become more and more apparent. Interviewing for a job is the most important part of the hiring process. Once you have succeeded in getting the interview, you have the opportunity to sell yourself and give them exactly what they are looking for in an employee. This is your time to shine and make sure that they know you are the one that they want. Whether it’s interviewing for a social club or organization, or for the job of your dreams, the skills you possess will carry you to success. There are simple techniques that are very important in the interviewing process. Eye contact is essential when you are communicating with anyone. Before meeting with the potential employer, do your research. Make sure you know about the company and what your position requires. This way you are able to have a vision of what is expected before meeting face to face. Knowing how to communicate effectively is the most important part of the interview. Non-verbal communication is much...
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...with working with the elderly? Roger questions? 1) How are the funds allocated for human service organizations? 2) What is the difference between a non-profit and for-profit human service organization? 3) What are some of the guidelines for allocated funds from the federal government? 4) Does the funds give them the authority to dictate the organizations day to day operations? Conduct an interview with a social services lobbyist within your state legislature. Use the same form of interview questions as in previous group interviews but include the following: • Discuss the role of the lobbyist as a social advocate. • How do his or her positions as a lobbyist affect social policy changes? • How are dollars for human services acquired? What role do they play? • Does the interviewee see his or her role as a policy changer or as a funding advocate? Why? • What does he or she envision as the future for human services? Will we as a society fund more or less to those in need? As a group, prepare a 2- to 3-page paper summarizing this interview As a group, discuss all three interviews and summarize the role of advocate, mediator, and lobbyist in the field of human services. Choose a role and discuss its social importance to you. Can we have client advocacy, a forum for conflict resolution, and agents for policy change without competing for limited dollars and resources? Why or why not? What do you see as the most vital...
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... you with the opportunity to discuss your experience and what you might want to do next. Approach or email your supervisor and ask them to meet with you for an exit interview. As your internship begins to wind down, it is important to evaluate yourself and the experience that you had. It is particularly helpful to sit down with your employer for a formal exit interview. After you schedule your exit interview, you should begin by evaluating yourself. Ask yourself some key questions: ␣ Did I find that my internship met the expectations I had when I began? ␣ Did my performance meet my own goals and expectations? ␣ What did I get out of the experience? ␣ Would I consider working at this company after I␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣ ␣ Did I work as hard as I possibly could? What could I have done better? ␣ Did I enjoy this industry? Was the company all that I thought it would be? ␣ What could I have done to make myself more visible? ␣ What did I learn? What was most beneficial to me, and what could I have done without? ␣ ␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣ In the exit interview, your goals are to: 1. Get as much information about your performance as possible. 2. Discuss the possibility of returning as a full-‐time employee or intern (if you...
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...Week 8: Informational Interview Template and Grading Rubric ------------------------------------------------- This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. Week8_Informational_Interview_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. ------------------------------------------------- A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document. There are FIVE steps to the Informational Interview. Step 1: Compile a list of individuals in your target career field whom you would like to interview. Try to identify people who are working at a company in which you are interested. This is a good opportunity to practice your networking skills. Let your classmates, friends, family members, and colleagues know that you need to complete an informational interview with someone in your intended career field. You’ll be amazed at how effective networking can be. Step 2: Prepare a brief introduction of yourself and the purpose(s) of the informational interview. Prepare a list of open-ended questions that would be appropriate to ask during the informational interview. An Internet search using “informational interview” will provide you with many examples of questions you might want to use. Step 3: Practice your interview with a classmate, friend, family member, or colleague and ask them to critique your performance. Identify ways to improve based...
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...Health Care is the leading specialist provider of mental health and learning disabilities services within Greater Manchester area. Our homes and hospitals are well established, which allows service users to integrate with local communities without fear of stigmatization or exclusion which is beneficial to their mental wellbeing. Purpose of this report is to is to ensure that the job description for the role of domestic assistant in Health Care Group, is in line with service delivery and the Care Quality Commissions Essential Standards of Quality and safety under the Health and Social Care Act 2008, as well as updating health and safety policies and procedures. For this reason we are going to conduct the process of job analysis. This report will apply to all Domestic Assistants across Healthcare home and hospital settings. 2- Findings Job analyzing is a process for collecting information about work performed and environment it takes place in, what is the purpose of the job. It identifies the knowledge, skills, abilities and personal competencies people need to perform their work well. From many methods of conducting job analysis, for this process Ive chosen examining documents (incl. job description, person spec, any other job related records), Interviewing job holder, and interviewing line manager. Each one of those methods has got its advantages and disadvantages. While examining documents like job description, gives you precise information about responsibilities of job...
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